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Thoughts on SPs who cancel on same day bookings???


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
I have recently been cancelled by the same SP twice on the day of the booking. I am not bitter as this person had a legitimate reason, especially for today, for cancelling, but there does seem to be some hypocrisy here. If I did the same for the same reasons, i would be expected to pay the cancellation fee yet when it happens this way there really is nothing. I believe my time is as valuable as anyone's. I appreciate that this is a livelihood for the SPs which 8s why I respect the cancellation policy as I would for any other service that required advanced bookings but I never liked it when my dentists or RMT cancelled on the same day either and expected me to pay a fee if I did the same. I get it that I can take my business elsewhere, and will undoubtedly do that considering that this has happened twice in a row, but it is frustrating. Was wondering what your thoughts are on this.

Please note that I have no intention of exposing who this provider is as I do not want to hurt their income potential given that they at least had the courtesy to let me know ahead of time (a couple 9f hours before our scheduled appt) and I believe that they are a reputable provider.
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Active member
May 29, 2015
This has happened to me a few times, and it sucks for sure.

I have a 3 strike policy, that if they cancel on me without at least a few hours notice, I don't see them again
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Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Some providers do offer compensation for last minute cancellations, such as a discount or extra time on a re-book. Yes, it sucks and there are some on here who would say to always have a back up plan. As you say, the best thing to do if a provider is unreliable is move on to someone who isn't. Having said that, given the realities of this business the occasional cancellation is going to happen. What you describe, however, hints at poor organization or double booking (she has you booked but cancels last minute when a "better" client comes along). IMHO some people are reliable and some people aren't, the "reasons" are largely bullshit.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Sometimes, if I feel that they are giving me a better rate than their asking/hoping rate, I understand, because if they have an opportunity to get an additional $50 for an hour visit, then I don't blame them, but that is just thinking as a business for her. If I have met them before, it is rare that they may cancel, and also, some may cancel, if a regular requests a visit. I know I have been the beneficiary of that situation, as well. That's also good business to treat your regulars better than those an SP has never met before.


May 2, 2020
It's a 2 way street however escort time is more valuable than John's time. Suck it up buttercup. Let her get a third strike or block her.


New member
Sep 30, 2020
I agree with the 3 strike rule as well. Unless you truly trust the reason why, after 3 times it's not worth the effort. I've had the same thing happen to me several times. Sometimes they offer me a lower rate on the second time. But doesn't always happen that way


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Just utilize dependable providers.

When they cancel, you should be happy.

Do you really want to pay for a session with a provider who does not want to be there ?

That sounds sadistic.

I just want a great provider feeling at her best.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
I really dont have as much of a problem with the cancellation as I do the double standard. If I cancel same day I pay a fee but if an SP cancels it is "life". No difference if you ask me. What screws it up from being a reciprocal understanding is the fact that guys np show which makes providers feel as though they need a cancelation fee.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
🤣 I wouldn't say tard but does seem like a petty type personality.

Just utilize dependable providers.

When they cancel, you should be happy.

Do you really want to pay for a session with a provider who does not want to be there ?

That sounds sadistic.

I just want a great provider feeling at her best.
Tho I do feel a moment of "ugh" when cancelled upon on the day of, but I get over it quickly enough. Think of it as blessings in disguise.
I'd rather reschedule than going in for a lacklustre session.
I've been lucky enough to say my patience has many times been rewarded greatly. ;)
I'm not the "I must have it now" type when it comes to partaking in this industry as I fully consider this a luxury and not a necessity.


Oct 24, 2018
Just utilize dependable providers.

When they cancel, you should be happy.

Do you really want to pay for a session with a provider who does not want to be there ?

That sounds sadistic.

I just want a great provider feeling at her best.
Great advice.
It's always better when they can enjoy it too.

It depends on how in advance they give you for a cancellation.
If it is with very little notice it can be annoying and a discount or extra hh or something could be offered.

I've cancelled or tried to set something up with a regular a few times and gave her an extra $60 to show I valued her time and availability. Other times, I just paid half. (only with regulars)

It should always be determined on a case by case basis.
Shit happens, somethings shouldn't or simply can't be revealed from personal life.
But if someone oversteps on another's generosity or a pattern emerges, it's probably time to part ways.

I'd probably need more details to render a decision on this particular case.


Oct 31, 2019
I would appreciate her letting me know ahead of time than ghost me after I have arrived.

Agree with WULA, I'd rather have it cancelled than have a disappointing session.
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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
I agree. I appreciated the message ahead of time (I got an email just under two hours before the session. As mentioned, I was fine with the reason, but I point out that if I was the one cancelling at that point, I would be expected to pay a cancellation fee. To be clear, I am glad she canceled rather than ghosting. I moved on in the end but was curious about peoples thoughts on the double standard of hobbyists having to face cancellation fees and SPs not. At no point was I trying to suggest that an SP cant cancel. Of course she can, lifr happens, but it also gets in the way for hobbyists too.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2014
This is why I at least frequent spas. Anytime I've had an issue with girls no-showing, canceling due to their own reasons, or double-booking, CMJ has always comped me a door fee for next session. Not sure if Brass or other spas do this but if definitely helps lessen the sting.
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Active member
Jun 19, 2007
I've had it happen a few times, when it happens with a few hours or longer in advance, with a legit reason, then I have no issue, although it is noted in the back of my mind. It happened once where I drove out to their location, parked, texted "I'm here" and the reply was "something came up" with no other explanation. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth and will no doubt not go back.
It something we have to deal with in this industry and its our right to choose how to react to it.



Well-known member
Feb 1, 2020
I've had a girl long enough to understand that sometimes girls go through a rough time of their lives and "work" must take a backseat. During the good times my girl never cancels, during the bad times she cancels a lot more. It happens to all of us.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
It always sucks when someone cancels on you regardless of what it is for. The reality is life happens and this is no different. Though they all come across as goddesses, they are people who have shit happen in their lives so they deal with it. Either try again or move on. I have recently had two ladies cancel on me and both seemed genuinely apologetic. One even offered a discount on pur next session together. By no means is that expected but it was a great gesture that made me believe she cared about my time.


Active member
Feb 7, 2018
It always sucks when someone cancels on you regardless of what it is for. The reality is life happens and this is no different. Though they all come across as goddesses, they are people who have shit happen in their lives so they deal with it. Either try again or move on. I have recently had two ladies cancel on me and both seemed genuinely apologetic. One even offered a discount on pur next session together. By no means is that expected but it was a great gesture that made me believe she cared about my time.
I do think that if you as a client have to pay a fee if you cancel it would only be fair to have a similar discount if you get cancelled.
When it happens at the last minutes. Same rules for both and if the cancellation is made like 24 hours priors, no fee as it give both party time
to fill in the gap...

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Active member
Jun 19, 2007
lol...nice... you have me confused with someone else alma, as did Rachel who i spoke with and straightened out the mistaken identity.
what made you think i was talking about you?
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