Larue, I read arguments made by others and respond with criticisms and sources. I provide legit sources for all the claims I make and do not rely on conspiracy theories or shoddy work.Give us a break
You are the worst of all the left wing loonie zealots who can not and will not consider an alternative view to your beliefs
Your approach makes all intelligent people question your trustworthiness
You are the worst enemy of your cause, regardless of whether your hypothesis is right or wrong
BTW, you indicating others are not too smart is about as ironic as it gets
It does not take a massive IQ to spew propaganda without having a true understanding of the subject matter & that is the only thing you bring to the table
When 97% of climatologists have come to the same conclusions studying different elements of the same issues its not because they are 'zealots' its because the science comes to those conclusions.
In contrast, you rely on dodgy work by non-climatologists, fuzzy youtube rants that masquerade as science and personal insults.
The science is sound, your claims not so much, you fit the findings of this study to a 't'.