The future of TERB.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
First, pardon the length. (That’s not the first time I’ve used that line… <sigh>).

Second, full disclosure. This is Armagettin who was banned several weeks ago. The message stated “banned b4”. Apparently I was banned because one of the Mods mistakenly thought I was already under a banning and so banned me for two years.

For the record, I have never been banned nor have I ever been warned. I believe it has been over ten years being on TERB from the first board. I can’t remember how long ago, actually or if it was three or four iterations ago of TERB. I have had three handles in those years, none concurrently until I signed up Lash to correspond. I have provided more than a few reviews over the years..

I sent Fred a note regarding the banning but I suspect he is busy and doesn’t have time to deal with it. I pm’d Super Mod and he was kind enough to post my note in the admin section (thanks again). A number of weeks have since passed with no response. I was going to mail Fred again but have had a change of heart, hence this post. No slight against Fred.

In the last several weeks, while waiting, I have been quietly watching the board. Although I have not posted, I admit to reading reviews and some lounge threads. I have had ample time to observe and ruminate.

When I was checking reviews I noted that, of the new girls reviewed, I had already seen more than 80% of them (I like to explore). The other 20% were not women that I would wish to see for various reasons. Consequently, only a couple of reviews held any interest for me.

This is not a comment on how much I hobby (there are far more serious hobbyists) but rather, the lack of activity for such a large community as TERB. There are over 100,000 members on this board and yet one guy can see most of the new girls than are reviewed. There are lots I have not seen but they have also not been reviewed here.

I thought that this can’t be right. I could never keep up with even one of the vets on TERB in the past. So I did some research. Admittedly the data is from a smallish sampling but the results are quite telling nonetheless. The essential difference is that there were more reviews and less fluff. The style of reviews were somewhat different as well or at least the balance of style.

My main focus while on the board was in the Massage section, Incall section and, more recently, Craigslist section. I did a quick comparison of now vs several years ago.

CURRENT (top page of section)
Craigslist Section
Total consecutive posts - 25
Posts asking questions-17
Posts offering review-2 new, 2 rehash (maybe I picked a bad day)

Incall Section
Total consecutive posts - 25
Reviews – 6 including 2 rehash

Massage Section
Total consecutive posts - 25
Review – 4 including two one-liners

Craigslist Section

Incall Section
Total consecutive posts - 25

Massage Section
Total consecutive posts - 25

So… 50% to 55% of the posts used to be reviews. Now it is 4% to 25% depending on the section. This is a small sample set but it is reasonably indicative of the trend. The point is that the difference is significant.

It is important to note that many more of the reviews today are repeat reviews of the same girl. The difference in newly reviewed girls is even greater. As the well-reviewed girls retire, the overall review count may continue to drop.

As to culture…

There have been some interesting recent debates regarding shills, review styles, promotions etc. and I wish to provide a perspective on the subject.

The culture of the board has changed significantly over the years. I care not for the changes and have been vocal at times. I realize that the board no longer suits my interests (or vice versa). C’est la vie. However, I think it is important to list some of the differences as this might give an idea of where the board is going, good or bad, and why some of the older members take issue.

Some of the differences in postings are as follows…
-Many reviews are of providers who are already well reviewed with the poster claiming the same experience as the previous reviews of that person. Not bad in itself but an indication of fewer original reviews.

-Posters often review their own performance more than the SP’s. Considered showboating by some.

-Posters aggressively promote girls and/or agencies.

-Posters shilling (not new I suppose but there seems to be more of it)

-Oddly, posters are criticized for TOFTT. Comments such as, “You should never see a girl unless she has been reviewed.” are not uncommon and are completely baffling to me. This is a significant indication of how the reviewer profile has changed. It used to be the norm to see a challenge to be the first to review a new provider.

-Posters with zero reviews giving opinions in the review forums. I know it’s a free country. I just don’t like it. ;)

-Posters get on a roll of one upping the previous poster with stupid, inane comments. Way past funny.

-The most prolific posters on TERB are non-hobbyists and/or non-reviewing hobbyists. Value is questioned.

-The lounge threads used to have more sexually oriented topics. Makes sense since there were more hobbyists posting then.

-There are many active SPs that post now (not sure if this is for better or worse but there is certainly an impact).

-The board has a much stronger social component now. Less focus on hobbying.

-The lounge is the busiest section. Perhaps it always has been but I don’t think so. It outstrips the other forums.

Another very large review board in the US eventually became so socially focused that they moved all the periphery, social forums to get the board back to being a review board. It had morphed and wasn’t working well. As the reviews dwindle here, the value of ads will also dwindle, making the board less effective for all concerned.

