The Ask-A-Hooker Thread

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
fmauhv said:
Wow a little short on the reply!! My assumption is that it is always safe.
well your question was quite illogical.. what does price have to do with safety? Even if you assume that the higher the price the less clients the escorts sees? Then assume that an escort who sees only one client per week is safer vs one show sees 100? She's only as safe as her practices.. period. As are you...


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
fmauhv, anyone who assumes he's safe… isn't.


Jan 28, 2009
Well I think that this might be the longest thread to date?? 45 pages and finally dead?? If it is thank you ladies for the candid responses. I personally appreciate learning how it is on the other side of the business. Thank you to all that make this so much fun and enjoyable. And to Gen....Have I told you how hot you are today. teeheeee lol


Jul 2, 2004
What do sp's do to protect themselves? I don't mean STD's, but violent customers, rapists, etc. I had a friend who worked for an agency in S.S. Marie, and one of the customers raped her. I immediately bought her a knife and small cans of bear spray. Wondering if anyone hear takes any precautions, even if it's martial arts training.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
SlitherySOB said:
What do sp's do to protect themselves? I don't mean STD's, but violent customers, rapists, etc. I had a friend who worked for an agency in S.S. Marie, and one of the customers raped her. I immediately bought her a knife and small cans of bear spray. Wondering if anyone hear takes any precautions, even if it's martial arts training.
It would defy the purpose of taking precautions to detail them here, don't you think?


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
SlitherySOB said:
What do sp's do to protect themselves? I don't mean STD's, but violent customers, rapists, etc. I had a friend who worked for an agency in S.S. Marie, and one of the customers raped her. I immediately bought her a knife and small cans of bear spray. Wondering if anyone hear takes any precautions, even if it's martial arts training.
Have you met Andy? He's a tank and would be there in a heartbeat if I were ever in trouble. For agency girls: checking in/out, having a second girl there, etc. are favoured over bear spray (I can only imagine the hurt I'd cause myself 'testing it out').

Carrie Moon said:
no. STD exposure has not to do with frequency.. it has to do with caution. I have one friend who simultaneously lost her virginity and got herpes (non-sp). Use your logic...
It has a little bit to do with frequency: the more frequently you're playing the higher the chance your safety practices will slip, just that one time. That having been said disallowing for human error you're completely correct.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Excuse me, are you serious?

fuji said:
Here's a timely question:

Have you ever encountered anyone working as an SP who was underage?

Under the present circumstances that question is most in appropriate...:)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
toughb said:

Under the present circumstances that question is most in appropriate...:)
maybe not

But no one has to answer it in one way or another.


Jan 31, 2005
I disagree. I want to know whether it's more common than I thought it was--I thought it was rare. Now two in one week?

So to those on the inside of the business I ask, how rare is it, really? Have you ever encountered someone you knew, or strongly suspected, was an underage SP?

Long, long ago I met a girl in a coffee shop. I was 17-18 and I figured at least a couple of years younger than me. We chatted for awhile and though she was real pretty she came across to me as spaced out--talking too fast, cutting herself off. She was either stressed out or strung out, but I chatted with her because she was hot.

Gradually I came to realize that she was a prostitute. She would talk about how she lived in a hotel and had all sorts of expensive things. She seemed to be justifying herself to herself, with me as a bystander. She was stressed out, or spaced out, or both.

Before too long some dude came in wearing a cowboy hat. He looked pretty rough. She said she had to go and within a few moments left with him. I was too naive at the time to put it together quick enough, they were gone and vanished before I clued in that he was her pimp.

I wish I could have done something to help her, I wish I'd been a little quicker to figure it out, but I hadn't got her number or her contact information or anything else to go on and then she was gone. I went out and looked around on the street--no sign of them. No idea where they went.

Hope she's OK.

Never remembered her really until I read that story in the newspaper. I hope the next time I run into a girl like that I'm a little quicker on the uptake and I can help put the fuckhead in jail.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
fuji said:
I disagree. I want to know whether it's more common than I thought it was--I thought it was rare. Now two in one week?

So to those on the inside of the business I ask, how rare is it, really? Have you ever encountered someone you knew, or strongly suspected, was an underage SP?

Long, long ago I met a girl in a coffee shop. I was 17-18 and I figured at least a couple of years younger than me. We chatted for awhile and though she was real pretty she came across to me as spaced out--talking too fast, cutting herself off. She was either stressed out or strung out, but I chatted with her because she was hot.

Gradually I came to realize that she was a prostitute. She would talk about how she lived in a hotel and had all sorts of expensive things. She seemed to be justifying herself to herself, with me as a bystander. She was stressed out, or spaced out, or both.

