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The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation


East end Hobbiest
Yeah, "fishy indeed ... these emails clearly show the Foley is a not just a paedophile, but a dumb stupid jerk paedophile with no conversational skills and no understanding of the difference between "your" & "you're" and "its" and "it's".

Other than that, looks like someone retyped the emails and made some punctuation mistakes ... if the content itself didn't get changed, then there's nothing to see there.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
basketcase said:
Couldn't care less about this but Came across claims that there is something fishy with the emails.

Couldn't care less ?!?!!!??
Guess you must be one of them GOPers that support pedophiles like Mark Foley then!

More names are being added and surfacing in this ever widening GOP scandal on who knew about Foley's fondness for young lads and did NOTHING to protect the lads involved from Foley!

Besides Dennis Hastert, GOP Speaker of the House and Tom Reynolds (Rep WNY) who knew about Foley's actions for up to a whole year, now John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) who oversees the congressional pages as head of the Page Board, the group responsible for the teenagers who work essentially as gofers and doorholders for lawmakers, knew even earlier.....and did nothing!

All this from those 'family values' spouting GOPers !!!........:rolleyes:

Why did Foley keep child-protection job?
Posted by Frank James The Chicago Tribune


New member
Sep 23, 2004
I've never been known as a GOP or neocon supporter BUT...

Let's look at the facts.

Pedophilia is not about post pubescent adolescents.

Is 16 the age of consent in most States? I'm guessing it is in Louisiana. (Perhaps 12 is.)

Perhaps Foley violated some policy with respect to conduct with pages, but did he violate criminal code? Sadly, I bet not.

I think this is more about the embarrassment factor -- much as it was when Clinton was caught mouth fucking Lewinsky. In this case, Foley is (wisely) pleading alcoholism -- good for him. That's something the average American can relate to more than to a 50+ gay guy who is into teenaged boys. How many Americans haven't gotten drunk and done something they regret?

It might play in the heartland, but my guess is that, in Foley's own constituency, they'll care more about tax cuts for the rich than morality. My guess is the GOP stand-in will prevail -- if not immediately, then within one term.

Just my jaundiced political opinion!



East end Hobbiest
Supposedly his crime is communicating over the Internet to someone under 18 which I believe is a crime he helped define ... it is indeed ironic that had he simply gone and had sex with the kid he would probably not have been committing any crime at all since the boy was over the age of consent (although in the USA it may be a different age of consent for gay sex?)

Both instance though would have been very poor judgement, and would probably have deserved a resignation.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
When it rains it pours on the GOP Sex scandals

Well at least this GOPer wasn't chasing young boys!
Pennsylvania Republican Don Sherwood is 64, was busy beating his mistress half his age!

Aaahhh the GOP, the party of 'Family Values'........:rolleyes:

Hastert, Cheney, Bush and Boehner Go Easy on Pedophiles and An Adulterer Accused of Beating His Mistress, Half His Age

Created 10/03/2006 - 8:51am


You would think that with the GOP betrayal of our youth still red hot in the news, the Republican leadership wouldn’t be raising money for a Congressman who last year was outed for allegedly trying to strangle his mistress.

But you would be wrong.

Pennsylvania Republican Don Sherwood is 64, married and the father of three daughters.

But last year, Cynthia Ore, 29, sued Sherwood [1]. It seems Sherwood had been keeping her as his Washington mistress. Ms. Ore says that Sherwood "repeatedly struck her in the face, neck, chest and back, ‘violently yanking’ her hair and repeatedly tried to choke or strangle her. Afterward he would tell her he would never beat her again, then beg her not to leave him."

"After news accounts of the incident and police report were published, Mr. Sherwood issued a statement apologizing for the ‘pain and embarrassment’ he caused his supporters and family. He has declined to talk in detail about his relationship with Ms. Ore."

