The smartest SP


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
DonQuixote said:
As I posted before there are SPs and there are Courtesans. I've had the opportunity to visit with several top shelf women, aka Courtesan, that were a joy to be with. And very astute at finding my erogenous zone as well, thank you. Then again some were overpriced for the time I spent with them.
Spending lots of money is an afrodisiac for some men.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
MPAsquared said:
Do MPA's get a vote?? we dont SP, but fuck some of us are brilliant ;) LOL
You bet. I think it is great that you post on the SP threads. You know how to market yourself.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
MPAsquared said:
Do MPA's get a vote?? we dont SP, but fuck some of us are brilliant ;) LOL
I was wondering the same thing.
I've only ever been with one SP, and it was a decade and a half ago. Many repeats, but no variety.
I have more experience with MPA's and in my experience, most came across as quite intelligent. The women I enjoyed the most were the one's who appeared the most intelligent.
By no means, have I ever considered intelligence to be a requirement in a good MPA. I have, without exception, been delighted to find the woman who wass so wonerfully attending to my needs could also hold an interesting conversation.
I'm not very good with small talk, but usually enjoy the conversations I have with MPAs because they never come across as dumber than me.
It's nice to walk away from a massage with the memory of the MPA's body, and technique, but better when I have a good chat to think back on as well.

JulioF said:
I was wondering the same thing.
I've only ever been with one SP, and it was a decade and a half ago. Many repeats, but no variety.
I have more experience with MPA's and in my experience, most came across as quite intelligent. The women I enjoyed the most were the one's who appeared the most intelligent.
By no means, have I ever considered intelligence to be a requirement in a good MPA. I have, without exception, been delighted to find the woman who wass so wonerfully attending to my needs could also hold an interesting conversation.
I'm not very good with small talk, but usually enjoy the conversations I have with MPAs because they never come across as dumber than me.
It's nice to walk away from a massage with the memory of the MPA's body, and technique, but better when I have a good chat to think back on as well.
YEAH!!! I so happy to hear that!!! 2 points for MPA's!!!!


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
luv4lust said:
well i stick to my first post and back up the other two.

it's a slap in the face for some that are smart and don't make the list not that i want to be added to this moronic thread
I agree with you that all those "who has the best tits/ass/brain" threads are somewhat moronic and slightly offensive for the women reading them. Although I find them offensive more because of the objectification than because I usually never make those list (should I be offended that the only such list I made is the "smart" one? what, are you saying I'm ugly? ;))

But at the same time, it comes with the territory. Like the common question "what a smart girl like you is doing in this industry", it's annoying, it speaks of problematic assumptions and ideas about women in general and women in this industry in particular, but it's something to be expected on an escort review board.

Does it make it OK because it's to be expected from this industry? No, but then again, this industry is based on the objectification of women's bodies and sexuality. Not exactly the most ethical industry ever.


Jan 31, 2005
genintoronto said:
I agree with you that all those "who has the best tits/ass/brain" threads are somewhat moronic and slightly offensive for the women reading them. Although I find them offensive more because of the objectification
I should probably put this on another thread as this one is already too long, but...

What's the problem with objectification?

I have never bought into the notion that just because you view someone as a sex object you can't also view them in other contexts and other ways.

Specifically I am going to view the same woman one way when we are discussing philosophy over coffee and quite another way when I am slapping her face with my dick. Just because I do the 2nd doesn't mean I can't later on do the 1st.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
fuji said:
What's the problem with objectification?
I don't feel like rewriting the wheel so to speak, so I'm just going to send you to some reading: But don't you like to be objectified sometimes?.

Excerpt from the essay linked above, but it's worth reading the whole thing:

When a woman is objectified she is made into a passive thing — she is not an individual with thoughts and ideas, with ambitions and goals and principles. She is simply something to be used for the pleasure of the one who objectifies her. And do things have feelings? Does anyone care what an object thinks or wants? In a very real way, objectification is dehumanization. Dehumanizing a subject, making them into an object, allows for their feelings and thoughts to be completely disregarded. Does consent matter when dealing with a thing rather than a person? Does anything matter but the pleasure and whims of the user, the abuser?


“Don’t we all like to be objectified sometimes?”

No. I don’t. I don’t enjoy being made into a passive object to be manipulated. I don’t enjoy being made into something less-than-human. I don’t enjoy being ignored and overlooked as the individual that I am and instead made into something else against my own will.

Do I enjoy being found attractive? Yes, of course. Everyone does. But too often these two phenomona are conflated and confused. Being objectified, being verbally or sexually abused, is often said to merely be the same thing as attraction. It’s a compliment, it’s an honor to be harrassed on the street. Being a desireable object is confused with being a desireable human being. Being made into a thing to be used, which exists solely for the purpose of this use and is judged only on its usefulness, is not the same as being found attractive at all.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
genintoronto said:
I agree with you that all those "who has the best tits/ass/brain"
I never make those lists either an i haven't complained because really i don't think i should be on them. i don't have the best ass or tits and I'm no rocket scientist either but I'm not stupid by any means anyone who knows me well enough knows that.

like i said i couldn't care less if men include the fact a woman is smart in a review of said woman, but to put up a list of women who are the smartest with out personally spending time with them or just talking with them over a few drinks is absurd like ref said.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Based on my extensive experience

genintoronto said:
You think?

On a related note, I'm not under any delusion that most of the men who see me are interested in my intellect and my take on world politics/Nietzsche's philosophy/quantum physics/etc., and I'm perfectly OK with the fact that my favorite position for blowjob is the extent to which they are interested in my thought process. Quantum physics doesn't make me wet either, so it's fair.

But one thing that does annoy me is the look of surprise on a client's face when he realizes that I'm not dumb as bricks, that I am educated, and that I do have some original and complex thoughts beyond my favorite shoe designer. Which is usually followed by "what is a smart girl like you doing in this industry?".

Why, thank you for assuming I was stupid, until now. :rolleyes:
Pre and post hobbying- More brains = better, wilder sex. Also, in this biz, a smart SP means high EQ- and I love that kind of stroking too (so do most guys even if they dont realize).

And yes, Mensa women DO give great head!
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