The Porn Dude

Things About a Women That Turn You Off.



Angel_Archer said:
Woah! That's putting words in my mouth!

I said that Troopsie is pretty, not pre-op!

Thanks for the correction

I think subdave would make a better pre-op.


Just to add................Women who KNOW that they are hot looking and think they're desireable to EVERY man.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Lady Sarah said:
but saying a woman's cottage cheeses disgusts you is like US saying...oooh! Bald heads! Gross. Shit happens biologically buddy and frankly, we don't need people like yourself criticizing something which NATURE decided on, OK? Women have enough insecurities without people perpetuating some MYTH of perfection.
Troops, I know I became more impassioned as this post went on, I am sure you're a cool guy who meant "cottage cheese" is gross when it's extreme, and a symptom of someone (NOT just women, have you seen a man's pimple, wrinkled, dimpled ass after years of Playstation and marijuana? it's lovely) who doesn't MAINTAIN...but I can't be clear enough that there's no magic bullet. It's there, so you should just be happy you're in bed with someone LOL LOL. Don't be sore...I just needed to be clear. XXXOOO

You forgot small penises!

Look out below....

I like to break things down into two categories.

Category 1 - Things you can't do anything about because heredity can be a bitch.

This includes overall facial appearence, big noses, big hands, big feet, bit of cellulite, bald heads, small tits, small cocks, hairy backs, snoring, etc, etc.

Category 2 - Things that are entirely fixable and are brought on by one's self.

These include smelly pussies (ever hear of a bath, bidet, or douch), obesity (more than 40 pounds overweight), smoking (yech), bad breath, unclean, smoking dope, really bad teeth, etc.

There are things you can do things about, things you can't cause that's what nature has dealt you, and then there is letting yourself go.


Don`t fear the Reaper
Dec 14, 2002
the dark side
More turn offs. Women with beards and mustaches, women who bath in their perfume, hot looking chicks who think their shit doesn't stink, women who don't shut up, and women who just want me for my body!!


New member
May 21, 2003
SenatorFan said:
Women who are totall obsessed with :
-decorating the house
-redecorating the house
-paying for decorating the hous
-putting an addition on the house
-buying new furniture,carpets,antiques for the house
-getting landscaping to outdo the neighbours
...sounds very close to HOME!


Women who chew gum with their mouth open
Women who wear granny panties.

Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
...we wouldn't talk so much if we felt whomever we were talking to was listening the first time.
...or, if that's NOT what jerbear was inferring (meaning, if he just means a chick who talks too damned much, well! I have to say that ...I... I... am sputtering with indignance over here we are NOT all the same and how dare you make so socially volotile a comment...
Oh, Screw this. I was going to try to do this LLOOONNNGGG, wordy missive as comedic counterpoint to jerbear saying we talk too much (you know? Like the Foghorn Leghorn grabbing the black circle which closed cartoons, yelling, "...wouldn't tell 'em I was HUNGRY!!!..."? But, nah. My neighbor just smoked me up and I can't be bothered. You know what, guys? When you get high only ONCE in a blue moon, it's WAY heavier. Overuse it and it just makes you LIFE dull, and you smell like Otto's jacket. Tra-la-la-...Sarah wanders off to make a sandwich...


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
There are so many things...

This is not an indictment of the Female gender...but I find there are many, many, things about women that have the ability to turn me off. I am actually quite picky as to who I find attractive. That said, the fact that I am turned off by a particular woman does not mean that there is something wrong with her...on the contrary, it's more a statement about me and my taste than it is about her!

I think that we need to remember this point. We all have our own tastes and preferences and there's nothing wrong with that. We should not feel guilty because we prefer blondes, tall, busty, thin, or whatever it is that turns us on. We're all entitled to have our personal taste. On the other hand, some people seem to feel that it they don't find someone attractive, that this represents a flaw in the person being reviewed. In fact, all it really means is that the reviewer has tastes that differ from the qualities of the reviewee.

We should be able to express our preferences (and non-preferences) without turning them into insults or flames.

Now, what are some things that don't do it for me?

Personally, I get really turned off by women who try to act like something that they are not. I would rather they speak naturally than try (and fail) to use language or expressions that they are not suited for. I'm always in favour of expanding one's (cunning) linguistic horizons, but if you're already making an effort to use a new word, please make that extra bit of effort to get it right! For me, I don't care if you're educated, rich, poor, unschooled, sophisicated, down-to-earth, or whatever. None of these things really matter as long as you're OK with who you are. When women (or men) try to act like something they are not, it really turns me off...but that's just me, I guess.

I also don't appreciate women who are too confident about themselves. I think that a healthy amount of self-esteem is an excellent thing but there are some women (and men too, but that's another thread) who have an over-inflated opinion of themselves and tend to treat others like it's a priviledge for them to be in the same room.

Of course, the personal choice to be hygenically unclean is not a turn-on for me. I can't force you to shower...but I can't understand how you manage to live with yourself if you don't.

