The 5 Post Rule: Redux


New member
Jan 21, 2004

I am a completely ignorant newbie here who wanted to do some research.
Anything I post with respect to the main business at hand (not this thread) will, at best, make the useful information harder to find.
If a whole lot of lurkers make crappy posts, the useful information will get buried in noise and the board would be useless.
Why would anyone encourage me to post when I have nothing useful to post?
Just because many of the informative posters to date have been very good doesn't mean that encouraging the silent ones to post will result in anything useful.
Track me long enough and you will see.


New member
Jan 21, 2004
Long lapses between logins

My likely pattern of useage of this board would be frequent logins for a short time up to a few weeks, and then many weeks or months of inactivity as work, hobby, illness or other requires. That is just my personality.
That means that by the time I get back, my login would be deleted and I would have to create a new one (or the same one) but I would be unable to post.
This means that instead of posting relatively infrequently, I would be a perpetual lurker, never having permission to post (since every-time I login I would login as a new unauthenticated user).
Therefore, the final result of this policy would be to prevent me from ever posting, even when I have something useful to contribute. (which I do not have at this point in time).


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
Well you've got 2 within a few minutes. Several more and you'll be good for a while.

BTW, I don't think that particular rule has been applied, as yet.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Rev's right, you may actually post something useful in this sea of redundancy.

I'm curious though. It seems there's a flood of lurkers who have been "forced" to sign up and therefor posted. What was such a barrier in signing up and posting, when as soon as they sign up they post, and some, in fact, have good reviews and insights up their sleeves.


New member
Jan 21, 2004
AARGH! good counter-arguments, I may have to drop this argument

I was trying to be clever and make these arguments against the policy also a demonstration of the policy's falacy.

--> Rev, thanks, I don't actually consider it too painful to have to re-register even if I am deleted, the process takes only a couple of minutes including trying to remember my hotmail account so I wasn't worried, I just didn't want to encourage noise.
--> Pool, I guess that is the main reason for the policy, but I notice that with 2257 posts you probably don't mind sifting through the noise.

If many of the users are like you (and don't mind spending the time sifting) and what you observed is true of the "forced" delurkers providing good insights, I guess it is a good policy.
Argument lost. boo hoo hoo

I don't know what the barrier is in signing up, but it seems to be psychological. Also, it may be a method of protecting ones' self from spending too much time. I have now spent time on this board that I had planned to spend on working. I would have been working if I hadn't actually signed up.

The following might belong in a different thread, but it is sort of relevant here.....
The other barrier for me is that I am strongly aware that my point of view might be comletely out of whack with many users here...
example 1 - GFE seems to be highly touted with reviewers, but I (imagine at least) that I am not looking for any GFE, just a sex-slave. Of course that might change with experience.
example 2 - with a couple of buddies at a SC and having lap-dances with some of the same girls, my rate various aspects of the girls. The variability is so great that its meaninglesness was apparent. I rated one girls performance or overall as a 1 of 5 and my firend rated it as a 5 of 5. We had a few agreements, but it seemed that randomly generating numbers would have had as high a correlation for a correlation coefficient approaching zero!
Since I am the inexperienced one I assume that I am the cause of lack of correlation and that any review I could post would be misleading.

What is my signal to noise ratio now?


New member
Oct 23, 2004
5 post rule

I am a newbie (as of yesterday). Spent quite some time looking for reviews of SPs in Ottawa. Jaffa is right, there is a lot of crap to sift through, albeit interesting crap, to find the reviews upon which one can make decisions. The "real" reviews are few and far between and are filled with all kinds of comments not relevant.

Perhaps the rules here are different than on PERB of which I am also a member. It seems the PERB reviews are somewhat more informative. However, this may be a quick opinion and I may discover more and better reviews by looking harder.

Anyway, I am From Winterpeg (Winnipeg) and I only joined in anticipation of a planned trip to Ottawa next month.

I will be pleased to post a rewiew at that time or add comments about previously posted reviews of the SPs I see.

So, until after November 16th, please do not give me the boot!

Always the gentleman,



'Senior' member
Aug 30, 2004
near YOO
I thought i should use my 100th post to comment on this rule.

