TERB XXXmas Party


New member
Dec 7, 2004
Rent a hall


I did not read all the threads here, but got through enuff to suggest that a party for members must be held at a members only venue. Hell if I still had my shop we could throw it there no problem. However, next time find a banquet hall that would hold it. Now this is where things get dicey, but it will cost $40 - $50 per person, but this would include free drinks and food. Your basic Italian Stag meal lol. Now I would assume the women would not pay, and maybe bump up the mail cost to $60/person, but it would be just members, and probably make the women feel more comfortable? If the cost is too high, you can usually find a bar that would let you rent it out for less, or even a section of a bar like they do at D & B and various other places.

Or maybe I am totally wrong, but I throw a lot of big parties, and always stay away from the bars or club deal.


Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003
Francesca22 said:
Thanks!!! Just because i am well articulated does not mean i have a TEMPER *laughing* *winks*

A flexible grammarian - my type of woman. Nice word play.

Just funnin' wit ya.

(articulated) = having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint.;)


New member
Oct 13, 2005

JACKS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *YEEEEaaahhhhh* Its a 'Walking dictionary' mister smarty pants *wink* I know- just joshing with ya anyhow.

Jack Mioff said:
A flexible grammarian - my type of woman. Nice word play.

Just funnin' wit ya.

(articulated) = having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint.;)


Mar 9, 2005
man o man, I missed out...

Well, the 8th was a busy night for parties.
I left a film industry party around 11pm and headed straight for the Birchmount. I arrived just in time to enjoy the band and the Bound and Gagged show (how's your butt Miss T? that bullwhip sure sounded harse!). I also found it difficult to put faces to names, but was hoping to meet some new friends (Annalee, Francesca, Jillian, Bella, Miss T and the gang, as well as Marshall), but I think I may have arrived too late. My hats off to the organisers, but maybe next time the event is a mixed public one, everyone who is terb should wear some sort a symbol (happy face pin? wrist bands? dayglo hats with sirens on top?...you get the idea) By the time the show was over, I was too liquified with false beer courage to have any intelligent conversations, but did manage a wink at Miss Tiffany while she was at the front door on my way out to get a cab. As this was also my first terb event, I too dressed up a bit (no, not a tux), particularly since I had just come from an upscale downtown bar. I liked francesca's suggestion of something more classy (I too wish to see your velvet dress), but totally understand the paradox that the organizers were in. Maybe next time someplace like Wicked?
I'll keep my ears open if any of my club owner/visiting friends have any suggestions. Until the next party,...:cool:


New member
Oct 13, 2005
stockinglover said:
terb should wear some sort a symbol (happy face pin? wrist bands? dayglo hats with sirens on top?...you get the idea)

I liked francesca's suggestion of something more classy (I too wish to see your velvet dress), but totally understand the paradox that the organizers were in. :

Thats a spectacular IDEA. I gave this extensive thought- and figured even if they had name tags- theres NO way i would have worn it *laughing* like hi, here's my name tag- hehehehehe.

I looked nothing short of AMAZING *wink wink*


New member
Mar 27, 2005
I arrived just in time to enjoy the band and the Bound and Gagged show (how's your butt Miss T? that bullwhip sure sounded harse!). ...

...but did manage a wink at Miss Tiffany while she was at the front door on my way out to get a cab.

How’s my butt? Goddess Vanessa Payne had the pleasure of getting it from Lord Maxx Payne that evening with the snake whip or are you pertaining to my birthday party beats that I obtained at MyDungeon? If not it was an honest mistake as the head mistress was wearing the purple leather that evening. Now with that in mind.... Did you wink at the Head Mistress or me???

Miss Tiffany
Bound And Gagged
416 462 1521


Your Ultimate Fantasy
Jul 11, 2003
I attended the show, mind you I was a little late. You can never rely on Limo drivers.
I was way over dressed as well with a long black number that allowed much to "hang" out but I was comfortable with that and I did not hear any complaints..LOL.
I enjoyed the music but could not make out much in conversation....Oh well thank God I can lip read..Oh wait others appear to be able to read my LIPS..:eek:


Aug 4, 2004
Under Your Skin*
wow , 16 pages , just to see what i missed lol
sorry i did not make to to the party or any parties
for that matter , i really wanted to be at them all
but was stuck home .... hopefully next year :)


Mar 9, 2005
oops, a Ms. Tiffany typo

Yes, it was Goddess Vanessa Payne: a total brain fart on my part as I was typing without thinking :eek:
Dani, you did you fantastic, but busy (lipreading?)
Francesca, don't tease about what I missed (ok, maybe a little)
Bella, I hope you didn't come due to a lack of transport.
Ms. Tiffany and Goddess Vanessa Payne; I apologize for the name mix up: I even realized after I typed it that I had made a mistake.


Aug 4, 2004
Under Your Skin*
No SL ,,,, it has just been a brutal month for me
i had the flu then a death in the family .....
things can only get better now ......
Hope there are some parties after the new year so i can finally go lol :rolleyes:


Mar 9, 2005
sorry to hear the bad news bella

That's awful, Bella, I hope everything gets better for you.
It seems that everyone I know (including myself) has had a terrible 2005. Let's hope 2006 is a whole lot better, as I don't think it can get much worse. I agree, we need more parties in the new year.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope your flu improves


BDSM Fetish & Fantasy
It's great to hear about the $$ and the toys that were donated for the Chum Wish Foundation.

That said, although I wasn't there for very long I did have a nice time. We arrived late, and were unable to get any of our equipment there for a better performance and had to make due with what we had. My slaves didn't show up, so there was another problem. (They have been severely punnished).

In the end, it was me who took the bullwhipping and I'm still sporting some nice welts a week later. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling too great and left shortly after our demonstration. I myself only met one other person which was the beautiful Dani.

It was difficult to tell who was there for the terb party, but I figured it wouldn't be hard to figure out who i was geared in leather and whips, in any event, I did catch stocking lover's wink on the way out the door and I now know who you were "littleboyblue" as I tried to make eye contact with you while I was waiting for a taxi to leave, but you did look awfully upset.

I had a good time, the bands were good, Felicia was gorgeous, (wishing I'd had more time to chat with her) and the main thing is the donations raised for charity. Hopefully next time I will be able to meet some more people.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts