The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation


New member
DonQuixote said:
November 8th will be a very interesting morning
to listen to the news.
4 million mid west Christian Solders are going to put their morals above their politics and stay home. 5.5 million US poker players are voting Democrat.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
More Republicans jacking off to Foley emails and text messages!!

Another lawmaker knew of inappropriate Internet exchanges
U.S. Rep. Jim Kolbe
By Jonathan Weisman
The Washington Post
Updated: 9:11 a.m. ET Oct. 9, 2006

Another Republican congressman knew of disgraced former representative Mark Foley's inappropriate Internet exchanges as far back as 2000 and personally confronted Foley about his communications.

A spokeswoman for Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) confirmed yesterday that a former page showed the congressman Internet messages that had made the youth feel uncomfortable with the direction Foley (R-Fla.) was taking their e-mail relationship. Last week, when the Foley matter erupted, a Kolbe staff member suggested to the former page that he take the matter to the clerk of the House, Karen Haas, said Kolbe's press secretary, Korenna Cline.

• More politics news
The revelation pushes back by at least five years the date when a member of Congress has acknowledged learning of Foley's questionable behavior. A timeline issued by House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) suggested that the first lawmakers to know, Rep. John M. Shimkus (R-Ill.), the chairman of the House Page Board, and Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-La.), became aware of "over-friendly" e-mails only last fall. It also expands the universe of players in the drama beyond members, either in leadership or on the page board.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
DonQuixote said:
The wind is out of the Rs sails.
They're without direction and their leadership
is hunkered down in bunkers. Bush, Cheney
and Hastert don't have much political capital
to pay their way out of the corner they're in.
Rational minds would see this the case, however we are not dealing with rational minds here. We are dealing with neocons, who in many ways think exactly like the RIFTs, both would prefer to just kill off the other side first. A Fundie is a Fundie, is a Fundie, be he Islamic, hardcore Militant Jew or Far Religious-Right Christian, as all three prouldy proclaim 'God is on our side'.

N Korea has just provided the cornered weasels of Team 'w' with a way out!

Watch for Rove & co., to exploit this N Korean nuke test issue and rapidly ratchet up the fear & paranoia rhetoric for all they can as a means to shift public attention away from the DC page boys little 'non-nuke missiles' to the N Korean big 'nuke missiles'..........;)


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Having been watching this whole thing go down, I've come to the conclusion that the Republicans are exploiting it way more than the Democrats.

Will Republican voters across the US change their vote because of what one Representative from Florida did? I somehow doubt it. I even doubt that voters in his own district will be so disgusted that they'll vote Democrat -- after all, they're not voting on family values there but on tax breaks.

I think Republicans did face a lot of problems due to corruption scandals and to Iraq, and I think their national security platform wasn't working. By offering up Foley -- a gay with a taste for young stuff (although not a pedophile by definition), they've re-energized voters in the districts to focus on the local question.

I think this is going to work for them. And you know why? Because I think people get the government they deserve. And I think the American public is so weak as to deserve the Republican party.

Good luck to the US of A.



Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
JoyfulC said:
Will Republican voters across the US change their vote because of what one Representative from Florida did? I somehow doubt it...
But they will if many Republicans "covered it up", which is the case with Cardinal Hasterd and others including Boner (I mean Boehner).



Active member
Oct 12, 2005

WoodPeckr said:
Watch for Rove & co., to exploit this N Korean nuke test issue and rapidly ratchet up the fear & paranoia rhetoric for all they can as a means to shift public attention away from the DC page boys little 'non-nuke missiles' to the N Korean big 'nuke missiles'..........;)
It's even worse, in a way. This disaster is a direct consequence of W's utterly mistaken, even criminally irresponsible policies. Yet what his Admin does, superbly, is channel the panic engendered by their own mistakes to their own advantage, Having directly caused this mess, they will be able to turn around and say with a perfectly straight face, and say "see! we told you!" They've been getting away with this for years; we'll see if it works this time, too.



New member
Warning: An unconstructive rant

maxweber said:
It's even worse, in a way. This disaster is a direct consequence of W's utterly mistaken, even criminally irresponsible policies. Yet what his Admin does, superbly, is channel the panic engendered by their own mistakes to their own advantage, Having directly caused this mess, they will be able to turn around and say with a perfectly straight face, and say "see! we told you!" They've been getting away with this for years; we'll see if it works this time, too.

Personally I can't stomach liars. When i see others who are accommodating toward these bold faced lies, it makes me wonder about the shape of things there. What I have observed, is a 'win at all cost' attitude. The most shameful tact they took, which fits with yours above was to blame this on their political opposition for drawing it out at election time. The argument was the opposition knew about this weeks before and held back. Can you imagine? This doesn't say much about the party faithful in my opinion, that their leading spokesperson would even consider for one moment that this idea would fly. Dumb and dumber. It made me instantly paint the whole bunch with the same broad bush-brush. Zero credibility in the "truth matters" department. Not only sad, but dangerous. These guys are crooks and they are weasels ..the type that stalk your chickens by night, and persist to get into the hen house any which way they can. the whole political system in America needs to be trashed, and start over. Elect some farmers, anybody with a law degree is out. Anybody with Big Business contacts, out. Turn the government back to the folks for awhile. Oprah...anybody but this decadent, unconscionable, unethical den of weasels.


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
JoyfulC said:
Having been watching this whole thing go down, I've come to the conclusion that the Republicans are exploiting it way more than the Democrats.

Will Republican voters across the US change their vote because of what one Representative from Florida did? I somehow doubt it. I even doubt that voters in his own district will be so disgusted that they'll vote Democrat -- after all, they're not voting on family values there but on tax breaks.

I think Republicans did face a lot of problems due to corruption scandals and to Iraq, and I think their national security platform wasn't working. By offering up Foley -- a gay with a taste for young stuff (although not a pedophile by definition), they've re-energized voters in the districts to focus on the local question.

I think this is going to work for them. And you know why? Because I think people get the government they deserve. And I think the American public is so weak as to deserve the Republican party.

Good luck to the US of A.

According to your statement the Republicans would stay in power after November 5th.
I beg to differ and I resent your comments on all Americans. I would never make a statement like that about Canadians, based on on questionable leader.
Or are you saying that Canadian politics is all corrupt now, because of the Ad-scandal?
Although come to think of it...90% of politics is corrupt, and not just in the USA.
Before you put all americans in to one pot.. I suggest you get to know a few first.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Carcharias said:
Makes no difference whether the fellow is gay or not. If he were hetero, and was sending suggestive emails to female pages, that would be out of line too.
You see that's the problem in the United States. If he sent emails to female pages that are underage, it's against the law for influencing a minor. If the page is an adult, then it's sexual harrassement (and since most females in the USA are fat hogs, it's hard to find an adult female babe to send sexy messages to....including Bush Jr.'s wire tapping). Therefore no one gets laid in the USA, so we end up getting freaks like Foley, and dangerous assholes like Cardinal Hastard and Boner (I mean Boehner) that cover it up for it to continue.

Just once, an pretty adult woman in the USA has to spread her legs and keep her mouth shut.



Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
Gyaos said:
Therefore no one gets laid in the USA, so we end up getting freaks like Foley, and dangerous assholes like Cardinal Hastard and Boner (I mean Boehner) that cover it up for it to continue.

Some of the "freaks" end up on this board and start posting useless rants...;)


New member
Sep 23, 2004
frasier said:
According to your statement the Republicans would stay in power after November 5th.
I beg to differ and I resent your comments on all Americans. I would never make a statement like that about Canadians, based on on questionable leader.
Or are you saying that Canadian politics is all corrupt now, because of the Ad-scandal?
Although come to think of it...90% of politics is corrupt, and not just in the USA.
Before you put all americans in to one pot.. I suggest you get to know a few first.
Would it help to know that I am an American?

I'm basing my opinion on what I've seen happen to date -- although, frankly, I'm not sure how much of it is due to the stupidity of the American people and how much is due to corruption of the voting system.

Yes, you're right -- most politics these days is corrupt. Why not? When those with power and money seek to protect their interests, what do you think they will do? Go down and cast their lone vote? No way! They're going to use everything at their advantage.

The French had some good ideas a couple hundred years ago. I believe it involved some guillotines. Maybe that's the only way to level the playing field -- shorten those who've risen too high above the rest of us through money, power and influence.

I'm just sad to watch American politics unfolding right now. It seems to me that the current administration and congress has more than fucked up enough to be held in contempt by the average, middle class voter. But regrettably, they don't look at the votes they cast or the decisions they made. The average, American middle class voter seems to be more swayed by scandal and intrigue.

Where exactly in the Bill of Rights is the right to be entertained?? It seems to me that, in order to get the average voter's attention, a politician has to be caught with his pants down with an intern, a page or a sheep. Never a lobbyist, for all the talk of government being subverted by special interests. I'm sorry but I think that's above the comprehension of the average American voter -- just as the concepts of the Plame matter are beyond their comprehension.

Foley preyed upon pages -- seems true. But these were 16+ year olds whose parents felt they were mature enough to go off to the page program. I'm not sure if there are any states in which the age of consent is lower than 16, so much for talk of pedophilia. It may prove really poor judgement on Foley's part (just as Clinton's dalliances with Lewinsky proved poor judgment on his part), but it's not illegal and, really, it's not anyone's business. It has no bearing on his ability to do his job.

All the SPs here work for upper execs in industry, bureaucrats, politicians, media people, teachers, ministers and just about every professional designation you can imagine. That has no bearing on their professional capabilities. Think about it -- does your involvement with this business impact your professional competence?

We need to start rejecting the whole personal scandal thing, even when it's objectionable to us personally. Just as employers, all we can expect from our elected officials is that they do a good job. What they do in private is not our business.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Carcharias said:
Joyful, I don't think too many thinking people would disagree with you on this one.

The issue, at least as I see it, is the way that the present Republican cabal talks out of both sides of it's mouth.

On one side, they're all for "family values" and "Christian goodwill" and all the rest. Meanwhile, they're sending off provocative - and secret - emails and messages to pages in their employ.

What's worse, IMHO, is that fellows like Hastert knew about it but did nothing, just like Dubya did nothing about Bin Laden despite being implored by Richard Clarke for a meeting on the subject.

So it's not just the sending of naughty messages that's the issue; it's the damn hypocricy of it, all for political and personal gain, at the expense of the honour of the Executive and Legislative branches.
Yep, and eventually the level of sophistication among voters will catch up. I just hope the level of hacking at Diebold doesn't catch up faster. ;)



New member
The Net Result

Carcharias said:
So it's not just the sending of naughty messages that's the issue; it's the damn hypocricy of it, all for political and personal gain, at the expense of the honour of the Executive and Legislative branches.
Nice paragraph. It couldn't be summed better.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Carcharias said:
The issue, at least as I see it, is the way that the present Republican cabal talks out of both sides of it's mouth.
Unfortunately, it is also true that the Dem's do the same with their more open view on homosexuality yet
The best thing for the whole country is to force the Republican Party to "out" every gay on their side of the aisle in Congress, whether on staff or a politician.
The new Robin Williams movie has it right wit the line about politicians (no matter what view) and diapers.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place


New member
scroll99 said:
Priest Claims Relationship With Foley

A Catholic priest told The Sarasota Herald-Tribune on Wednesday that he had an intimate two-year relationship with former Representative Mark Foley of south Florida when Mr. Foley was a teenage altar boy.
They actually had the priest on telephone interview on CNN tonight. It was interesting (shocking) to here a priest talk about a couple of "dating" (for want of a more appropriate word) encounters with a young boy live on CNN. Even more shocking was the tone of the conversation, he was very blasé about the affair. Sounded more like a Terb review...' Well, no actual penetration occured....just fondling.." (the tone was, so what's all the fuss anyway)
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