Tim Horton's rant


Active member
Jul 7, 2009
Something else to consider...If the DEAL is still on. You can buy a cup of coffee AND either a muffin, or a cookie at McD's for the price of the coffee... I like the chocolate muffin, but in moderation.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
How is he a tough guy?

That is a reasonable request and companies like Tim Hortons should put the customer first.

The sacred name of "Timmies" is becoming tarnished as they continue to lose customers due to inferior products and poor customer service.
Don't pay any attention to this fucktard he just tries to bait me. I've got his ass on ignore.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I loved the blueberry fritters
My favourite donut there. Was pissed they got rid of it. Used to drop $20 a week at Timmies but in the last year or so I may hit one up 1 or 2 times a month. Their eggs are disgusting. Coffee has gone to piss. They don't deserve my dollars anymore.

Jessica S

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2012
My biggest complaint about Tim Hortons is how they feel totally fine sliding a freshly iced donut into a wax bag so that when you take the donut out of the bag, all the icing sticks to the bag and you basically are left with a plain fucking donut. To be honest I don't know how much the donut is "freshly iced" and how much it's just a NEVER SOLIDIFYING icing that they fucking apply to that piece of shit donut to make everybody THINK it's fucking fresh..

Anyway.. I'm getting on in age so restrict myself to one donut every couple of weeks for health reasons.. So when I finally order one, I REALLY fucking want it.. And when that icing comes off in the bag, I just want to go fucking nuts.. I gotta stop going to Tim's...
Lol I can feel your frustration through the screen.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
My biggest complaint about Tim Hortons is how they feel totally fine sliding a freshly iced donut into a wax bag so that when you take the donut out of the bag, all the icing sticks to the bag and you basically are left with a plain fucking donut. To be honest I don't know how much the donut is "freshly iced" and how much it's just a NEVER SOLIDIFYING icing that they fucking apply to that piece of shit donut to make everybody THINK it's fucking fresh..

Anyway.. I'm getting on in age so restrict myself to one donut every couple of weeks for health reasons.. So when I finally order one, I REALLY fucking want it.. And when that icing comes off in the bag, I just want to go fucking nuts.. I gotta stop going to Tim's...
*comforts you*


Well-known member
Tim Horton's Food is shit. I've eaten their food about 5 times in 5 years.Each time it's accompanied with a god awful bout of acid reflux.Can't imagine the crap they put in their food.Tim Horton's food is shit.


Thx, I've seen that place but never stopped. I will now :)

I don't know Kingston that well, I discovered it by accident.

It is a bit south of the police station. Across the intersection there is a convinence store. In the same mini mall there is a pizza place [godfathers?] and some jebus cult thing.
If you approach from the north you might miss it as the mall faces south. I'd guess a bit closer to the lake than the 401 but not by much.

472 Division St, Kingston

The reviews are pretty spot on. I used to bring a dozen back with me when passing through to pass out to the local yokals here. That is how good they are.

I thought it was coffee something I thought it was time but I guess not.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
So my complaining finally got her to relent and have the sandwich preparer toast the bread.
So in other words, you put the cashier in a bad spot by forcing her to go against the company's directive. It's her job to follow those directives. Personally I think it's a stupid rule too, but such complaints should be directed to people who can actually change them.

It would be incredibly odd for her to bullshit you about something like that. Unless you had already pissed her off.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
I only buy hot choc and ham and cheese sandwich's from Timmy's. I have to have my sandwich's toasted/heated up to really enjoy them.
Toronto Escorts