Warning: Oppenheimer Spoiler.
It saddens me that Dianne is too sick to watch Oppenheimer, her review would have been invaluable. I've seen the film twice now, one brief but powerful scene I couldn't understand: The Scream. Orson Welles used The Scream to usher in John Foster Kane final breakdown in
Citizen Kane, Nolan's use of it didn't make sense. Rami Malek plays David L. Hill the Head of the Federation of American Scientists, before that he was one of Enrico Fermi's assistants at the University of Chicago where the first nuclear reaction was unleashed. As an aside, Garry Oldman was brilliant as President Truman.
The mystery of Nolan's Scream explained, unlike Nils Bohr, Enrico Fermi was at Los Alamos.