Eventually, Sherwood made a confidential financial settlement with Ms. Ore, thus keeping the case from being aired in a courtroom. He admitted to the adulterous affair with a woman half his age, but denied that he physically abused her.

Now, he is behind in his race in a normally "safe Republican" seat, so Hastert, Boehner, Bush and Cheney are going to bat for him [2] to try and keep the district in the GOP column. They are all holding fundraisers [3] for him and endorsing his "leadership."

You would think after covering up for a pedophile and keeping him in the House leadership and chair of the committee that oversees the safety of our children from sexual predators, you would think that the Republican leadership wouldn’t be out raising money for an adulterer accused of beating and strangling his mistress.

But you would be underestimating the moral turpitude of the guys at the top of the GOP.

The Republican leadership in America cares about only one thing: power.

They have no other values.

They put our youth and women at risk.

They are shameless and without decency.

If you want to argue with that judgement, tell us what they are doing raising money for Don Sherwood.

Go ahead, just tell us.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
GlennQuagmire said:
At least Republicans have the decency to resign. The dems lionize their perverts (see Barney Frank).
Ah, ah, ah... Gary Studds too, right? Both from Massachusetts? And it was the "clergy" that molested Foley, right? With Cardinal Law covering it up, right from Massachusetts too? So I guess it's a Massachusetts thing?

Sorry. Not true. Studds and Frank were exhonorated, in fact it was the Republicans that pushed for you to think they were doing something that Foley did. But Law is hiding for the cover up in Rome. Now Cardinal Hasterd covered up the Foley stuff. Covered up Ney, Delay and others for illegal money practices too. Hmmm...looks like it's a Republican bad gene that says "hate the gays", "hate all but whites", "cover-up the perverts".

Hasterd: "We will do everything possible to protect our pages". WTF? Did he call Homeland Security on the matter? Are they banning all ice cream from the House cafeteria?


Did that turn you on? A Little? Cool. ROTFLMAO!!

Gyaos Baltar (President of Caprica)


Jan 18, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
Couldn't care less ?!?!!!??
Guess you must be one of them GOPers that support pedophiles like Mark Foley then!
The hypocrisy here is that Democrats would actually pretend to be outraged by a moral failure on anyones part. Their response is purely politcal in nature. This is not the first time there has been a page sex scandal in the house. The Democrat & Republican response when their members are involved in such a scandal are a matter of public record.

Copied from Wicikpedia (1983 congressional page sex scandal)

The 1983 Congressional page sex scandal was a political scandal in the United States involving members of the United States House of Representatives.
On July 14, 1983 the House Ethics Committee concluded that Rep. Dan Crane (R-Ill.) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had engaged in sexual relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages. In Crane's case, it was a 1980 relationship with a female page and in Studds's case, it was a 1973 relationship with a male page. Both representatives immediately pleaded guilty to the charges and the committee decided to simply reprimand the two.

However, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) demanded their expulsion. On July 20, 1983 the House voted for censure, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual misconduct. Crane, who tearfully apologized for his transgression, lost his bid for reelection in 1984. Studds, however, refused to apologize and even turned his back and ignored the censure being read to him. He called a press conference with the former page, in which both stated that they were consenting adults at the time of the relationship (the page was 17 at the time) and that it was therefore not the business of others to censure them for their private ephebophilic relationship, and he continued to be reelected until his retirement in 1996.[1]


East end Hobbiest
Originally Posted by GlennQuagmire
At least Republicans have the decency to resign. The dems lionize their perverts (see Barney Frank).
Oh yeah, right ... breaking news on CNN

A senior congressional aide said Wednesday he told House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office in 2004 about worrisome conduct by former Rep. Mark Foley with teenage pages -- the earliest known alert to the GOP leadership.
Which flies on the face of the time line released by the Repubs yesterday about who knew what when ... lying asses.

