The Rise of LONELY & SINGLE Men...


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
After leafing through the comments, I've been known to miss things (like my asshole dad's funeral), no one has brought up devices. I live at Yonge and Eglinton, me and my spaniel hang out by Stock TC. My observations are :
1 Hardly anyone smokes cigarettes anymore
2a 90% of the young hot luscious babes are staring at their phones
2b I occasionally look at what folks (both guys and gals) walking down the street are doing on their phones. They scroll. They scroll though their pictures which I'm sure they have seen already or scrolling through contacts hoping to get a new message from one of their bff's.

I may be out in left field here, have the 20 somethings not learned to use their voices to communicate?
"Hi I'm Bob"


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Plus diversity programs are job killers for men. Many public and private entities are required to achieve various gender ratios and if they can't create lots of new roles for women the on,y alternative is to pass over or fire men.
That's a load of bullshit. My white nephew graduated Electrical Engineering and got a job at a well known chip-maker out of school paying $90k per year to start + benefits.
Another nephew with a Ph.D in engineering flipped the bird to a german company with ho in Berlin because the germans treated him shit. He found another job paying US$250k in a week. If you have talent...


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
That's a load of bullshit. My white nephew graduated Electrical Engineering and got a job at a well known chip-maker out of school paying $90k per year to start + benefits.
Another nephew with a Ph.D in engineering flipped the bird to a german company with ho in Berlin because the germans treated him shit. He found another job paying US$250k in a week. If you have talent...
Your science based relatives should have told you that anecdotes are not a trend. I never said it was a universally applied law, but it is absolutely happening. Securities regulators are now requiring companies to have arbitrary ratios or explain why not. Isn't it amazing that all these boards that didn't have any women all of a sudden have quite a few. Isn't it amazing that universities like Queens are now finding men and women claiming to have indigenous backgrounds they don't actually have in order to get tenure. What a coincidence that government RFPs require bidders to have x ratio of blacks, women, indigenous in their head count. Look at all the companies pledging to have 3% of their workforce always be black. How is it that the CBC which is full of seasoned white men couldn't put one on the National telecast when there were 4 anchors. I can match your anecdotes with 2 from me personally where I was unquestionably the most qualified for 2 promotions and was passed over and then terminated for good measure in favour of female minorities with irrelevant experience but they had the genetic qualifiers needed to check some DIE boxes. I found a better position BTW, don't worry about me. This stuff isn't hard to find.

Plus engineering is still a massively male dominated field that women don't go into so they should enjoy their good fortune while it lasts. You can't hire and promote what's not there
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your science based relatives should have told you that anecdotes are not a trend....

Plus engineering is still a massively male dominated field that women don't go into so they should enjoy their good fortune while it lasts. You can't hire and promote what's not there
But thanks for admitting that trend. (p.s. plenty of young female engineers - UofT was over 40% a while back).

We could admit that many women are at least as qualified as many men or people can just pretend that men are an endangered species and whine about why their life isn't perfect. A CEO would have to be dumb to hire less capable people, especially in a competitive field like engineering.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
But thanks for admitting that trend. (p.s. plenty of young female engineers - UofT was over 40% a while back).

We could admit that many women are at least as qualified as many men or people can just pretend that men are an endangered species and whine about why their life isn't perfect. A CEO would have to be dumb to hire less capable people, especially in a competitive field like engineering.
I didn't admit that trend. Engineering literacy I see. And a CEO would be dumb and soon fired if he didn't comply with these targets. Anyone that doesn't walk the walk is soon grilled over it and their performance bonuses depend on hitting them. They just hope that the less qualified ones who make it through don't fuck the dog too badly.

Up of T female engineering undergrads are only 25%, while the provincial average is only 19%. That's a trend of half your figure. Doesn't seem to be going your way. Sorry that you and facts don't get along. You kind of ignored all the other examples I mentioned. Typical ignorance.
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Aug 7, 2022
This guy gives great advice and I really fell sorry for the average young guy trying to date westernized women in north america or western europe as it is really tough out there for them. The thing that really bothers me about these articles and content creators is that while they are giving good advice it's the overall theme of how men these days need to make a shopping list of major improvements just to date an average girl.

It usually goes something like this:

Womens requirements:
-- Over 6 feet, preferably over 6'2
-- good career that makes over 150k
-- fit , preferably with abs
-- funny, interesting, charismatic

Then the advice from these content creators is

well your not over 6 feet, so you got to make up for it in other way another shopping list of requirements just to maybe have sex with some average girl;
-- guy in video says having a V shaped body, which involves a lot of time in the gym , constant dieting and exercising, and good genetics
-- have interesting hobbies, guy in the video talks about his friend who has two planes, and how women love it when he takes them flying

What do women have to do or improve? zip, zero. Notice how you never see content on what women need to get men,
-- dont need to go the gym or workout, anyone that has been to gym knows it's 90% guys
-- doesnt need to lose weight
-- doesnt need to have interesting hobbies, most women are boring as shit and have zero hobbies.