Before too long some dude came in wearing a cowboy hat. He looked pretty rough. She said she had to go and within a few moments left with him. I was too naive at the time to put it together quick enough, they were gone and vanished before I clued in that he was her pimp.

I wish I could have done something to help her, I wish I'd been a little quicker to figure it out, but I hadn't got her number or her contact information or anything else to go on and then she was gone. I went out and looked around on the street--no sign of them. No idea where they went.

Hope she's OK.

Never remembered her really until I read that story in the newspaper. I hope the next time I run into a girl like that I'm a little quicker on the uptake and I can help put the fuckhead in jail.

No one can admit to this at this time


Jan 31, 2005
papasmerf said:
No one can admit to this at this time
Why not? At this time it's probably the most important time to do so. Is terb supposed to be part of some coverup?

If so I am getting closer to following MichaelZzz out the door.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
fuji said:
Here's a timely question:

Have you ever encountered anyone working as an SP who was underage?
The handful other SPs I've met were all over 18 as far as I could tell.

That being said, I do agree with those who have said that "barely legal" is too young to be in this business. I remember being an 18-20 years old, and I think I was as smart, resourceful and mature as an 18-20 years old can be, but I sure didn't have the resources, knowledge, and life experience at that age to work in this business.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
fuji said:
I disagree. I want to know whether it's more common than I thought it was--I thought it was rare. Now two in one week?

So to those on the inside of the business I ask, how rare is it, really? Have you ever encountered someone you knew, or strongly suspected, was an underage SP?

Long, long ago I met a girl in a coffee shop. I was 17-18 and I figured at least a couple of years younger than me. We chatted for awhile and though she was real pretty she came across to me as spaced out--talking too fast, cutting herself off. She was either stressed out or strung out, but I chatted with her because she was hot.

Gradually I came to realize that she was a prostitute. She would talk about how she lived in a hotel and had all sorts of expensive things. She seemed to be justifying herself to herself, with me as a bystander. She was stressed out, or spaced out, or both.

Before too long some dude came in wearing a cowboy hat. He looked pretty rough. She said she had to go and within a few moments left with him. I was too naive at the time to put it together quick enough, they were gone and vanished before I clued in that he was her pimp.

I wish I could have done something to help her, I wish I'd been a little quicker to figure it out, but I hadn't got her number or her contact information or anything else to go on and then she was gone. I went out and looked around on the street--no sign of them. No idea where they went.

Hope she's OK.

Never remembered her really until I read that story in the newspaper. I hope the next time I run into a girl like that I'm a little quicker on the uptake and I can help put the fuckhead in jail.
That's very beautifully written and noble and I'm sure the girls love reading it. However, had you of intervened you probably would have been beaten up, stabbed, or shot. Had you asked for her number, she probably would have laughed and told you to fuck off.

Heroes get shot, I see a pimp walking with his girl, I do nothing, none of my business, I see one getting beat up, have no choice but to step in.

If you really want to help, follow them, get his license number and tell the cops, about all you can do.


Apr 24, 2005
fuji said:
I hope the next time I run into a girl like that I'm a little quicker on the uptake and I can help put the fuckhead in jail.
Aren't you required by law to report all cases of actual or suspected child abuse to the authorities?


Jan 31, 2005
Rockslinger said:
Aren't you required by law to report all cases of actual or suspected child abuse to the authorities?
I would today. I was a teenager too at the time and I am not sure I appreciated back then as much as I do today how much trouble she was really in there. I knew something wasn't right about it, but at first I'd believed half the crap she told me about how wonderful it was to live in a fancy hotel and have expensive things.

BD is right I'd have got shot of I tried to intervene and what I'd do if it happened today would be gather up as much info as I could (what hotel, the guys name, etc.) and pass it on to the cops--but that's the mid-life experienced worldy me, not the naive teenager me that was there that day.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
genintoronto said:
Oh, if I was a boy, I would totally have done it at one point too, out of curiosity. I would probably not have asked or expected anyone to lick my cum-sicle though.

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the number of guys who claim to have never tasted their own jizz. Really??? You've been shooting that stuff for how many years now, had (hopefully) a respectable number of women swallowing it, and not ONCE did you give it a try yourself? I can't wrap my head around that one. First thing I did when I realized that my pussy was producing cum-juice was to taste it.
The cum-sicle thing is actually really cool. I had a boyfreind way back for a four year duration. We did the cum-sicle thing on the regular. When I worked massage I used to make so many guys swallow their own cum. I am a little bit on the freaky side. I was never a vanilla girl. This thread is very interseting. Just to let you know, I will be booking you in the near future.
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