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The Three Reasons Canada is in Big Trouble


New member
Jan 21, 2005
Wow, really? Tell us more or at least give us some background support for this. I know, it's a secret.
How quickly we forget:

What a nice lapdog our TPSB Chair Alok Mukherjee is:

If I have young children, however, I would recommend policing, then fire fighting as top choices for a career. I can not think of any other occupation with comparable ROI.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
he IS the false prophet of the present...the sky is he sneaks in laughing on his way to the bank....

canada might actually be in trouble but I see much more countries hit rock bottom before Canada starts falling and by then there hopefully will be solutions....
Very true. Canada will simply follow the other countries in implementing what others are doing. In all likelihood, it will be some kind of budget sequestration.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The police enforce the law, not ensure it. Nothing ensures law and order unless you're proposing we create a police state like North Korea where there's tight control over everything? Even then, the people will revolt eventually.
How do you get I am proposing a police state?
A lot of people are comparing teachers and police comp
I simply pointed out that a police presence ensures we have law and order and it would be survival of the strongest if we did not have a police force

Somehow you think I am proposing a police state from that?
Wrong again

Which means there are 0 good teachers in the entire country?! Your blanket statement just doesn't make sense not to mention hugely insulting to any good teacher out there. News flash: every person that gets paid is putting their financial interests above another person. Nobody truly works for free in any society: capitalist, socialist, dictatorship, etc. not even volunteers.
I said replace them
That does not imply 0 teachers
I never said teachers should work for free
I am advocating a compensation which is manageable for the province and driven more by the laws of supply and demand than union tactics

Let's pretend that we fire all teachers like you say. Now we have a whole lot of people that can't find replacement private sector jobs since they don't have any in-demand skills like you said earlier. So now we have a huge number of people collecting EI and eventually welfare.
They are replaced (at a more realistic compensation), so the net+/- to the workforce is 0

Do have a difficult time distinguishing between eliminate and replace?

The whole board isn't appropriate and never will be and you're complaining about me? As if I'm the first person to tell you to buzz off?! A little sensitive are we?
How is this ?
I will not tell you to leave your home province
I will tell you to drop dead

If this tax situation drives you so crazy, run for public office and fix it. Since it's such an easy problem to fix, you should have no problem doing it right?
OK, can I count on your support?
What a pinhead!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Are you not aware of police putting police board members that are deemed “anti-police” under “surveillance”? Any dirt they find can be used to help the mmber “see the light”.
That justifies the teachers actions in your world?
Does it not concern you that children were screwed over by a labor union ?

Trot out as many unsavoury stories about police as you want, it will not wipe the stain off the teachers actions

The concept is simple. In a nutshell we are operating our social welfare system like a credit card. If there are only 100 people in the country/province, each is responsible for 1/100 of it. It matters not who is doing the spending.

I propose each of us be given a “different” credit card, and be responsible for our spending only. At tax time, we settle the difference so those underused their card would get a refund and those overspend would have additional tax to pay. By giving people incentive to save, we hope we can roll back our social spending.
So the single mother of 4, who maxes out her "credit card" gets a tax increase vs. the rich couple with only one child ?
Poor kids will get denied access to education or their parents will get taxed to death, while teachers maintain their excess and rich one child families get a tax breaK?.

Great idea. Not
This plan has a snowballs chance in hell of getting anywhere near a policy paper, let alone a subject for debate in the ministry

Well, I did calculus in Grade 13…
Good for you
I did a whole lot more than that and believe me it does not qualify you to formulate policy there teach

No, your whole analysis is based on a faulty premise. The Canadian society and economy are not linear systems. It is like listening to an amateur unaware of the existence of the laws of thermodynamics talking about his new theory of gravitation.
Faulty premise ?
OK , I guess Donald Drummond just does not know what he is talking about?
Growing deficts and debt loads and pay increases for the public sector that exceed inflation. Those are all faulity?
You appear to be a self proclaimed genius, what's your solution
Oh wait your credit card idea. That has to be a joke right?, or are you are more of an imbecilic ?