PS. As I was typing this Blitzer just came on saying that it was just learned that they were actually warned THREE years ago.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Carcharias said:
Joyful, I don't know about the whole age of consent thing, but if nothing else this whole sorry saga shows 2 things:
  1. Extremely bad judgement. This guy is an elected politician. It's his job to be a good judge of situations; and
You can't be serious. You only need to look at some of the bills these guys vote for and the pork they push to understand that good judgement is nothing more than a mirage on capital hill.

Carcharias said:
  • The fact that Hastert, who is basically Foley's boss, knew about it and did nothing.
What would you expect him to do? Let's not be naive here, his job is to protect his party. If there was a reasonable expectation of sweeping this under the rug, then he did the right thing.

Just like Clinton did the right thing by saying "I never had sex with that woman" in response to the totally inappropriate question about his private sexual activities.

Let's face it: we don't hire these people to be model citizens. We hire them to represent our interests. That should be the ONLY question before the voters: are our elected officials representing our unique and general best interests?

Carcharias said:
Remember, these were the very same dudes who were after Clinton for a far less serious indiscretion.

Family values? Bringing honour and decency back to politics? Hmmm... I think not.
Screw the "tit for tat" bullshit. What? Do you want to be like the Repugs waging war over the old Watergate wounds??? Chuckles has moved forward and we need to too.

We don't need family values in politics any more than we need them in escort services. What we need is an honest deal. Just as an escort should give the same good deal and good service to a working client who can afford to pay her rate as to a millionnaire who inherited his wealth, so should we expect the same from our elected officials. If the rate is the rate, doesn't matter who's paying it ... or at least, it shouldn't.

The current government in the US is acting like a floozie who sees a rich mark and falls all over him, giving up to him that which she would never give to a regular paying customer. This is something that needs to be checked. Congress needs to learn the lesson that any woman who wants to go the distance in the sex industry does: that just because he's a wealthy man or a movie producer doesn't necessarily mean that he's going to make you rich, make your life easy or make you a star just because you put out for him.

Set your rate and charge it across the board. If you give any breaks at all, you're best to give them to those who are most decent to you -- not to those who hold out the most promise.



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
JoyfulC said:
What would you expect him to do? Let's not be naive here, his job is to protect his party. If there was a reasonable expectation of sweeping this under the rug, then he did the right thing.
Doing the right thing? He's trying to cover his own ass. From his point of view you're probably right.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Laura Bush Crawls Down into Reynolds Gutter Today!

Tom Reynolds was on TV today in Amherst NY 'sweating bullets' while trying to talk his way out of being an apologist for his pervert-pal Mark Foley for the past year, by not outing this scumbag Foley.
It was comical watching Tommy boy, squirm as he tried lying his way out of this mess. At one news conference this weasel Reynolds surrounded himself with children, so newsreporters couldn't ask him any tough questions.....what a pathetic POS!!!!....hiding behind kids to avoid questions.
Then today Laura Bush, makes a trip to Buffalo and lowers herself into Tom Reynolds GUTTER by herself supporting what Tom has done so far!!!!!

Another example of how loyalty to the GOP trumps loyalty to the morality of protecting our kids!!!
Some Family Values! Laura !!!!

Gotta protect my
power & base !!!


Jan 18, 2004
Investigation Update

I just saw an update on the scandal investigation. It said that at the time Foley was sending sexually explicit IM's the page in question was 18.

This by no means completely exonerates Foley from misconduct since taking sexual liberties with underlings is still considered bad conduct by many. It my dial down the political retoric a little if this report is confirmed.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Newtie Lectures on Morals?

You knew it was coming folks!
El Rushbloe-hard Limbaugh hinted at it yesterday in his daily radio rant!
Here's the latest wacky neocon defense for Foley's follies:
- with Bill Clinton shorty to be thrown into that mix!

Listen to nuty Newt Gingrich lecture his lemmings:

Sex scandals, blow jobs and the 'stench of hypocrisy'

October 5, 2006 7:53 AM


Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the shameless hypocrite who left Congress under a cloud of ethical questions and publicly chastised Bill Clinton while sneaking out on his wife and nailing a House Agriculture Committee staffer, is now claiming Democrats have bigger sex scandals than Republicans.