100,000+ members and TERB appears to be moving towards a social site with a sideline of SP reviewing. This is not meant as criticism. It is an illustrated observation made so that the membership can effect change, if desired.

The members of TERB need to be challenged to start posting reviews. Reviews of new providers as well as established ones or you will find TERB continue to change. If you wait until a rival, competent board operator comes on the scene, it will be that much more difficult. Relevant content is what will keep TERB healthy.

I will leave TERB after posting this as I have clearly become a dinosaur. I hope the thread does not get deleted and I hope the information is taken to heart. Fred can only do so much. It is up to the members to keep the board growing.

Adios Amoebas



Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Lash is a cool name, I'm surprised it wasn't taken.

None of us can direct the culture of any board, it's pointless to discuss doing so but it's interesting to note it.
I choose not to review for my own reasons, others have solid reasons for their own style on here.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Meh, things change. I only travel to TO infrequently so the value of this board to me poonin' wise is weak.

Great place to hang out though!



New member
Dec 27, 2004
Interesting points, thanks for posting.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I consider myself a hobbiest, even though I very rarely see a new provider, I used to, but now I like what I have. I do find the attention-whore, non-hobbying posters a little annoying, but I guess it is better to be tolerant. I try and contribute what I can to the board in terms on information to answer questions, in my case, Cannonball gossip and swinger reviews. To me, a thread where someone asks for some hobby related information, and people provide the information, can be just as useful as a traditional format review.

In terms of the value of the board, I really value the social aspect. And I think that in terms of reviews, it is more the absolute amount of information that matters, not the amount relative to social postings. You can search for the provider you are interested in, in my experience, the coverage is pretty good. I would like it if there was a way to like/dislike posters, so that attention-whores could be silenced, but other than that, Terb works well for me.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
Interesting insights.

I certainly agree with a fair bit of what you have said. Especially the tendency for some members to criticize other posters after they TOFTT or selecting an SP in a price bracket different from their own.

However, I question your interpretation of the statistics you measured. You used these numbers to conclude that the number of reviews has decreased. What you've actually shown is that the number of reviews per post has decreased. Volumes on this site are much higher than they were several years ago so even if there are proportionately fewer reviews per 25 posts, that does not actually mean the overall number of reviews has gone down.

Myself, I understand and find value in many discussion threads (such as this one) which are not specifically reviews of providers. There is more to the hobby than the actual encounter. There are techniques for searching, styles of handling yourself with SPs, and pros and cons to different services and service levels (the list goes on). This site is more than a simple review of ladies we've seen, it's also an opportunity for those new to the hobby or the area to learn about how to enter this pastime, how to make good selections in seeking providers, and how to behave when they see these ladies.

That said, I do find many of the threads not to my interest but, then again, I'm under no obligation to read them.

Something I do find frustrating, at times, is that there are those who are less than honest in their reviews because of personal preferences, biases, or affiliations with some of the SPs being reviewed. The white night syndrome is certainly alive and well on this board and I'm not sure it's my favourite feature.

I also don't understand those members who read the reviews, benefit from them, participate actively in the hobby, and yet do not feel that they should contribute reviews. We all hobby at different rates and with different frequencies so it's understandable that some would have more reviews to contribute than others. However, those who have material for reviews but purposely hold back strike me as not fully grasping the spirit of this site.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Yes it would be nice to put notes on User names like in online poker.

Thought it was very interesting reading, Thanks Lash/Armagettin.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Back in my day, it was all so much better . . .

I know that is not the most accurate depiction of the OP, but it's damn close.

Some points strike me as worthy of discussion, but hardly original: there's an issue with a bit of shilling, the so-called white knight syndrome, inane additions to reviews which seem to be post-padding.

Other points are pointless: except for the injunction that all should aim to write honest reviews, stay out of style police arguments.

Other points, such as criticism that TERB seems to have more going on in the discussion and forum sections than the past, seem ill conceived or, at the least, poorly justified. Ever heard of a mall? One can go to a mall and window shop forever, and eventually buy. If you complain about the window shopping, then you miss the fact that a mall brings people in for many reasons, one of which is shopping. But those many reasons combine to drive up sales overall. Increased traffic equals increased sales, right? I'm not im marketing but aint this common sense?