With all due respect, your poor reading comprehension, superficial understanding of economics, lack of familiarity with concepts I introduced, inability to synthesize data, and short time horizon thinking make me feel you are out of your league in this discussion.
No respect, none at all
I am out of my league and you want to solve this mess with credit cards?

There are so many academic holes to fill that I don’t even know where to begin. In short, you don’t even know what you don’t know.
Sorry we are discussing the real world here

You claimed to have graduate degrees…can you at least tell me what standardized tests you have taken, and your scores on them? If you do, I will promise to give you mine. Then it will be obvious to both of us if the discussion is fruitful.
B.Sc., MBA, and a designation
I believe GMAT score was 620 or 640.
It has been many years

I will caution you
There are many types of intelligence, academic being one of them
You may have a higher GMAT score, but that proves fuck all
I know many people with a lot of credentials or who have read many papers by different economists or professors, however that does mean they have the common sense not to piss into the wind

It has to do with the lack of processing power on your part.
I process quite well thank you
Far better than most

If something is not written well, then comprehension is difficult for most
Academic writing is quite different than writing to be understood
I had to ask you to explain the mechanics of your voucher system, did you assume everyone knows exactly what that means?
You quote names, assuming the audience knows exactly who you are referring to
I suspect that is your arrogant way of trying to display your intelligence

Please learn how to write so your message is understood before questioning my comprehension

Finally, you need to understand when someone has attempted to turn down the heat in an argument
I asked you to explain the mechanic of your voucher system and I received far more insults than actual useful information which would describe what you propose

Granted, I dish out a lot of insults, so perhaps I had that coming
Your response, however has ensured your voucher idea was dismissed and continued animosity, you self-congratulating prick

I read the first page of that bullshit and got a headache
Do you think that an academic paper will solve real life issues?
Besides the paper was about post secondary education
The issue (in case you missed it) was public school

If the education system does not exist for the benefit of the kids ( as you say, because some academic says so) then we are sending $24 B needlessly and we should shut it down right away and devise one which does for a whole lot less money


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
How do you get I am proposing a police state?
A lot of people are comparing teachers and police comp
I simply pointed out that a police presence ensures we have law and order and it would be survival of the strongest if we did not have a police force

Somehow you think I am proposing a police state from that?
Wrong again
Police do not and cannot ensure or guarantee law and order. In some cases, too much police inflames a situation like the G20 protests. I am not saying that there should be zero police, but an appropriate number. Unfortunately, 25% more police does not reduce crime be 25%. It just doesn't work like that. It takes a whole lot of people including teachers and police to have law and order in society.

If you want to 'guarantee' law and order, then you'd need to have a very large police force monitoring just about everything i.e. a police state. North Korea is a very safe place by the way and lots of police there. Just don't mind the constant monitoring of citizens, government control over pretty much everything and almost no contact with the outside world. Only in that situation can the police actually ensure or guarantee law and order.

I said replace them
That does not imply 0 teachers
Actually you said: "As a group they should all be replaced." Not sure where you come from, but all means 100%. If 100% or all teachers should be replaced, that leaves 0 good or bad teachers. That just does not make sense. Different story if you said some teachers should be replaced, but you didn't.

I never said teachers should work for free
I didn't say they should work for free either. I was suggesting that there should be a pay for performance incentive for public workers. In other words, higher test scores, grades, whatever other metrics we want to grade them on should be rewarded with higher pay even if it is $83K. You didn't like that, so what would your solution be given that you want to reduce pay and they can't leave to the private sector since there skills are not in demand.

They are replaced (at a more realistic compensation), so the net+/- to the workforce is 0

Do have a difficult time distinguishing between eliminate and replace?
And do you realize that replacing a worker with one doing the same job for less pay is called constructive dismissal? So all those teachers that are being replaced would be entitled to severance and EI, maybe more with a good lawyer. If they are 'eliminated' or 'replaced', you would have a lot of unemployed teachers with skills that are not in demand in the private sector as you said. That would be a negative to the workforce until they can be retrained, which costs money too.

How is this ?
I will not tell you to leave your home province
I will tell you to drop dead
There's been a lot more inappropriate things said on Terb and I'm sure you've heard much worse told to your face.

