the color of cum??


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001

I gotta comment here: from my 'experience', the more I shoot my load, the more white it is. The longer I go without, the more clear it is - I think due to an excess of actual seminal fluid that waters it down somewhat.

So there.


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
Re: Re: No.

badboy said:
Yeah, maybe if you're 14... but beyond that there is no way the male body recharges after just 24 hours. The fact is you lose a lot of energy when you ejaculate, and once a day is far too often. The old saying is true - you WILL go blind...
Ok that's bad news, if I go 24 hours without masturbating, I consider that a major accomplishment. Perhaps this explains why I feel so tired all the time. So what you're saying is, if I stop choking the one eyed snake, I'll be more energized?


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
People are different...but we all like sex.

badboy said:
Yeah, maybe if you're 14... but beyond that there is no way the male body recharges after just 24 hours.
Well, I guess people are different. I remember reading an article as an undergrad that said that the average male sperm-count returned to normal after 24 hours. Obviously there will be many that are above and many that are below this average time.

The sperm-count returning to normal levels should not be confused with the "refractory" period, or the time it takes a male to recover the ability to ejaculate. This time does extend with age and a 40-year old usually can't go for MSOG as easily as a 21-year old.

I can still manage at least two in an hour and more...if I have the right partner. But it isn't as easy as it used to be :(.

Thank you Dr. Al Cohol,

I guess I should masturbate as often as I can and when I have the financial resources, I am sure to visit my prostate nurse for some serious milking.

I am glad to find out that my balls are all normal and functioning as any other guy that suffers from the same symptoms as "toxic sperm build-up".

Now this is definitely a "relief" ...

And since our cum in unlimited ... this means I can cum whenever I want, where ever I want, with whoever I want and however I want and on with whatever I want !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA




Active member
Apr 1, 2002

Isn't cum made up of semen (seminal fluids) and sperm? So then the second shot (soon after) will have less sperm. The fluids are normally clear. Thus the cum looks less white. Sometimes, uric acid can be ejaculated as well causing a yellow tinge.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
Re: People are different...but we all like sex.

zog said:
Well, I guess people are different. I remember reading an article as an undergrad that said that the average male sperm-count returned to normal after 24 hours. Obviously there will be many that are above and many that are below this average time.

The sperm-count returning to normal levels should not be confused with the "refractory" period, or the time it takes a male to recover the ability to ejaculate. This time does extend with age and a 40-year old usually can't go for MSOG as easily as a 21-year old.

I can still manage at least two in an hour and more...if I have the right partner. But it isn't as easy as it used to be

Has nothing to do with the refractory period. What is considered "normal" for sperm count, and having the "ability" to ejaculate, should not be confused with having a fully-charged battery. There is a difference. "Normal" sperm count may be based on the average male who ejaculates every day or 2.

What you are saying then is that a man should ejaculate the same amount of semen every time, as long as he waits 24-hours or so, and there should be no difference in volume of semen, whether it has been a day or a month since last ejaculating.

But it's really very simple. If you go a week without ejaculating, you will blow a much bigger wad than if you had continued to spank the monkey every day. So, it should be obvious that 24 hours is not long enough to recharge fully. That is what I am trying to say.

Besides, orgasms are a lot stronger after a week without one :)


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Read it again badboy!


Perhaps you misread my post.

I was not saying that the refractory period is related to sperm-count...I was saying that it wasn't.

You are right that there are other factors that can affect the quantity of ejaculate during orgasm, but that's not what I was talking about.

Sperm-count is the ratio of little swimmers to volume of ejaculate. It's about density, not quantity.



New member
Jan 1, 2003

Didn't misread your post. Didn't say anything about the refractory period vs. sperm count so I am not clear on your point.

What I am trying to say is that even if you're sperm count has returned to normal (whatever normal may be) it does not mean that your body has fully recovered energy-wise from the effects of ejaculating.

And obviously just because the refractory period is over and you have the ability to ejaculate again, does not mean your body has recovered fully from the first ejaculate.

Maybe you will laugh at this, but here goes (haha): If you can feel your qi, you would notice a definite difference in the level of qi if you store up semen for a week or 2. If you blow your wad every day, it becomes much harder to feel qi. Qi is basically your internal energy. Depending on age, it can take up to 2 weeks for qi levels to replenish after ejaculating.



Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
The story of S

There are multiple factors at work here and it seems that some may be getting them confused.

There is frequency of ejaculation. This is how soon after orgasm you can manage another SOG. This time certainly is shorter when we are younger and the refractory period becomes longer as we leave our twenties (sigh :().

There is the quantity of ejaculation. This is the total volume of "stuff" you produce at orgasm. This will be greater if you've abstained for a while. It will also be greater if you are (mentaly and physically) more stimulated at the time of orgasm. Think of the load you shot the last time you really had a great session!

Finally, there is sperm count which is the ratio of little swimmers to the overal volume of ejaculate. The sperm count will be lower than your average on second and subsequent SOG because your body has not had the time to replace the sperm since the last shot. This (on average) takes about 24 hours.

badboy's point about overall body fatigue is also valid. We don't just use up sperm when we have an orgasm...sometimes we get a full-body workout!

Of course, my information is mostly academic since I have not had any personal experience with other men, and perhaps some of the ladies have some annecdotal experience that might be of interest here.

