smylee52 said:
How long does it take you to spot the professsional hobbyist ? The guy that knows the drill and has obviously seen many SP's .
Other than telling you or using the "jargon" what gives them away ?
Once you establish he knows the terrain do you feel a little relaxed or does your spidey sense kick in and you think I better keep a close eye on this one (LOL) ?
Do the professionals usually have a game plan where they move you from activity to activity or do you believe you are generally in control of the sequence of events ?
You can definitely tell fairly quickly. There are good and bad "professional hobbyists"
He knows where the shower is and to excuse himself without being asked to take one.
He's able to direct in terms of what he's looking for.
He is polite and respectful.
He can recommend girls at other agencies with whom I might like to duo.
He introduces himself by his TERB handle.
He talks constantly about/compares you to the last girl he saw.
He reads TERB enough to buy into conspiracy theories about it.
He asks to be introduced to other girls who might be at the location on his way out.
smylee52 said:
Would you donate a $100 to someone willing to start up a client etiquette training course complete with certificate ? Maybe giving a graduate , with his squeaky clean , pubes trimmed cock, a nice blowjob to go with the certificate . (Yes ,I'm kidding . The teacher deserves the blowjob )
Client etiquette, not so much. I think its fairly simple and the vast majority of men get it. Intro to Escorting 101 I'm taking female applicants, I'm thinking we rotate between the vocal ladies on TERB to get girls information to which they otherwise don't have access. Actually I'd love if there was a sticky on TERB for women who are considering getting into the industry, it would have helped me a LOT.
Ok, I'll play...
What aspect of "power" is it that women feel in this industry?
Power over men, power to make money, power to control, power of freedom?
Is this really "power"?
All of the above, and for not all of the population.
Primarily I feel powerful in that I can indulge my perversions without judgement from the public.