The morality of it all

Is selling/buying sexual pleasure moral or immoral.

  • I'm a "provider" and it is perfectly moral.

    Votes: 6 7.7%
  • I'm a "provider", but think it is immoral

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • I'm a client and think it is perfectly moral.

    Votes: 40 51.3%
  • I'm a client and think it is immoral.

    Votes: 12 15.4%
  • Drink the Tea Poolie, don't smoke it.

    Votes: 16 20.5%

  • Total voters


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Due to a number of implications recently in in some posts, I'm just curious as to what the general perception is.

For the purpose of this poll, if possible, it's assumed that all forms of sexual "service" ( SP, MPA, Dancer ) are the same; without shades of gray. I was uncertain how to word it, but wanted to keep it confined to black and white even though it may not be.


Well, that question is as clear as mud. But let's clear up the confusion and just say that we'll all apply situational ethics and be done with it.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I see lots of evasion. :D

Personally I have no problem paying for sex, no problem with people who choose to work in the field and I wouldn't cheat on my wife if I were married.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
As one of the unmarried members of TERB I have to say that I'm with Svend. If I was hitched, I'd drop out of the hobby. (But sadly, I'd still probably be addicted to TERB.) For me it's not a question of morality so much as one of choice. When I find Her, that's it for me.

But I see nothing particularly wrong if others choose to hobby. There is ultimately a difference between love and sex. Sex is just a physical act. Seeing SPs is a lot of fun, but I don't get much emotional content from it. If I was in love with a lady it'd be a different story.


New member
Sep 18, 2004
east of eden, west of sodom
Where are you from?

...the Deep South? Shades of Moral Majority.
Don't think morality enters into it myself, do what you like as long as it is two consenting (ok paying) adults. Just don't hurt the ones you love no matter what.


Rebmem Roines
Jan 20, 2004
Harrad College
I'm a client and think it is perfectly moral.

if you were stranded on an island with an sp, mpa or dancer, and she offered to comfort you in exchange for money or coconuts or whatever, would you pay her price, and would you feel it moral or immoral? ... if I were on this island, I would gladly offer coconuts, fish, wild boar from the hunt, seashells from the seashore or whatever, in exchange for comfort, and it would not feel immoral, afterall, who would judge us?

now on this island, if this sp, mpa or dancer, chose not to offer her services in exchange for goods, what would you do? ... I would offer her coconuts, fish, a hut or whatever, to try to win her affection and get in her pants, but if that didn't work, I'd look for another island :)


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
Here's a question- who can rightfully define what 'moral' is? The religious institutions who time and time again show us how immoral some of their leaders can be? Or the politicians who seem to have perfected the art of lying (hey..isn't lying immoral?)

The way I see it, if you can do something that makes you (possibly more people) happy w/out hurting anyone else and you can go to sleep at night w/out problems...then it's moral enough. :)


New member
Apr 2, 2002
I don't think that majority of us think this this hobby is "perfectly moral" or "immoral", as such.

The problem for most of us (seems to me) is that this hobby is a little, kinda, immoral - maybe... but possibly even "good" for us or enlightening or humanizing or something like that.

I have plenty of problems with what I do... it's confusing being a strong feminist and a hooker. But I love this weird-and-crazy job. And I'm so into this work because the people I get to meet doing this are complex and "immoral' and some of the most self-aware and reflexive people I've ever met.

Does this help??


'Senior' member
Aug 30, 2004
near YOO
pool said:
Due to a number of implications recently in in some posts, I'm just curious as to what the general perception is.

For the purpose of this poll, if possible, it's assumed that all forms of sexual "service" ( SP, MPA, Dancer ) are the same without shades of gray.
My feelings are not listed in this poll:

I know that all religions forbid it (so its immoral); and LE regards it as criminal activity BUT I don't consider it wrong.

IMHO, religions are just an older systems of government (before the advent of monarchy, democracy etc.) so the idea of sin doesn't bother me. My only concern is being caught by LE and my greatest wish is that our politicians would stop being hypocrits and decriminalize sex work.



New member
Feb 10, 2005
That's a good point about many feminists being conflicted and taking opposite sides on sex or porn.
It can be empowering or degrading, depending on the type it is or the role you play.


Little Miss Bossy
Nov 30, 2004
Svend said:
That's a good point about many feminists being conflicted and taking opposite sides on sex or porn.
It can be empowering or degrading, depending on the type it is or the role you play.

i wrote a gigantic enormous paper about the process i went through to harmonize my identity as a feminist with my desire to be a stripper. it got a perfect grade :D

as far as the question is concerned...'s all still confusing to subjective. i say, as long as no one is getting hurt (s/m excluded of course!) then, who cares?


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
Everyone has a different view on Morality so we will never get a straight answer for this topic plus everyone's Morality is partialy changed because of what they have been tought is right from society.
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