OK, can I count on your support?
What a pinhead!
One thing that you've failed to grasp so far is that there are employment laws that cover teachers too. Since those laws will be in the way of how you want to do things, you'll have to run for public office and change them. Good luck with that!
You also haven't garnered much support on this thread, so you're in big trouble if you need my support.

You may want to stop with the lame Bill O'Reilly impersonation because you're just not that good.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
The concept is simple. In a nutshell we are operating our social welfare system like a credit card. If there are only 100 people in the country/province, each is responsible for 1/100 of it. It matters not who is doing the spending.

I propose each of us be given a “different” credit card, and be responsible for our spending only. At tax time, we settle the difference so those underused their card would get a refund and those overspend would have additional tax to pay. By giving people incentive to save, we hope we can roll back our social spending.l
Might as well privatize all public social services (education, health care, etc.) if we are responsible for our own spending only.


Jun 30, 2013
Every country is in debt. The legislators - central planners - are skimming off more than the private sector can produce to replace what is being spent, year over year. It is happening in every country. Canada is in debt beyond their capabilities. So is the U.S. So is Europe. China is built on false data and extreme money printing - hence the massive, massive inflation in the housing market and elsewhere in China.

The only answer is freedom. Freedom from government. economic freedom and social freedom.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I have been pounding the table about this for over a year, yet all the lefties here just think the provincial govt is a bottomless money pit
State govts perform very different functions then Provincial govts and also have a much smaller share of the tax base then provincial govts. They are not directly comparable.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
Trot out as many unsavoury stories about police as you want, it will not wipe the stain off the teachers actions
I am not trying to stain the police, but to show how you violate the principle of justice known as impartiality.

So the single mother of 4, who maxes out her "credit card" gets a tax increase vs. the rich couple with only one child ?
I am sure any government agency that has a pulse can see that the funding has to rest with the children. Please give them more credit than that.

What is she doing with 4 children and no husband btw?

Growing deficts and debt loads and pay increases for the public sector that exceed inflation. Those are all faulity?
You appear to be a self proclaimed genius, what's your solution
No. These are not faulty. Your solution is.
My solution is to restraint the voters insatiable appetite for entitlements.

Good for you
I did a whole lot more than that and believe me it does not qualify you to formulate policy there teach
Can you not appreciate self-deprecating humour?

There are many types of intelligence, academic being one of them
There is only one intelligence, the so called “g” factor. You must be reading Gardiner’s multiple intelligence nonsense. No authority in psychometrics buys that stuff and I am not either.

This plan has a snowballs chance in hell of getting anywhere near a policy paper, let alone a subject for debate in the ministry
That is very true. That is why the problem is so intractable.

Your response, however has ensured your voucher idea was dismissed and continued animosity, you self-congratulating prick
We don't have to agree, but we don't have to be disagreeable.
I judge an idea on its own merit and without preconception. You start with your preconception and justify it with “evidence”. Whether we like each other is irrelevant.

You quote names, assuming the audience knows exactly who you are referring to
No. This is the kind of stuff an educated person is expected to know. You claim to have graduate degrees, so I assume you would know.
Your lack of a liberal education grounding is disturbing. Without a "global" perspective to frame your solution, it is often worse than the problem. This is a perfect case in point.

I read the first page of that bullshit and got a headache
Your anti-intellectualism is heart-felt, I am sure. You sure you don’t have a reading problem? I skimmed it with ease. No headache. It is no more than college freshmen level, I would say.

Besides the paper was about post secondary education
The issue (in case you missed it) was public school
No, you do have a reading problem. Your comment was “I thought the education system existed for the benefit of students”. The good professors are saying the system exists to perpetuate the status quo through credentialism:

Collins’ book…………..cited historic precedent and the theories of Max Weber to argue that the spiral of credential requirements for white-collar work in America has been driven by the natural desire of an educated elite to preserve the best occupations in society for their offspring.

I thought you might enjoy a good read. I could have offered you this instead:

Same idea, at a pre-school level. No wonder Robert Hare (don't tell me you don't know who he is) said the VSX would be his second choice if he can not use the prison population for his studies. You finance people are a real piece of work.

