The Israel Lobby


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
The discussion was about whether or not the US considers Israel to be a valuable ally. I'm not sure where weaponizing anti-Semitism plays into that discussion.
Glad you asked. As the title of this thread indicates, this discussion is about the Israel Lobby in the United States.

Any criticism of this lobby is met with charges of antisemitism, as you have demonstrated yourself. That's where the weaponization comes in.

It is possible to criticize the actions of a foreign country, or those who advocate on its behalf, without hating them.

We can criticize the governments of Russia, or China, or those who act on their behalf, without being accused of hating Russian Americans or Chinese Americans.

So why not Israel?
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So why threaten to rape people with a dildo?
It's not a dildo. It's a branding hot poker. Remember, these are Jews that you're talking about. The most evil people in the history of the world. Don't lose focus, Geno.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Glad you asked. As the title of this thread indicates, this discussion is about the Israel Lobby in the United States.

Any criticism of this lobby is met with charges of antisemitism, as you have demonstrated yourself. That's where the weaponization comes in.
The fallacy of your position and what makes it pure anti-Semitism is that I have provided sources to back up my claims that Israel is a valuable geopolitical asset to the US that protects US interests and that no other country in the region comes close to matching.

Clinging onto your beliefs that Jewish money controls world banks, Hollywood and the entire US political system can be construed as nothing more than anti-Semitism. It's not my problem if you choose to deny reality.

You have provided not one iota of facts to prove me wrong.

What sites do you have that prove that Israel is not an ally of the US? You claimed to have a million.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
The fallacy of your position ... What sites do you have that prove that Israel is not an ally of the US?
I don't think you know what a fallacy is. You just made an appeal to authority. That's a fallacy.

But since you asked: How about every link that I've posted in this thread?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The fallacy of your position and what makes it pure anti-Semitism is that I have provided sources to back up my claims that Israel is a valuable geopolitical asset to the US that protects US interests and that no other country in the region comes close to matching.

Clinging onto your beliefs that Jewish money controls world banks, Hollywood and the entire US political system can be construed as nothing more than anti-Semitism. It's not my problem if you choose to deny reality.

You have provided not one iota of facts to prove me wrong.

What sites do you have that prove that Israel is not an ally of the US? You claimed to have a million.
Its not working any more, Shazi.
You need a new story.



Sep 18, 2024
I cannot believe the /OPs life is based on Jews ,White [eople seem to either be racist against blacks by not dating one; in some cases but you never hear white people say get rid of adfrixa. this southpaw person needs to become a religious wing nut so she can then go on and say the jews killed her Jesus. Seriously the envied of being obsessed by an entire group of people while never probably befriended an Israeli, words can't express how [athetic these jew rants are, you belong inward war 2 on the nazi side ms paw; ill stick to Ontario [olitics I never realized how truly sick in the head some people truly are. get help


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I cannot believe the /OPs life is based on Jews ,White [eople seem to either be racist against blacks by not dating one; in some cases but you never hear white people say get rid of adfrixa. this southpaw person needs to become a religious wing nut so she can then go on and say the jews killed her Jesus. Seriously the envied of being obsessed by an entire group of people while never probably befriended an Israeli, words can't express how [athetic these jew rants are, you belong inward war 2 on the nazi side ms paw; ill stick to Ontario [olitics I never realized how truly sick in the head some people truly are. get help
Here's a video that helps identify the difference between Jews and zionists.


Sep 18, 2024
Here's a video that helps identify the difference between Jews and zionists.
here's a news flash when I was at rock bottom and I went homeless not one asshole would help me no English no Irish no Palestinian no African no Spanish no catholic at the church no \body I was too proud to call my family .....I called an old friend from many years ago not even thinking of what there background is and when you racists get this in your head there's only one group of people I don't like and that's terrorists who teach babies and children to be suicide bombers saying there going to 144 virgins good luck Palestinians for hundreds of years have raised there babies to hate jews because the quaran makes jews look like they disobeyed god this is not about religion its ALL ABOUT MONEY JEALOUS THESE PEOPLE HAVE TOP EDUCATIONS JEALOUS SOME OF THEM ARE GENIUSES getting back to my story an Israeli couple let me stay in there basement they fed me they kept me until I found shelter in there home with there kids and what did I observe two beautiful people that go back and forth to Israel and there gorgeous kids they wanted zero dollars and even gave me a few hundred when I departed so your telling me anyone from Israel is a zionist what a load of false information maybe when the wars over go take a trip there and find out that jews aren't monsters we had one fuckin hitler German that was a psychopath we don't need all these jew haters you guys are as bad as the extremist conservatives that are white power your honestly no flipping different if you've never been to Israel or met Israelis you've bought into the jew hating the people there are leaving who don't believe in the politics but to say everyone in Israel seriously you guys need a good professor and a shrink.
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