The strongest turn-off, for me, is anyone who exhibits prejudice or bigotry. I feel that there's no place for that in our society and if you can't handle diversity, you should stay home or move to somewhere more boring. There's just no excuse for racist, sexist, or other such attitude. It just shows your insecurity and small-mindedness.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Lady Sarah said:
...we wouldn't talk so much if we felt whomever we were talking to was listening the first time.
...or, if that's NOT what jerbear was inferring (meaning, if he just means a chick who talks too damned much, well! I have to say that ...I... I... am sputtering with indignance over here we are NOT all the same and how dare you make so socially volotile a comment...
Oh, Screw this. I was going to try to do this LLOOONNNGGG, wordy missive as comedic counterpoint to jerbear saying we talk too much (you know? Like the Foghorn Leghorn grabbing the black circle which closed cartoons, yelling, "...wouldn't tell 'em I was HUNGRY!!!..."? But, nah. My neighbor just smoked me up and I can't be bothered. You know what, guys? When you get high only ONCE in a blue moon, it's WAY heavier. Overuse it and it just makes you LIFE dull, and you smell like Otto's jacket. Tra-la-la-...Sarah wanders off to make a sandwich...
Gotta love it HEHEHE!
Don't get me wrong here I love women but some don't know when to stop.
Never sit between my mother and my sister without earplugs.
With men its short and sweet and to the point unless we are drinking , then we start to ramble.
The only way to get my ex to stop talking is to slip 2 aspirin in her mouth.
She says" Why did you do that for I don't have a headache?"
I reply " good you wanna have sex" shuts her up everytime.


Lady Sarah said:
...we wouldn't talk so much if we felt whomever we were talking to was listening the first time.
...or, if that's NOT what jerbear was inferring (meaning, if he just means a chick who talks too damned much, well! I have to say that ...I... I... am sputtering with indignance over here we are NOT all the same and how dare you make so socially volotile a comment...
Oh, Screw this. I was going to try to do this LLOOONNNGGG, wordy missive as comedic counterpoint to jerbear saying we talk too much (you know? Like the Foghorn Leghorn grabbing the black circle which closed cartoons, yelling, "...wouldn't tell 'em I was HUNGRY!!!..."? But, nah. My neighbor just smoked me up and I can't be bothered. You know what, guys? When you get high only ONCE in a blue moon, it's WAY heavier. Overuse it and it just makes you LIFE dull, and you smell like Otto's jacket. Tra-la-la-...Sarah wanders off to make a sandwich...
I have no ideal what the hell you're babbling about.

Just to add to my list.........Chix who babble stuff only they can understand. the quote by sarah. This is why we say no to drugs.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Troops said: the quote by sarah. This is why we say no to drugs.
I just can't keep my mouth shut on this one...

All government propaganda aside, medical marijuana was the number one prescribed treatement for migraines recommended by the AMA for over 80 years prior to prohibition. It was also commonly recommended for arthritis, digestive problems, etc.

I'd spent years dealing with my migraines -- diet changes, dozens of different prescribed meds, change of climate, etc. Nothing helped much, and none of the meds provided by modern science works more than half the time or in less than an hour (an eternity if you have an aura migraine happening.)

Nine months ago, a friend mentioned the AMA's history, and offered to smoke me up to see if it helped. Not only does it work within 5 minutes, it's also about 90% effective at stopping a migraine.

Since then, it's become a regular part of my treatment routine. I'm back up to working a productive 50-60 hours/week, instead of having to struggle to get in 20-30 because of days lost to migraines.

In fairness, I should mention that medical doses are far less than recreational would be. You don't need to feel a "buzz" to get medical effects, at least not for migraines.

Feel free to laugh at the stereotype stoners, just remember that there are a lot of MJ users out there who are responsible about their meds or entertainment. It's like codeine -- medical users take the 1-2 Tylenol 3's their doctor prescribes, recreational users take a handful to get a buzz. The abuse by the recreational users does not negate the medical effects for those who act responsibly.

Nor am I getting "down" on the recreational users. They're not hurting anyone except maybe themselves, same as a drunk. Let 'em have their fun as long as they're not putting anyone else at risk with their behavior.


I just find pot smokers the worst company. Too laid back with slurred speach. I'm a partier who likes to be hyper not lazy.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Aphrodite said:
Groo... Well said... Especially this part...

My only thing is this... I think ti should be kept within the confines of a private enviornment... Would you think I am right or wrong on this?
I've had this discussion at a few times.

In essence, I feel MJ should be under the same kind of restrictions as alcohol. Being drunk or stoned in public, while driving, etc. should be treated the same. The current issue is a lack of roadside sobriety test equipment that can detect active intoxicants, rather than the metabolites that hang around in the system for weeks (i.e. there are tests to determine if you've used, but not to determine if you're intoxicated.)

All the red-herring arguments about making sure it's not available to kids, how to legislate, how to enforce, etc. have the same answer: look to current alcohol and tobacco laws for a model. You can't expect to miraculously keep kids from getting MJ when they haven't figured out a way to keep them from getting smokes.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Aphrodite said:
This makes sense... I think my main concern is that if it is allowed in bars and night clubs... then people in my current situation are not going to be impressed and will be unable to even go dancing.
Given the current anti-smoking bylaws, I think it's safe to presume that if it were legalized and sold the same as alcohol, you'd end up with a seperate room for those who want to light up.

Realistically, the tokers I've known over the years were all pretty laid back people. I'd be more worried about a drunk spoiling for a fight than a toker looking for the Cheetos...


groo39 said:

Realistically, the tokers I've known over the years were all pretty laid back people. I'd be more worried about a drunk spoiling for a fight than a toker looking for the Cheetos...
There are three kinds of drunks.............the happy drunks, the violent drunks and the depressed drunks. The majority being the happy drunks.

Pot smokers are lazy, laid back and boring.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Troops said:
There are three kinds of drunks.............the happy drunks, the violent drunks and the depressed drunks. The majority being the happy drunks.

Pot smokers are lazy, laid back and boring.
Is this your day for gross generalizations Troops ....( and as with the gay wine drinker thread I'm not taking this too seriously so cool your ) .


Train......all i'm saying is that i'd rather party with a room full of drunks than a room full of stoners.
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