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Things About a Women That Turn You Off.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Troops said:
Train......all i'm saying is that i'd rather party with a room full of drunks than a room full of stoners.
I know Troops.....there are exceptions though . There is a certain HDH sp in Montreal that turns into a sexual maniac when she has had a few tokes ( she supplies ...I watch....sometimes have a toke or two , but not often.....and then just strap on my seat belt ) .


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Troops said:
Train......all i'm saying is that i'd rather party with a room full of drunks than a room full of stoners.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that the stereotype stoners you see on TV or on the streets are "typical". The vast majority are "ordinary" people who choose to use MJ instead of (or as well as) alcohol.

You also need to distinguish between the hard-core druggie who'll do anything for a buzz (including MJ), and the far more common social/medical users.

Obviously you've had some bad experiences somewhere, and they've left you with some inaccurate stereotypes.

Did you never light up in college/university, and go out to play frisbee, golf, just walk around, whatever? Are the only tokers you know the wastoids who veg in front of a TV all day watching drek and playing video games?

I assure you -- that is not the norm. And all you need to do is check out some of the activist boards to realize they are the very public exception.

Think about it -- MJ is illegal in the US and has been in Canada for a long time. People who are responsible are not going around blazed in public -- they're keeping their habits or medication quietly out of the public eye to avoid prosecution and prejudice.

The only ones you "see" in public are the ones who don't care what the public thinks. In other words, you see the "angst ridden" teens and twenty-somethings who are still in their "rebelling against the man" phase.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
OK...back to the original topic . Can someone explain to me why it takes women so freakin' long to order from a restaurant menu ? By the time they order and eat you've lost the mood

I guess if that's my only complaint then things can't be too serious .


Just wanted to point out that as someone who cannot stand smoke- period! I would think being in a nightclub where smoking of any kind is prevelant would be a big no for any pregnant woman. But yeah, the very smell of pot is pungent to say the least....nasty


New member
Feb 12, 2003
train said:
OK...back to the original topic . Can someone explain to me why it takes women so freakin' long to order from a restaurant menu ? By the time they order and eat you've lost the mood
Ain't that the truth. It seems they try all the combinations and permutations possible between the appetizers, main courses and sides. Just when they are getting close something else influences them like calories or what we are having - if anything matches between the orders it's back to square one.

With guys it's - ya, browse menu, I'll have the Caesar Salad and a medium rare NY Strip - total time 60 seconds. We could order, eat and be out the door before they make up their mind.


Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
One of the only things about women that turns me off is their (some of them) willingness to allow themselves to be manipulated into narrowminded, ridiculously limiting stereotypes. We all have something that works for us ladies! If one fella doesn't like what makes you click, another one will. Going a step further, who cares if none of them do. If it floats your boat, sail alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is too short to allow someone to generalize about you, set rules about what is or isn't acceptable behaviour or habits to have because of your gender.

While we're on the decorating the nest topic, too, how many fellas make a huge deal about their lawn. Nesting isn't an exclusively female issue.

Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
Troops, give me a break LOL. My post was intended to be "humourous". As in, "funny". As in "amusing". If I were as mentally incapacitated as you perceived me to be,I would never have whomped up such an engaging, irreverent post. (Sarah pats herself on the back).

Did you not read the part where I stated quite clearly that I had enjoyed A JOINT? Not a series of bowel-chomping BONG hits. I am not a fan of stoners, either, BELIEVE me...they never get anything done and their asses expand as their playstation ability goes up. Dude, ANYTHING in excess which compromises you is dangerous.

And I would like to offer a rousing "Hear, hear!" to the poster who said they'll take a stoner over a drunk any day. I F***ing hate drunks, happy or sad. Turns out when talking to them YOU'RE the one from another planet. Drinking leads to bad judgment. Smoking pot merely leads to no judgment at all.

I'm NOT trying to bait you, Troops. But, if you couldn't glean from my post I was having fun, in a salient, aware fashion, my eyebrows are raised in confusion, head cocked to the side (Sarah takes a long haul off a fat hoolie and contemplates dinner...).


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
zog well said *le wink
jerbear... did we date ?lol seems ive heard that line from my ex...
oh gawd who knew hell froze over? i actually agree with Troops on the smoking pot scared now....

very much anti drugs here!!!

train ....its our way of paying you all back for getting us lost so many times and never stopping to ask for directions!!!


rdhaired_vixen said:
actually agree with Troops on the smoking pot scared now....
lol............why do you have to say my name and the word "crap" in the same sentence?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
rdhaired_vixen said:
zog well said *le wink
jerbear... did we date ?lol seems ive heard that line from my ex...
oh gawd who knew hell froze over? i actually agree with Troops on the smoking pot scared now....

very much anti drugs here!!!

train ....its our way of paying you all back for getting us lost so many times and never stopping to ask for directions!!!
I would never forget a red head.
I only get nasty when smoking pot if someone takes away the pizza box with my face still in it.


Active member
Angel Aurora said:
Alcohol is definitely characterized to be a depressant. It's well know that it dulls the senses and does not allow the body to react to stimuli.
Not to get too far off topic here....

Just to clarify, excessive alcohol does dullen the senses, but (and here's as interesting find) alcohol does work well for women. Research has determined that a small amount of alcohol (one or 2 drinks) actually will increase the sex drive in a woman. The reason? It releases testosterone in women. And we know what happens when you mix testosterone and the opposite sex together.......


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Bless You

things that turn me off about a woman.

When they pat themselves on the back for something they think have done well ( even though no one else thinks this way)

- bless you , for no one else will.


wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
wooly110 said:
And we know what happens when you mix testosterone and the opposite sex together....... get germany's women olympic shot-put team...


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
absolutely agree with you

I've seen toooo many cases of that over the years to even think about tolerating it. evasive hypocrisy and savage cruelty are the two things that make me run screaming OR get really mad.

I'll Be Back said:
Evasive hypocrites. Of course they never lie, they just never tell the truth.


New member
Jun 15, 2003
cerebral types turn me off.......something like a vulcaness with no emotion. Also women who need to always have to put make up on before going out to even the neighbourhood store. A women who can't laugh at herself.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
hapkido said:
cerebral types turn me off.......something like a vulcaness with no emotion. Also women who need to always have to put make up on before going out to even the neighbourhood store. A women who can't laugh at herself.
In reality a cold and unresponsive personality just isn't any fun.

But in theory, the "Star Trek" series has produced an amazing number of stunningly gorgeous, cold, unresponsive women... *g*


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
yes, I agree, cold unresponsive women are like dead fish. theyre just THERE. no sign of life... just merely....


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