So if this
was an assassination attempt (Very much unconfirmed at this point.) why are Sovereign Citizen types and other right wingers after him?
Is it a weird thing where his authoritarianism has become so obvious that some of the weirder fringes of the right wing movement are worried?
A strange confluence whereby their paranoia has led them full circle because unlike so many libertarian/sovereign citizen types, they actually
do worry about an authoritarian, even if he is one they approve of?
Or is there a whole bleeding edge of conspiracy theory that has made Trump a pawn of the Jews or the Space Aliens or something and he is supposed to be controlled opposition or a clone or something?
Vem Miller, 49, contradicted a local sheriff who said he was there to kill the former president, calling the charges “bulls---” while claiming he is a staunch supporter of Trump.
Local law enforcement described Miller as a ‘lunatic’ sovereign citizen plotting to kill Donald Trump – but he has reportedly denied meaning the former president any harm
Kinda want a "Vivek is trying to get Trump killed" conspiracy theory to emerge now.