I wrote the GRE in the early 80s. My v+Q was 1260.
A promise made, and a promise kept.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
Might as well privatize all public social services (education, health care, etc.) if we are responsible for our own spending only.
I really enjoy talking to people who can add 2 and 2 together. You are right. Taken to its logical conclusion we have to privatize all social spending in order to fulfill the neocons’ nirvana of zero deficits. What else can we do if people don’t want to pay more taxes?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I am sure any government agency that has a pulse can see that the funding has to rest with the children. Please give them more credit than that.
The same ones who are paying a grade two teacher $83K or spending $400 M to cancel a contract
I do not think so

What is she doing with 4 children and no husband btw?
Happens all the time for a multitude of reasons, deadbeat dada for starters

No. These are not faulty. Your solution is.
My solution is to restraint the voters insatiable appetite for entitlements.
Much simpler to restrain teachers insatiable appetite for entitlements
Do you not agree professor

There is only one intelligence, the so called “g” factor. You must be reading Gardiner’s multiple intelligence nonsense. No authority in psychometrics buys that stuff and I am not either.
Keep pumping up your tires.
Learn to write so people can understand what you mean without having to research three subjects for each sentence read
The objective of communication is to ensure the reader understands what you mean
I read you posts and say WTF

That is very true. That is why the problem is so intractable.
I suspect there is another word besides intractable which might add clairity for the reader.
Again WTF?

We don't have to agree, but we don't have to be disagreeable.
I judge an idea on its own merit and without preconception. You start with your preconception and justify it with “evidence”. Whether we like each other is irrelevant.
Just to be clear. I do not like you and what ever respect you may have captured earlier is gone, due to arrogance

No. This is the kind of stuff an educated person is expected to know. You claim to have graduate degrees, so I assume you would know.
You assumed wrong
Your lack of a liberal education grounding is disturbing. Without a "global" perspective to frame your solution, it is often worse than the problem. This is a perfect case in point.
Your lack of street smarts and your constant referral to academia as absolute is disturbing
Without a well grounded perspective, you have your head up your ass

Your anti-intellectualism is heart-felt, I am sure. You sure you don’t have a reading problem? I skimmed it with ease. No headache. It is no more than college freshmen level, I would say.
Your arrogance is sickening
Are you sure you did not get the living snot beat out of you as a kid ?

I choose not read crap like that, not because I do not understand, I just do not like the way it is written.
Perhaps I can find some passages from the Tax Act to run by you and then question you intelligence if you do not gobble it up with enthusiasm

So you read academic papers as a hobby (or occupation). Good for you PonDexiter
Hardly the definition of intelligence as require in the real world

No, you do have a reading problem. Your comment was “I thought the education system existed for the benefit of students”. The good professors are saying the system exists to perpetuate the status quo through credentialism:

Collins’ book…………..cited historic precedent and the theories of Max Weber to argue that the spiral of credential requirements for white-collar work in America has been driven by the natural desire of an educated elite to preserve the best occupations in society for their offspring.

I thought you might enjoy a good read. I could have offered you this instead:
No as described earlier you have a writing problem

Same idea, at a pre-school level. No wonder Robert Hare (don't tell me you don't know who he is) said the VSX would be his second choice if he can not use the prison population for his studies. You finance people are a real piece of work.
No I do not know who Robert Hare is, you name dropping arrogant asshole

I wrote the GRE in the early 80s. My v+Q was 1260.
A promise made, and a promise kept.
Good for you, now go kiss you mirror
I will assume 1260 was good enough so you could master in some liberal arts and now you are filling your ego on a daily basis in front of a classroom of college or university students


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I really enjoy talking to people who can add 2 and 2 together. You are right. Taken to its logical conclusion we have to privatize all social spending in order to fulfill the neocons’ nirvana of zero deficits. What else can we do if people don’t want to pay more taxes?
Agree with you here CTS. Social services have to come from somewhere and we have to pay for them somehow: either pre-paying them through taxes or post-paying them with user fees. My argument is that social services should be paid for with a blend of the two. It's not a foreign concept.