After all, the points I have made represent averages in the population, and individual people may vary greatly from the norm.



New member
Mar 6, 2002
Re: Re: Re: No.

LoveThemGirls said:
Ok that's bad news, if I go 24 hours without masturbating, I consider that a major accomplishment. Perhaps this explains why I feel so tired all the time. So what you're saying is, if I stop choking the one eyed snake, I'll be more energized?
i would not only be tired if i jerk off too often, but also have black eyes


New member
Mar 6, 2002
Re: cum

i_am_good said:
Isn't cum made up of semen (seminal fluids) and sperm? So then the second shot (soon after) will have less sperm. The fluids are normally clear. Thus the cum looks less white. Sometimes, uric acid can be ejaculated as well causing a yellow tinge.
so what does the white part contain of? semen or sperm?
also is it normal to have small amount of discharge or clear fluid dripping out the penis after ejaculating and takes a few minutes to disappear? this is what i noticed every time after i cum..


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I'm sure we've all heard the joke about why the head of the penis is larger than the shaft...but it still makes me laugh!

Peter, maybe you're little head isn't wide enough...



World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
Ok this thread has made me do some investigation on whether excessive masturbation (one or more times per day) actually affects health, and evidence points to the affirmative.

Here is a website that shines a bit of info:

From the article:

"Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation drains the body of Human Growth Hormones, DHEA, and testosterone, which are used for recharging the CNS and the parasympathetic (bio-energy restoring) function of each organ. As a result, the endocrine-associated organs slow down hormone production. The eyes become very sensitive to sunlight due to the deficiency of the bio-energy in the visual nerves (the erectile drug Viagr* (trademarked name not allowed here) produces the similar side effect - blue vision). The ears buzz due to the deficiency of bio-energy in the hearing nerves. The heart beats irregularly due to insufficient bio-energy in the auto-rhythmic and contractile fibers. Blood pressure becomes too high or too low due to insufficient levels of bio-energy in the kidneys to regulate the kidney renin-release mechanism. A higher volume of sweat and bouts of fatigue occur due to the insufficient bio-energy in the adrenal cortexes, which produce DHEA to pacify the sympathetic nervous function. The patient also experiences pains and spastic cramps in the muscles and joints (in particular, in the lower back area due to the lack of DHEA and testosterone to feed the local cells and neurons) and his waist becomes very weak."

There are many more articles about this on the net. I have started taking "MegaMen" vitamin supplements and 5-HTP to restore seratonin levels. I have been going to a sleep clinic to find out why I can't sleep and feel all the symptoms of fibromyalgia, maybe all along it was the masturbation habit. Needless to say I have stop shaking hands with Mr. Happy to see if my symptoms improve.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
LTG, better not let submissivedave see that!

Daniel Reid, in The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity basically says the same thing:

"The body must invest a lot of essence and energy to fully replenish semen supplies and re-establish proper hormone balance after a man ejaculates. When ejaculation frequency exceeds the capacity of the body to fully replenish semen, men experience chronic fatigue, low resistance, irritability and other symptoms of essence and energy deficiency. They also lose interest in their sexual partners, who may well be ready for more action."

Good luck.


New member
Mar 6, 2002
LoveThemGirls, thank you so much for the link. I have been reading it for a while and i think i have come to a conclusion that I should seriously stop masturbating so frequently, because i have one of the symptoms of over ejaculating, sensitive eyes. I do not wear glasses, but recently my eyes have been quite sensitive to strong lights. i often feel uncomfortable while looking at overhead or walking outside in the sun. damn this is scary. this is really the time to think.
Oh uh ... then I guess I shoudn't cum too much ... but maybe a should.

Short time pleasure immediate pleasure or long term pleasure?

Hmmmmmm .......

Nonetheless, I would admit I jerk off way way way too much ... it a bad habit. Plus, looking at online porn is so addictive. And when I look at them, I get an "reaction", which, leads to self pleasure ...


New member
Mar 6, 2002
submissivedave said:
Oh uh ... then I guess I shoudn't cum too much ... but maybe a should.

Short time pleasure immediate pleasure or long term pleasure?

Hmmmmmm .......

Nonetheless, I would admit I jerk off way way way too much ... it a bad habit. Plus, looking at online porn is so addictive. And when I look at them, I get an "reaction", which, leads to self pleasure ...
i guess this is called compulsive basterbation


New member
Jan 1, 2003
submissivedave said:
Plus, looking at online porn is so addictive. And when I look at them, I get an "reaction", which, leads to self pleasure ...
Yeah, hard to stay away from that stuff...spent far too much time looking at freebies on Kiko Wu's Asian Thumbs...

But those frigging popup ads are a bitch. The online porn industry seems to think that popping up one ad after another, without letting you escape, will actually get you to spend money...when all it does is piss you off and realize what a bunch of morons they are.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I Hate Pop-ups.

badboy said:
The online porn industry seems to think that popping up one ad after another, without letting you escape, will actually get you to spend money...
It's really annoying. For some reason, advertiser think that the pop-ups generate business for them. That's why they pay to have their ads linked to many sites. Obviously, many of these sites take the money...

I'm glad TERB has not gone that route! It would reduce traffic to this site, not increase it. I know that many people automatically close the pop-ups without reading no new business for the advertisers!

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