Also, is there something being lost because the lounge has social discussion rather than just sexual discussion? Well, for some, sure. But there are others amongst the male population who do more than just look at nudy pics. One can always not click on a thread, whether that thread has the title 'tits here' or 'todays political hot button'. I think the OP displays the mindset that if one is interested in sex then that should be one's only focus, and let's just say I for one would probably roll the cursor over his threads.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
I suppose, but again, I didn't see anything in the rules that prohibited this activity. :cool:
No, there are no rules against it, however Lash is correct in noting the changes that have taken place over the years. It used to be less likely to find members who weren't also hobbyists involved with the board. That in itself is no big deal, just his observation that Terb began as a review board with a lounge for additional conversation not related to reviews, as it was cluttering up the review threads. Nowadays the lounge seems to be the main or only focus for some people. The funny thing is, there are some prolific posters who then get offended when someone mentions how much they are posting exclusively in the lounge. It's been that way for years.

There was also as he states, a greater willingness to be the first to try out a new SP or MPA on the scene. Almost like a badge of honour if you will. Again, as noted, nowadays members are almost chided for being the first to visit a new lady. Where will the reviews come from if no - one is willing to be the first?

However, many of those same people are forever suggesting that someone else TOFTT, almost as if they are living vicariously through the reviews, rather than using the reviews as a guide to prepare a visit themselves. As a result, it may be accurate that there are more visits to less girls. If there is a fear of the unknown, the same girls will be reviewed over and over again, while potential new encounters will be avoided because so many are afraid of TOFTT as they are not thanked for their efforts but admonished instead.

There was a time when you would meet all the new members as they made themselves known, it was a gradual increase in the membership. Now, I come across members who have almost 10, 000 posts and I haven't seen them before.

I have also noticed these and other changes mentioned by Lash, however with over 100,000 members and growing daily, the genie is long out of the bottle and he/she aint going back in. Many of the current members were'nt around from the beginning so they don't have memories "of the way it was", they only know it as it is. Many of the original members are long gone and others are gradually hanging up their membership cards.

Unfortunately Lash, if most people only know it the way it is today, they will have no desire to change it. And quite likely because they didn't know it in it's infancy, it won't matter to them anyway.

It's too bad that a number of original members are leaving because they don't like or approve of the direction the board has taken. I am content to go with the flow, and I know there are others who feel the same.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
I would like it if there was a way to like/dislike posters, so that attention-whores could be silenced, but other than that, Terb works well for me.
I believe there is a function where you can choose to ignore certain people if you so desire.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
One thing I don't miss from the days of yore are the flame wars. They were endless and nasty and were so excessive that it seemed that every thread would eventually turn into a flame war. Good riddance.

The most annoying thing about the new "culture" is the shilling. It has gotten more sophisticated and subtle. It is used to be easy to spot a shill - it was laughable and the threads become entertaining as the shill was outed. Now I can spot shills but they are much more devious and there is no fun to it.

There are more SPs on the board now. It seems they complain more than before too. I don't believe it's good for their business. We pay for the fantasy. When they come here and go on about their aches and pains, it makes me less likely to book them.

The reviews? I still find them helpful and there are some excellent reviewers on the board. No, there aren't enough reviews but that has always been the case.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Thanks Armagettin for those insights. I find most of your comments to be true. Some of your points are more valid than others, as some posters have already pointed out.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
There are more SPs on the board now. It seems they complain more than before too. I don't believe it's good for their business. We pay for the fantasy. When they come here and go on about their aches and pains, it makes me less likely to book them.
Maybe they don't realize that they are giving more of a GFE than the guys really want!! That's what guys are trying to get away from. :D


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Maybe they don't realize that they are giving more of a GFE than the guys really want!! That's what guys are trying to get away from. :D
Nope, Underwear, I don't think SPs voicing the odd ache and pain is akin to the girlfriend dudes are escaping. The LEAVE part is the differentiating factor!

I still like the following definitions:
GFE: your girlfriend, only competent
PSE: what your girlfriend would do if you gave up the right to any other request at all


Well-known member
I've been here since July 2001(my original handle was deleted somehow) and I have not seen that much in the way of change in that big change BBBJ's as an option have gone through the roof.:D.

I'd have to say I'm semi retired from the scence and enjoy the social aspect of this board.Like any other social setting it has evolved sometimes for good and sometimes for the bad.I try not to analysis it too much and just enjoy it.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Actually I think this is a pretty interesting thread. As you can see by my join date, I've been a long-time lurker on this board and a occasional hobbyist, and in the time I've been a member of this board, I have seen a kind of paradigm shift in the board. When I first joined, the EE explosion was all the rage, and some of the legends of the time included Bobbi, Laney and Leo/Dominique. I believe this was about the time that such previously-PSE services such as BBBJ and CIM became almost an industry standard. While there were agencies such as Exquisite, Cupids and GoE that still exist today, the popular agencies were primarily the East European agencies, such as they were. Outcall seemed to be the primary choice of the hobbyists and the incall scene, at least on this board, was not nearly as popular as it is now.

Again, I wasn't a big part of the community, as I was primarily a lurker, but there was a lot of TOFTTing, and members seemed to be alot more supportive of their fellow hobbyists taking risks. Anyone who was a member of this board remembers Homonger, who was alot like FunnyFace and king21 in terms of his seemingly endless hobby budget. There was a lot more empthasis on weeding out shillers to the point that it actually discouraged, I think, alot of members of posting reviews. I'm not sure why that's changed so much since then, since the basic conflict of interest that TERB revolves around, in that the majority of the budget that TERB operates comes from agencies and independants who are advertisers on this board who have a vested interest in having their agencies portrayed in the best possible light, existed back then. One possible answer is that while the EE agencies were advertisers on the board, they didn't care as much about public relations since they were more about the quick cash than developing a successful long-term business reputation. I don't think that explains the entire reason

Reviews could be every bit as graphic as some of the reviews are now, and some of them were just plain disrespectful, but the majority of them seemed to be less boastful of the reviewer's sexual abilities. After the EE wave died out, there was more of a return to popularity of the incall agencies, and of course, Mirage came around and I think competely, for a time at least, dominated the incall scene. There was the public outing of several prominent reviewers that were taking discounted or free sessions in exchange for positive reviews, and while TERB dealt pretty harshly with those outed, I fear that practice is still alive and well today. This also came with the rise of SPs actually joining the board and the community, and while I completely understand while it serves the business interests of the SPs to be such a part of the community, and they've added alot to the community, they've also had a profound effect on the makeup of the board.

Let's face it, most of the guys on here, aren't the best at relating with women, and aren't the most secure guys, so when a SP pops into a thread with a comment or suggestion, one (and sometimes both) of two things happens. Either the guys here who hobby because they don't respect women because they a) been burned by women in the past or b) don't know how to relate to them as equals, jump in with variations of 'you make 250 dollars/hour to suck our dicks, you have an easy job, so shut the hell up' and 'because you have sex for a living, you're a whore, and you must put up with all my bullshit', or the complete opposite happens and men who think sucking up to the SPs on this board, will lead to the SPs respecting them and maybe giving them a free session, jump in with their white-knight syndrome, which leads to some negative, but not dramatically so, reviews being questioned and ultimately dismissed.

You also have the retarded polls on here asking SPs 'do you like shaved balls' and 'how many orgasms do you have per session' which do nothing but refine the SPs abilities to sell themselves. And there is a tendancy for SPs to rant about bad clients or pet peeves or whatever, which sparks the two types of guys to chime in. You also have the threads which end up filling with pointless drama about webcams, debt consolidation and hookers unions. Basically the board starts filling up with drivel and BS and you see the same 5-10 SPs being involved in a majority of the threads on here. Now, I'm not saying that SPs posting on here is inherently bad, or that they shouldn't be allowed to. I for one, love reading some of the more intelligent posts by SPs, I'm just pointing what happens when this happens.

And then, of course there's the people whose only contribution to the board is either inane comments about how hot their SO is, or pointless 'silly' pics. Which is fine in the lounge. Every Internet message board has to have a dumping ground for pointless and entertaining topics, the only problem is when it spills over to the review section. There's no prohibition about non-hobbyists posting in the review section, nor should there be, but it does clutter up review threads with pseudo-witty banter and derails discussions. It's roughly akin to a football player attending a space-cadet program to talk about how hot his cheerleader wife is, or to offer advice on which brand of Tang is the best for those shuttle missions. This did happen earlier, but not to the same extent

Which brings me to the final point. The shilling. There's no question that it is a bit out of control, and I think everyone who doesn't do it, knows what I'm talking about. Whether it's HOF's glowing reviews of how he can't get enough of a Girl in Pink's tongue up his ass, to the three part shilling reviews of every girl in Mirage's line-up it's very prevalent in recent months. I actually don't know whether to call it straight up shilling, because in my understanding shilling is defined as a review made positive when in fact the poster either never saw her, or the events described in the session did actually happen, because I do believe the gist of most of the reviews. I guess it's just the obvious glorification of the reviewer's abilities, and him either taking pride in how filithy the session was, or how transcendent and life-altering it was
I don't know, it's kind of confusing for me, and I'm sure shilling happened in the 'olden days' of the board, but it just feels like nowadays 90% of the reviews are shills, and those crying out 'shill shill' are far and few between

In any case, I think that's the current state of TERB. As a previous poster in this thread mentioned, there's no putting the genie back in the bottle.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
the popular agencies were primarily the East European agencies, such as they were.
Whatever happened to "Boris"?
Toronto Escorts