I promised myself I would no longer engage with you... but this is so fucking ignorant that I could not resist!
So, in your wisdom, a lawyer's character, integrity and credibility don't really matter in Court...
Bravo! You have earned a special award of proficiency in something Albert Einstein said: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Now it is clear what S stands for!
You need a refresher from the Law Society. Seriously.
A lawyer must act with integrity or risk professional discipline (including disbarment), but the degree of their own personal credibility is not how the courts determine the merits of claims being advanced on behalf of their clients. If it were otherwise, there would be no need for trials. You could simply decide cases based on which party had hired the lawyer with the better reputation for integrity. Rule 2 is a way of weeding out those from legal practice who would would take advantage of clients or abuse the processes of the legal system in service of a client. However, it does not operate to punish clients who happen to hire such lawyers. A client's legal claim is not invalidated because they happened to hire a sleazy lawyer. Even if their counsel is disbarred in the middle of proceeding, the client is free to hire different counsel and continue their claim. Their claim is ultimately only measured by the standard of proof and interpretation of the law applied by the court.
You are peddling a fantasy about the practice of law where lawyers all belong to a club of shared values, shared perspective on legal principles, and shared reverence for the establishment.
The weird aspect of your perspective is that it would reduce the value of the work of lawyers to mere messenger boys, telling clients what the establishment thinks of their claims, and arriving at court to witness pre-ordained pronouncements from the bench. Surely you would want to think your life's work had more meaning than that!
Since you love quotes so much (a true hallmark of an authoritarian), how about " There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. " (attributed to John Heywood, a restatement of Jer. 5:21).