When i first read about it, the 5 posts rule seemed onerous but has turned out to be easier than i had imagined.

I'm glad it is not a 5 reviews rule though.


New member
Sep 18, 2004
east of eden, west of sodom
I admit

I was a bit apprehensive about the five post rule, but it is to encourage people to post, not review. I haven't found it to be a problem and haven't been asked to leave or booted out (yet?).


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
I want to thank Terb for not pulling the plug on me in the last few months. I've been unable to view this site, let alone post anything. So thank you --and from now on I will maintain the 5 post rule.


As I am now over 3,000 posts I am giving notice that I am leaving for an extended vacation. Please do not boot me off the system as I have enough credits used up so that, by my calculation, I can return from my holiday in August, 2054 and still be a member here.

As such, please govern yourselves accordingly.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
thegreatyendor said:
I am a newbie (as of yesterday). Spent quite some time looking for reviews of SPs in Ottawa. Jaffa is right, there is a lot of crap to sift through, albeit interesting crap, to find the reviews upon which one can make decisions. The "real" reviews are few and far between and are filled with all kinds of comments not relevant.

Perhaps the rules here are different than on PERB of which I am also a member. It seems the PERB reviews are somewhat more informative. However, this may be a quick opinion and I may discover more and better reviews by looking harder.

Anyway, I am From Winterpeg (Winnipeg) and I only joined in anticipation of a planned trip to Ottawa next month.

I will be pleased to post a rewiew at that time or add comments about previously posted reviews of the SPs I see.

So, until after November 16th, please do not give me the boot!

Always the gentleman,

I guess we never got that review


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
A hard rule such as 5 posts per month does not work for me.
a) Sometimes I have nothing of value to add
b) Sometimes there is a new lady in my life. so I am inactive
c) Sometimes I experience cash flow issues which makes me inactive
d) Sometime I am away for trips, business or vaction

I hate rules

Johnny D

New member
May 21, 2005
5 post rule makes no sense

I can stay on this board if I submit 5 one word posts that have nothing to do with nothing? come on. I post when I have something important to say. Why not dump people if they don't post after a period of time (e.g., 6 months), but before doing so give them notice that you are gonna dump them. The rule will not accomplish what you desire, which, I think, is the posting of helpful and intelligent information.


Once a n00b always a n00b
Mar 7, 2006
Steve-A said:
Thanks, it's helpful for us newbies to understand the reason behind the rule!
+1 (and no, this is not a pathetic attempt to meet the 5 post quota :p )


Sep 3, 2004
Why I don't post........

I have often wanted to post reviews but I don't for two simple reasons. Firstly, although I would be happy relate if my experince with a specific SP was in my opinion good or bad, I don't want to be too explicit about my encounters because what happens behind closed doors is a private matter. Consequently, followup questions about whether she does this or that are not appreciated. Secondly, I find a lot of responses to many reviews on the board very critical and full of scepticism. It often turns into a review of the review and reviewer.

My guess is that there are many people who feel the same way.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I think the 5 posts per month concept is stupid. THere are actually too much posts on the board with quick on liners severing no purpose, and repeat of information. Mind you it is nice to see confirm reports on a girl even if it is the same; I would like to see any post on a girl have a vote counter - similar experice, better experince , worse experience - with your name attached but then you could post without adding needless additions (at least wiht similar experience) this would allow less clutter and also see if the board is in agreement with the viewers rating. I d rather see a minimum post count perhaps over a year to encourage quality rather than quanity. Converastations are fun, but in the end they clutter the board with short conversational threads that are hard to filter if your not interested in the conversation. Hell, this post is proably clutter except for the first couple of lines.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Terbevore said:
I have often wanted to post reviews but I don't for two simple reasons. Firstly, although I would be happy relate if my experince with a specific SP was in my opinion good or bad, I don't want to be too explicit about my encounters because what happens behind closed doors is a private matter. Consequently, followup questions about whether she does this or that are not appreciated. Secondly, I find a lot of responses to many reviews on the board very critical and full of scepticism. It often turns into a review of the review and reviewer.

My guess is that there are many people who feel the same way.
WTF are you doing on a review board then???? :confused:
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