Condo dwellers pay maintenance fees for services like a swimming pool or bowling alley, that they might never use. The whole collective of condo dwellers pays into a pool so they can have amenities and services that would be difficult for just the people that want those amenities to acquire on their own. I can't understand why there is an uproar to pay for social services in the same way: we all contribute something to a pool to acquire resources like medical equipment, staff, etc. and the people that directly use those resources pay a nominal fee.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
Happens all the time for a multitude of reasons, deadbeat dada for starters
Sounds like you are talking from experience, but is it my responsibility to pay for it?

Much simpler to restrain teachers insatiable appetite for entitlements
You are putting a bandage on cancer. I operate to remove the cancer. Big difference.

Tell me, what is your motive for coming to TERB to peddle your snake oil? Are you thinking the blue-collar type will be easy target for your politics of resentment? Have you finance boys not done enough damage to the world financial system, and before that, Russia and Chile? What kind of windfall you expect from trashing the Ontario education system?

Just to be clear. I do not like you and what ever respect you may have captured earlier is gone, due to arrogance
Considering that it comes from a finance person, it is a compliment.

Arrogance? Surely you are projecting.

Your lack of street smarts and your constant referral to academia as absolute is disturbing
Without a well grounded perspective, you have your head up your ass
I grew up in rooming houses, remember? You do have a reading problem.

Perhaps I can find some passages from the Tax Act to run by you and then question you intelligence if you do not gobble it up with enthusiasm
There is a difference between general knowledge and highly specialized learning...


New member
Jan 21, 2005
My argument is that social services should be paid for with a blend of the two. It's not a foreign concept.
I can live with a blend approach for social harmony alone. Unfortunately social harmony is something many of us do not appreciate until we lose it.

I can't understand why there is an uproar to pay for social services in the same way: we all contribute something to a pool to acquire resources like medical equipment, staff, etc. and the people that directly use those resources pay a nominal fee.
Personally self-interest. Like the people in finance, most of us want to privatize our gains and socialize our losses. Reality of course does not work like that.

Btw, I have never heard of constructive dismissal before. Always good to learn something new.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Btw, I have never heard of constructive dismissal before. Always good to learn something new.
Firing, replacing, displacing, outsourcing, (whatever words are in style) a bunch of people might seem simple, but has to be done lawfully. Unions or not, if an employer significantly changes the employment contract including reducing salary, it can be viewed as a constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal usually allows the employee to make a claim against the employer.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Sounds like you are talking from experience, but is it my responsibility to pay for it?
That is a low blow. I am not a dead beat dad. Was yours?

I believe every child has a right to an education
I do not believe in the nanny state for adults, but kids should not be deprived of the opportunity to make something of themselves, just because Mom and Dad were fuck ups
I am very hard boiled and very right wing, however, I guess you take the cake
You are putting a bandage on cancer. I operate to remove the cancer. Big difference.
some patients do not survive an operation
Had much experience operating on $24 B organizations?
I guess with your ego, that does not phase you

Tell me, what is your motive for coming to TERB to peddle your snake oil?
What is yours?
Are you thinking the blue-collar type will be easy target for your politics of resentment?
Are they an easy target to boost your ego?
Have you finance boys not done enough damage to the world financial system, and before that, Russia and Chile? What kind of windfall you expect from trashing the Ontario education system?
Prevent my hard earned tax dollars from being wasted
Arrogance? Surely you are projecting.
No, just stating a fact, asswipe

I grew up in rooming houses, remember? You do have a reading problem.
Once again your arrogance is on full display, as you assume (incorrectly) that everyone reads and remembers everything you post

Growing up in rooming house does not guarantee you are well grounded or that you do not have your head up your ass

There is a difference between general knowledge and highly specialized learning
General knowledge, such as recognizing the objective of communicating is to be understood and not to pump up you ego?
Let us know when you acquire some of this knowledge
Until then, I think I will just ignore you