"What we don't have to do is allow our friends on the left to lecture us on morality," Gingrich said at a party fundraiser in Greenville, SC, Wednesday. "There's a certain stench of hypocrisy."

Gingrich should know something about the stench of hypocrisy. He stinks to high heaven from it.

This hypocrite is the man who served his first wife with divorce papers while she lay in a hospital bed. He divorced his second wife after his screwing of a House staffer became public while he was Speaker of the House and leading the GOP charge against Clinton.

This is the same Newt Gingrich who used to take campaign volunteers back to his car and so they could give him blow jobs.

Just ask Ann Manning, a married woman back home in Georgia who admits to an affair with Gingrich.

"We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her,'" says Manning.

Dot Crews remembers Gingrich's failed campaign for Congress in 1974.

"We would have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her (a young volunteer on Gingrich's staff) on the desk," Crews says.

Kip Carter, his former campaign treasurer, remembers a football game in Gingrich's district. She was walking Gingrich's two daughters back from the game and cut across the parking lot when she spied the Congressman's car.

"As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys' wives with her head in his lap going up and down," Carter says. "Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then."

I worked for Gingrich in 1992, raising money for GOPAC, his political action committee. During fundraisers at homes in the Washington area, he would whisper something in the ear of a sweet young thing and they would disappear for 30-45 minutes.

"Newt's getting a blow job," a female GOPAC staffer told me. "He likes blow jobs."

At the Republican National Convention in Houston in 1992, a GOPAC volunteer was assigned to escort young women to a hotel room for quickie oral sex and stand guard outside to make sure the Congressman was not disturbed. I found one of those women crying in the hotel bar afterwards.

"He's a pig," she said. "He made me get down on my knees and fellate him and then turned his back to me and told me to leave as soon as he came."

So, I asked, "why did you do it?"

"I work for him," she said. "I want to keep my job."

When the Republicans were trying their best to impeach and convict Bill Clinton for lying about his oral dalliances with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Gingrich was stepping out on his wife and sampling the sexual pleasures of Calista Bisek, a long and lean Capitol Hill Blonde more than 20 years his junior.

He told friends he would read the Bible while waiting for her to finish singing each week at The National Cathedral, which I guess gives a whole new meaning to the phrase: "Oh God, I'm coming!" Gingrich dumped his wife and married Bisek but GOP insiders tell me he is still up to his old tricks with any woman who is willing.

Gingrich is not the only tail chaser in the Republican Party. When he stepped down amid scandal, his first replacement, Rep. Bob Livingston of Louisiana, had to back out after admitted he cheated on his wife. Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana fathered a child out of wedlock and put his mistress on the House payroll. Even grandfatherly Henry J. Hyde, whom some suggest should replace current House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert if he is forced out because of the Mark Foley Congressional page scandal, admitted to a long affair in the midst of the Clinton-Lewinsky saga.

Democrats have their whore hounds as well and neither party can claim any moral high ground when it comes to sexual hijinks, but it is the Republican Party that claims to be holier-than-thou and preaches "family values." For Gingrich to now claim Republicans are somehow better than others when it comes to sex scandals is a bald-faced lie and the height of hypocrisy, even for Washington.

And somebody in Greenville probably gave him a blow job before he left town.


Jan 18, 2004
Carcharias said:
Haven't seen that report, burlboy. The last I heard, the page in question was 16.
Apparently ABC news aired an unredacted screenshot of one of the messages from AOL and because of that the identity of the page is now known. Mat Drudge did a search on that name and the guy (now 21) was 18 at the time of the message. Drudge has this reported this on his website. I guess ABC Might be in for a law suit. Drudge is also reporting the guy has hired a lawyer.

I have also heard the latest Democrat tactic is to distribute a list outing Republicans they think are gay and in the closet and "lurking" in the halls of Congress.

If this is true then so much for civil liberties and support for the Gay's in the community.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The Foley Follies: Goes Back to 1997 !!!!!!

It appears now at the end of the Clinton Administration an investigation of Hastert was started. Then those fine 'family values' Team 'w' hypoctites came to power in 2000 and shut this investigation down!..........:rolleyes:

Sibel Edmonds: Freeh Investigated Hastert

Thu Oct 05, 2006 at 11:49:32 AM PDT

Sibel then went onto describe the Hastert situation with Louis Freeh - transcribed by the ever-wonderful Miguel:

"...what happened was, FBI had this information since 1997. In 1999, the Clinton Administration actually asked the Department of Justice to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hastert, and certain other elected officials that were not named in this (VF) article, to be investigated formally. And the Department of Justice actually went about appointing this prosecutor, but after the Administration changed they quashed that investigation and they closed it despite the fact they had all sorts of evidence, again I'm talking about wiretaps, documents- paper documents- that was highly explosive and could have been easily used to indict the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. That investigation was closed in 2001, and this was around the time I started reporting my cases to the Congress."


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Carcharias said:
No, his job is to represent his constituency. When protecting the party comes first, then it's not representative democracy.
And what does his constituency want? Protection for 16-year-old boys who are sent off several states away by their parents because their parents believe they're mature enough to handle dick-brained old fools? Or tax breaks, investment profit protections and special considerations for people of their class.

I don't think their constituency is all that concerned with moraltiy.

Carcharias said:
Besides, let's assume for a moment that his job is to protect his party. To an honourable person, protecting the party would entail protecting it from exactly the type of behaviour that Foley has admitted. What self-respecting political party would want an alcoholic pedophile in their midst? The best thing for the party would be to out this guy immediately, full disclosure, and close the door on this whole sorry saga.

But Hastert didn't do that. He chose to cover it up, a bad decision that goes back about three years.
Well, that's how it looks at this point in time.

Just like when Clinton lied about relations with Lewinsky, it might have seemed like the best bet at the time. We know about the situations in which the bluff was called .... how many situations don't we know about when the bluff worked?

I don't like Hastert at all. I think the guy is the scum of the earth -- but for different reasons. With respect to this situation, though, I can't see that he did the impractical thing. Morality? Who are any of us here to speak of morality????

The point is that American (and Canadian!!) voters need to start seeing past the scandals, past the judgments on people's personal and private lives regardless of their public roles. We need to resisting the lure of scandal mongering. It never serves us. It only uses us.

God I hope American voters get smart sooner rather than later.



Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
Funny how the Democrats are trying to take the moral high ground on this...the same party that has produced Bill Clinton..o my oh my the hypocrisy of politics.
One more reason to clean house.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Carcharias said:
Riiiiiggghhhttt... When in doubt, blame it on Clinton. It's all his fault, after all.

According to polls, it looks like you'll be getting your wish in November when the Rs risk losing both the House and Senate.
The republicans run a reasonable risk of losing the House. The Dems would have to win nearly every seat where the races are close, to win the Senate. Not going to happen.

BTW, on a sidenote, after having a horrible approval rating earlier this year it looks like Arnold is going to be re-elected easily. Sorry TOV. Never try to predict elections in California or Florida. You've got a better chance in Vegas.


New member
Carcharias said:
Riiiiiggghhhttt... When in doubt, blame it on Clinton. It's all his fault, after all.

According to polls, it looks like you'll be getting your wish in November when the Rs risk losing both the House and Senate.
Frazel doesn't get it. he doesn't realise the Media is taking back the country... they'll burn any log that happens to fall.. Foley was more than just a log.. searching for the proper scaler's words, i'd call him a boom stick...a very thick boom stick...62 inches at the butt at minimum... fuel for a 5 week burn in the least..
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