It's almost the equivalent of having to get a harvard phd just to try and get a job at McDonalds.

My advice is flights have never been cheaper. Go find a girl in eastern europe, SE Asia or South America. 10's of millions of young beautiful women in these countries that would be happy to have a decent man with a decent job.
Let me tell ya... Even fitting your "women requirements" it aint easy. You're only there until someone better shows up. True for Boys and Girls.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... And a CEO would be dumb and soon fired if he didn't comply with these targets...
Ah, resorting to conspiracy theories to prove your conspiracy theory.

Sorry but I've been working in the field for a quarter century, have been involved in hiring dozens of people, and work with engineers at numerous other companies (some of whom I socialize with regularly). Yes, there are more women in engineering now; they are hired because they are the most competent candidates applying for those jobs, not because of some "targets" made by imaginary rulers of the Earth.

p.s. Investors mainly are concerned with return on investment, not some conspiracy to manipulate the social order.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Ah, resorting to conspiracy theories to prove your conspiracy theory.

Sorry but I've been working in the field for a quarter century, have been involved in hiring dozens of people, and work with engineers at numerous other companies (some of whom I socialize with regularly). Yes, there are more women in engineering now; they are hired because they are the most competent candidates applying for those jobs, not because of some "targets" made by imaginary rulers of the Earth.

p.s. Investors mainly are concerned with return on investment, not some conspiracy to manipulate the social order.
It's not a conspiracy. It's public policy. Comply or explain policies are published in most provinces with securities regulators. Government RFPs are publicly available documents. The targets of most public companies are public. Again, your one anecdote counts for shit against that. Stories about standards being lowered so more of identity x can be hired are published in newspapers of record. You're living in denial.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
It's not a conspiracy. It's public policy. Comply or explain policies are published in most provinces with securities regulators. Government RFPs are publicly available documents. The targets of most public companies are public. Again, your one anecdote counts for shit against that. Stories about standards being lowered so more of identity x can be hired are published in newspapers of record. You're living in denial.
Yes, I've seen recruitment ads that say "preference will be given to ..................................".

"Affirmative Action" is actually worse in the U.S. One major example is Elizabeth Warren who got into Harvard claiming she is indigenous.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's not a conspiracy. It's public policy. ...
Ok then. Why don't you show me where this policy saying private companies need to hire based on gender is published because despite my involvement in hiring, it has never crossed my desk.

And it's fucking stupid to think that any company will hire less qualified people. I could see public facing jobs seeing an ability to relate with various customers to be an additional qualification that could benefit underrepresented groups but 99.9% of women or minorities hired are hired because they are at least as qualified as any straight white Christian male that applied.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Ok then. Why don't you show me where this policy saying private companies need to hire based on gender is published because despite my involvement in hiring, it has never crossed my desk.

And it's fucking stupid to think that any company will hire less qualified people. I could see public facing jobs seeing an ability to relate with various customers to be an additional qualification that could benefit underrepresented groups but 99.9% of women or minorities hired are hired because they are at least as qualified as any straight white Christian male that applied.
We'll add lazines to your defects as well then. Here are a few summary links for you. I suspect more detail would just frustrate you. It is stupid that companies would hire less qualified people. Hence the outrage that this is the case. Less qualified people are hired to hit targets which govern management's pay, bonuses, and even employment. It's reall and it's the law, And your occasional personal anecdote to the contrary means squat weighed against that. Why, i personally know people who never break the speed limit. Guess that means people not doing that don't exist. Because it would be stupid. 🙄



New member
Sep 12, 2022
I used to live in Poland (briefly in the Ukraine)

The days when Polish women threw themselves at foreigners are gone. Unfortunately. The golden era was around the mid 2000s to around 2012. Over time Polish women became more westernized. They are still more easygoing and feminine than their western counterparts. But a lot has changed.

Everywhere you go, you need game. Game trumps all. Good Looking ? Rich? Tall? These things are important but only in terms of icebreakers. If you are confident, assertive funny and show yourself as a leader that breaks down a lot of ice.

The internet really fucked the shit out of society (I miss streetwalkers) but I bet 40 years ago, if you asked a girl what she wants from a guy she would say good looks and money. Nothing has really changed, the internet simply brought this to the forefront. What she really wants is a smooth confident guy.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I used to live in Poland (briefly in the Ukraine)

The days when Polish women threw themselves at foreigners are gone. Unfortunately. The golden era was around the mid 2000s to around 2012. Over time Polish women became more westernized. They are still more easygoing and feminine than their western counterparts. But a lot has changed.

Everywhere you go, you need game. Game trumps all. Good Looking ? Rich? Tall? These things are important but only in terms of icebreakers. If you are confident, assertive funny and show yourself as a leader that breaks down a lot of ice.

The internet really fucked the shit out of society (I miss streetwalkers) but I bet 40 years ago, if you asked a girl what she wants from a guy she would say good looks and money. Nothing has really changed, the internet simply brought this to the forefront. What she really wants is a smooth confident guy.
Fuck !
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