New member
May 16, 2013
Just a couple of thoughts.
Talking only about government debt is simplistic political posing. A beginners accounting course teaches that debt is a liability, one half of the balance sheet. The other half is assets, which is never mentioned in any of the discussions about government debt. To put it simply, if you buy a house for $400,000.00 and take out a mortgage for $300,000.00 then you have debt of 300K. Disaster, it'll take you 25 years to pay it off. Take it up a notch and you could be $750k in debt. If no one mentions that your house is worth 1.2 mill then you are about to be destitute. So, what does the goverment have in assets? Add these up - federal buildings, crown land, roads, water treatment plants, sewage plants, hospitals, parks, airports, ships, airplanes, etc, etc. What's important is the relationship between liabilities and assets. What's not good is a $500k mortgage on a 300k house. Canadian goverment assets far exceed its debt. It is popular to talk about how much each citizen is in governmental debt, but never seems to mention each citizen's share of our national assets. Calm down, we live in a nice house with a small mortgage.

Now to taxes. We require a package of services to live, some provided by goverment, some by private enterprise. Government provides roads, medical care, law enforcement, education, protection from other countries, snowplowing, infrastructure maintenance, etc, etc. Private enterprise provides cell service, internet, banking,etc. Personally, I have less problem with what the government supplies, and more problems with private enterprise. Granted, government could be more efficient, but don't hold up Bell, Rogers, General Motors, etc, etc as the models of efficiency that will benefit taxpayers. With the government I can vote out the ones that screw up. With private enterprise, I am the one that gets screwed.
Just my two cents worth.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
I believe every child has a right to an education
Then why do you want to downgrade their educational system that is among the best in the world to keep the nearly dead alive a few hours longer?

I am very hard boiled and very right wing
Do you have very strong psychopathic tendencies as well? Many works in finance do.

some patients do not survive an operation
Very true. But your solution ensures nobody survives.

What is yours?
To expose the belief that you can have the same quality of education by cutting the quality of teachers. As is, the benefit cost ratio has been moving away from teaching since the 70s. Your suggestion will expedite the process of Americanization of our public school system.
You and I will do just fine of course. We can send our progeny to private schools. Keep the great unwashed minimally educated is good for business and ensure our own have a leg up in the job market. What not to like, right? As I said before, you finance boys are a real piece of work.
So how much are they paying you for peddling this nonsense?

Prevent my hard earned tax dollars from being wasted
Me too. Since I am so frugal with social spending, I expect a good portion to be refunded.

General knowledge, such as recognizing the objective of communicating is to be understood and not to pump up you ego?
Let us know when you acquire some of this knowledge
I think the word you are looking for is wisdom, not education. While education is a pre-requisite for wisdom, wisdom does not necessarily follow education.
You sure you are not the one that can't write?

Until then, I think I will just ignore you
You have no idea how much it pains me.


New member
Jan 21, 2005
Just a couple of thoughts.
Talking only about government debt is simplistic political posing. A beginners accounting course teaches that debt is a liability, one half of the balance sheet. The other half is assets, which is never mentioned in any of the discussions about government debt. To put it simply, if you buy a house for $400,000.00 and take out a mortgage for $300,000.00 then you have debt of 300K. Disaster, it'll take you 25 years to pay it off. Take it up a notch and you could be $750k in debt. If no one mentions that your house is worth 1.2 mill then you are about to be destitute. So, what does the goverment have in assets? Add these up - federal buildings, crown land, roads, water treatment plants, sewage plants, hospitals, parks, airports, ships, airplanes, etc, etc. What's important is the relationship between liabilities and assets. What's not good is a $500k mortgage on a 300k house. Canadian goverment assets far exceed its debt. It is popular to talk about how much each citizen is in governmental debt, but never seems to mention each citizen's share of our national assets. Calm down, we live in a nice house with a small mortgage.

Now to taxes. We require a package of services to live, some provided by goverment, some by private enterprise. Government provides roads, medical care, law enforcement, education, protection from other countries, snowplowing, infrastructure maintenance, etc, etc. Private enterprise provides cell service, internet, banking,etc. Personally, I have less problem with what the government supplies, and more problems with private enterprise. Granted, government could be more efficient, but don't hold up Bell, Rogers, General Motors, etc, etc as the models of efficiency that will benefit taxpayers. With the government I can vote out the ones that screw up. With private enterprise, I am the one that gets screwed.
Just my two cents worth.
A moderate and well reasoned position. I can live with it.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts