Quite right.You are correct. The legal system certainly has its failings, as any system dependent on human judgment will have. However, it's one thing to say that the system doesn't always work as it should, and quite another to hold up a flaw as an essential element of the system.
Interesting perhaps but evidence sufficient to discharge the onus upon a plaintiff? Not even close. Listing all kinds of interesting tidbits does not amount to proof af anything at all.Dominion CEO testified today before Michigan Senate committee:
He acknowledged that their systems could be hacked, but denied knowledge of any evidence of hacking. He blamed the failed audit of the Antrim Co. machine on a missing software update, but couldn't explain how this software update was missed on only this one machine. He denied that the machines were connected to the internet, but acknowledged that they have ethernet ports that would allow them to be connected. Strangely, he advanced the argument that Dominion must not be the problem because Trump got more votes than Biden in many counties where Dominion machines were used (as if that proves anything).
Some other interesting aspects of his testimony:
1. The only Michigan County that had onsite IT support from Dominion was Wayne county.
2. The CEO didn't know what training had been given to tabulator/software operators in Michigan, or who gave it.
3. No one from Dominion who was at the TCF centre provided any report to Dominion management. Dominion does not have first hand evidence that relates to any of the allegations made by affiants about the actions of Dominion staff or the operations of the equipment or systems at that site.
You are drawing a false equivalency between concern a judge, some with lifetime tenure, might feel and concern that a person whose entire career depends on pleasing his boss.No, you don't see the connection.
The connection is that Miller is claiming the legal system isn't working because judges are too concerned about coverage from the media, while the poster was making the argument that Miller should be worried about his public reputation, essentially warning him that the media will be sure to destroy it. In essence, the poster is suggesting that public figures, whether judges or politicians, should fear the media. If the poster is right, then it would appear that Miller may be right as well.
That is so good.
He was last seen at a hair salon attempting to get a proper hair color and bald patch covering done.Whatever happened to Rudy?
ooooooh, oh no.....should Biden be worried. LMAOMichigan joint sub-committee issues subpoenas to Detroit and Livonia County to preserve and produce election equipment, electronic storage and other election materials to be examined by the committee, in contrast to usual policy of deletion of storage and destruction of materials when there is no recount or audit:
Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence from Detroit and nearby suburb
“Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, this information needs to be preserved,” State Senator Ruth Johnson saidjustthenews.com
Finally, you found the evidence that will overturn the election!Video taken by Georgia Fulton County poll worker shows chain of custody procedures not followed and unsigned absentee ballots processed:
OP-ED: In Georgia, Unsigned Absentee Ballots, Shown on Video adds to the Stench of Election Corruption | Sean Hannity
By Don BrownWhen major metro areas in six swing states announced a “stop count” order a little after 11 PM on Election Night, ...hannity.com
SFinally, you found the evidence that will overturn the election!
Congrats, you must be feeling very relieved.
Oh wait, Michigan does have another suit going on.
Detroit Is Trying to Get Sidney Powell Fined, Banned from Court, and Referred to the Bar for Filing the ‘Kraken’
The city of Detroit wants Sidney Powell and her self-styled "Kraken" team to face sanctions for "frivolously undermining 'People’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in our government.'"lawandcrime.com
Miller is not going to be working for Trump for much longer if the election results are undisturbed.You are drawing a false equivalency between concern a judge, some with lifetime tenure, might feel and concern that a person whose entire career depends on pleasing his boss.
Where does a nazi find work after Trump is gone?Miller is not going to be working for Trump for much longer if the election results are undisturbed.
If you are personally acquainted with people who are judges here in Canada (where they all are secure from removal) you'll know that they are, nevertheless, sensitive about public criticism, particularly from within the cocktail society they circulate within (who include the press and/or others who lap up their offerings). There aren't many Judges who want to show up at the next celebrity fundraiser and have to brave the whisperings of "he's the one who thought Trump was right!"
SWhere does a nazi find work after Trump is gone?
Sure judges are sensitive about press, like anyone else. You don't want to be on the front page for doing something stupid, like having goo leak down your head, get caught trying to have sex with someone you believed to be a minor or even have nude photos become public.
But that only serves to keep judges from being controversial and trying to put their views of the law into the court.
Trump's lawyers are all total disasters, just like his attempts to turn over the election and just like your continual belief that they will succeed.
Dutch, where do you GET your ideas from?!Miller is not going to be working for Trump for much longer if the election results are undisturbed.
If you are personally acquainted with people who are judges here in Canada (where they all are secure from removal) you'll know that they are, nevertheless, sensitive about public criticism, particularly from within the cocktail society they circulate within (who include the press and/or others who lap up their offerings). There aren't many Judges who want to show up at the next celebrity fundraiser and have to brave the whisperings of "he's the one who thought Trump was right!"
Wow, did you send that straight to Rudy?Testimony in Wisconsin Senate hearings on voting irregularities:
SWow, did you send that straight to Rudy?
How about Biden?
I'm sure he'll admit the election wasn't legit and resign as soon as he sees it.
Keep up the good work, you're almost there.