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There Will Be a One-State Solution


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Nice attempt to change the topic from the 1967 borders to Gaza.
You said the '67 line should be Israel's border but refuse to admit that means that all those settlements are in what you call Palestine in the West Bank.
Seems pretty clear you were talking about Gaza. You know, the place that Hamas turned into a terror base after Israeli ended their occupation.

Over that last year and a bit Israel has killed over 200 civilian protesters and injured 14,000 more.
Those are the real war crimes and indiscriminate attacks on civilians that you continue to support.
You are the one supporting attacks on civilians here.
What do you call the walls with snipers who shoot anyone who gets within 100 metres?
Civilian border police?

Gaza is under military occupation by Israel, just because they rule it like the Warsaw Ghetto was ruled doesn't make it any less of an occupation.
What would you do if you were stuck in Gaza?
Profess your love for snipers?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I see, so you think the problem wasn't that Jewish terrorists were killing Palestinians but instead that Palestinians (who you have to call 'Arabs') who warned other Palestinians about Jewish terrorism are to blame?
That's pretty disgusting, basketcase.
Why do you deny that significant Arab terrorism targeting Jews before there even were any Jewish terror groups?

You also might try reading any historian. They will acknowledge that the Arab leadership happily spread fear as part of their promotion of violence. Recordings of their radio broadcasts are still available.

And yes, under the Ottomans and Brits, 'Palestinian' typically referred to Jews indigenous to the region. The Arabs including the numerous terrorists referred to themselves as Arabs at the time as much of their leadership was based in Damascus. They didn't adopt the name 'Palestinians' until the 60's.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Seems pretty clear you were talking about Gaza. You know, the place that Hamas turned into a terror base after Israeli ended their occupation.
Funny you call it a terror base when the killing there is by Israelis.
You've got them all walled up in an open air prison where the guards shoot them for protesting every Friday and you think that its Gaza that's committing terrorism?

And if you think that Israel's borders are the 1967 borders then you should support a call to hand over all of the settlements to Palestinian rule as part of the two state solution you claim to back.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why do you deny that significant Arab terrorism targeting Jews before there even were any Jewish terror groups?
Why do you defend present day terrorism, from 'mowing the grass' to counting calories to shooting protesters every Friday to shooting farmers in their fields if they get too close to the prison walls?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Funny you call it a terror base when ....
It's amazing the lengths you will go to denying and deflecting from the fact that Hamas and many of the other Palestinian factions are terrorists. Just like in the China thread, I'll stand with the Western democracies in their description of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and such rather than siding with Saudi Arabia and Iran.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why do you defend present day terrorism, ...
Says the guy who says it's racist to call Hamas terrorists, even when Hamas admits they are behind attacks on random civilians. Only you would refer to providing aid to a hostile territory as terrorism.

And I know you hate actual history because it destroys your ridiculous hate-fest but large scale Arab attacks on Jews in the region began in 1919, mostly focused on Palestinian, non-zionist Jews. The first Jewish terror group formed as a result of widespread anti-Jewish riots in 1929.

But that's just historical facts so go ahead and ignore them as they don't further your obsession.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's amazing the lengths you will go to denying and deflecting from the fact that Hamas and many of the other Palestinian factions are terrorists. .
Israel shoots civilians every Friday for protesting for basic human rights.
Israel commits way more acts of terrorism than any Palestinian faction, if you want to stop terrorism stop supporting Israel.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Yesterday the Palestinian Arabs fired rockets into Israel, again. In the event of a one state, will this be considered a friendly fire?
The Western Mainstream Media never tells you why the 'Arabs' fired rockets into Israel.

Typically, it's after Israel fired a guided missile at a car travelling in a very densely populated Arab area (namely Gaza) with the goal of eliminating an undesirable opponent, but killing at the same time a score of innocent bystanders.

The Western Mainstream Media is corrupt and highly politicized. You may have freedom of the press, but you do not have journalistic freedom. A journalist who reports facts, and all the facts, gets terminated when what they write is contrary to the narrative. Don't be fooled by freedom of the press: it is simply the freedom of the Publisher (owner) to dictate to editors and reporters the slant they want to appear in their articles. In Canada, the National Post and the Globe and Mail try to outdo each other on their own narrative, but at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Both are now trash papers.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
At one point, Arafat would have your broken your kneecaps (the mayor of Nablus) if you argued against a two-state solution.

But after the Oslo agreement stalled and unraveled, he swung against that and favoured a one-state Israel-Palestinian confederation.

Israel has had a choice for many decades: A two state solution where Israel maintains a Jewish majority, or a one state solution where Arabs will outnumber Jews because of the great difference in birth rate.

The latter solution can be negated if Israel becomes an apartheid state.

However, there is a chance that, in an integrated one-state solution, that the Jewish majority can be maintained: Because whereas the secular Jewish birth rate is negative, the Orthodox-Hassidic birth rate is astronomical. The problem is that Israel is turning into a religious fundamentalist state with the growing influence of religious parties, holding the secular ruling party hostage in their proportional representation electoral system. More and more Israelis are emigrating to France/Canada/US because they can't stand the religious nonsense, further accelerating that possibility.

In any case, Israel's character is changing as a result of the abandonment of the 2 state solution by the right wing parties.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Says the guy who says it's racist to call Hamas terrorists, even when Hamas admits they are behind attacks on random civilians. Only you would refer to providing aid to a hostile territory as terrorism.

