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the color of cum??

May I suggest getting a pop-up stopper ?

You can get it here for free:

Just do a search and install the little sucker. Then, you'd be looking at free porn without all the distractions !!! HAHAHA

Not to mention these links as well

Enjoy folks !!!



Feb 5, 2002
LoveThemGirls said:

From the article:

"Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation drains the body of Human Growth Hormones, DHEA, and testosterone, ...
That I believe. I'm not sure about the rest. I do notice tiredness when I go on a binge, but I think that's due to too much tv-watching (i.e. porn) or computer monitoring staring (i.e. porn), or staying out too late (i.e. strip clubs), or staying up too late (i.e. watching porn on tv and surfing on the net). When I keep my sessions 'efficient' and 'to the point', and get regular sleep, I feel fine if it's once a day. I feel more energized if I keep it down to every other day.

My record for keeping hands off? About one month. I was a teenager, convinced I'd never get laid if I kept paying so much attention to myself. That one month actually paid off, as my theory panned out. Never have I held out longer than a week since then, and never have I launched a shot like that one either.


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
hooktonsc said:
My record for keeping hands off? About one month. I was a teenager, convinced I'd never get laid if I kept paying so much attention to myself. That one month actually paid off, as my theory panned out. Never have I held out longer than a week since then, and never have I launched a shot like that one either.
Actually, many of the "how to get laid" advice books say thae same thing, masturbating is bad for your sex life, because a loaded gun makes you bolder and less inhibited in the pursuit of sex. And I know what you mean about saving up, I saved up for one week once, and went to a legendary MPA, when the moment came as she was lying beside me I shot 5 shots clear over her body!
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