One other important thing to note.
The range for the projected temperature increase -- a range of 1C to 5C by the year 2100 -- came from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which provides the sea surface temperatures to NASA for its calculations of temperature increases.
Thus, if Frankfooter tries to argue these projections aren't credible, we will have him on record saying NOAA and NASA's temperature projections aren't credible.
The range for the projected temperature increase -- a range of 1C to 5C by the year 2100 -- came from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which provides the sea surface temperatures to NASA for its calculations of temperature increases.
Thus, if Frankfooter tries to argue these projections aren't credible, we will have him on record saying NOAA and NASA's temperature projections aren't credible.