And I know you hate actual history because it destroys your ridiculous hate-fest but large scale Arab attacks on Jews in the region began in 1919, mostly focused on Palestinian, non-zionist Jews. The first Jewish terror group formed as a result of widespread anti-Jewish riots in 1929.

But that's just historical facts so go ahead and ignore them as they don't further your obsession.
I suggest you read 'Sacred Terrorism' by Livia Rokach. She was the daughter of a former Israeli Interior minister in the first decade of Israel's existence. It is based on the diaries of Moshe Sharret, Israel's second Prime Minister after Ben Gurion.

Not being in the Zionist inner circle, Sharret was often deceived by his political entourage. It was all about territorial expansion at all cost: that even included false flag slaughtering Jewish settlers in border areas and blaming it on the Arabs, as an excuse to grab more land. Jordan had placed a large number of troops near the border, not to attack Israel, but to prevent Arabs bandits from crossing the border and harming Israelis in order to avoid retaliation.

Israeli leaders were full of dirty tricks during these times. The most infamous was the Lavon affair (he was Foreign Minister), where Israel was caught with its pants down blowing up a Cairo Synagogue and blaming it on the 'Arabs' and a hostile government in order to encourage Egyptian Jews to flee and emigrate to Israel. Unbeknownst to them until their arrival, a lot of these Sephardic Jews from Arab lands were immediately conscripted into the Army. (Arafat spoke fluent Hebrew; that's because when he went to university in Cairo as a young man, he lived in the Jewish quarter and had Jewish friends).

Although Sharett's diaries were published in Hebrew, the governments of the day got its translated publication banned.

BTW, Rokach was assassinated in Rome in 1984. Likely a Mossad hit job.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israel shoots ..
Israel shoots violent rioters trying to cross a border with the clearly stated goal of eliminating Israel. Sad that you want to defend the rights of violent protesters while justifying Hamas to firing rockets, kidnapping youth, and bombing civilian targets.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The Western Mainstream Media never tells you why the 'Arabs' fired rockets into Israel.....
Do you think there is any justification for firing unguided missiles towards civilian populations? Even if your claims were true about the reasons, do you think Israel targeting a military figure justifies Palestinian factions targeting civilians?

(and sorry but you might want to check your facts. As far as I can tell, the only Israeli strikes recently are either hitting Hamas facilities in response for rocket fire or hitting a rocket crew as they were launching)

At one point, Arafat would have your broken your kneecaps (the mayor of Nablus) if you argued against a two-state solution. ....
He might have been angry at public statements to Western media but the armed wing of his party still sees the elimination of the Jewish presence as their mandate.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... that even included false flag slaughtering Jewish settlers in border areas and blaming it on the Arabs,....
Sorry but I call bullshit on your conspiracy theories. Try reading any actual historian on any side of the conflict. Large scale Arab attacks on Jews started in 1919 and for some reason targeted the non-zionist Jews who had been there for centuries. Irgun didn't form until after the large scale anti-Jewish riots in 1929.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel shoots violent rioters trying to cross a border with the clearly stated goal of eliminating Israel..
Women, children, medics and journalists are regularly shot by Israelis with the goal of eliminating Palestine and Palestinians.
Not to mention unarmed protesters.

Not to mention that the prison walls of Gaza are not a recognized border, just the ghetto walls.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Last month, 30,000 people crossed the border, 3 million L of gas were shipped in, 215,000 tons of goods entered. I wonder how much of that Hamas stole from their people.
The UN says Gaza will be uninhabitable by next year.
97% of the water is already undrinkable.
There is only limited hours of electricity
Most of the population is now reliant on aid after 12 years of illegal blockade.

This is as bad as China's concentration camps, why do you think Israel's actions are good and China's bad?


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
You also might try reading any historian. They will acknowledge that the Arab leadership happily spread fear as part of their promotion of violence. Recordings of their radio broadcasts are still available.

No such recordings exist.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Sorry but I call bullshit on your conspiracy theories. Try reading any actual historian on any side of the conflict. Large scale Arab attacks on Jews started in 1919 and for some reason targeted the non-zionist Jews who had been there for centuries. Irgun didn't form until after the large scale anti-Jewish riots in 1929.

I gave you a historically valid reference that can easily be found on the internet, but you refuse to acknowledge it. That's because it conflicts with your dogma Zionist brainwash. You've got your head in the sand. But not all Jews believe this squeaky clean IDF being the righeous moral army, bla bla bla. They are regularly involved in war crimes.

Here's a recent interview with an ex-Zionist Gabor Maté, conducted by his son Aaron. You should pay attention and broaden your horizons.

Of course, you're probably so brainwashed that you'll accuse them of being self-hating Jews..... just like Professon Normn Finkelstein has been accused.

Addendum: Here: I did the research for you: Livia Rokach's book "Sacred Terrorism", full version, prefaced by another 'self-hating Jew', Noam Chomsky.'s Sacred Terrorism_djvu.txt


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
One of my colleagues's father was a confirmed Zionist before he left North Africa in the 1950's to emigrate to Israel. In 3 years, he left in disgust and renounced Zionism. Another colleague was a Morrocan Jew, emigrating to Canada: he confirmed that Mossad was blowing up Synagogues in Arab countries the 1950's and blaming in on the governemnt secret police in order to chase Jews away. In reality, it was Mossad creating false flag incidents in order to scare people and increase immigration to Israel, and ..... bolster army ranks, unbeknownst to them until they got there.
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