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Terb May Be Unreliable Also


New member
Sep 23, 2004
I guess I'm not sure why it should be okay -- or "normal" -- that escorts are late. I don't feel that the customers should have to fgure that in in this day and age.

When I was younger and worked for agencis, they often told the customers whatever they wanted to hear -- and this often translated into their pressuring me to wind up sessions short and get to other sessions later than promised. The goal, of course, was to maximize profits for the agency, but often customers felt screwed over by it and that put additional stress on me. I could see why the agency did it -- why not make as much as they could, especially if it was no skin off their nose -- but it wasn't fair to the customer or to me, the escort.

I thought one of the purposes of boards such as TERB was to give consumers the ability to change things like this.

I don't know if the agency in question here is an advertiser, but it shouldn't make a difference. Agencies that book sessions too tightly are doing neither the escorts nor the customers any good. This is a business in which discretion is crucial and so punctuality is also crucial.



New member
Apr 15, 2007
For what its worth, my two experiences using GOE on an outcall basis were great, with great communication from Nicole and very timely knocks on my hotel room door that I could have almost used to set my watch. I know this is something of an "apples to oranges comparison," but -- given the variables of travelling from another location -- this speaks positively IMHO about the timeliness of GOE and the lady I have seen.


New member
Sep 18, 2006
JoyfulC said:
I thought one of the purposes of boards such as TERB was to give consumers the ability to change things like this.

I don't know if the agency in question here is an advertiser, but it shouldn't make a difference. Agencies that book sessions too tightly are doing neither the escorts nor the customers any good.
I think JoyfulC is right on. And this is not about agencies only; some independent SPs are also booking too tight. Booking back-to-back is frustrating for all the clients; and if you happen to be client number 8 or 9 you're screwed, because you will have to bear all the accumulated lateness (probably more than an hour late). I am also hoping that Boards like this one can change the bad things in this hobby and change the minds of people who think making somebody wait is normal, because it's not; it's a lack of respect!


New member
Feb 26, 2007
Well said bbclown and JoyfulC

I'm just suprised that in this day and age, with the 'industry' being so competitive, that such tardiness would exist. During my many visits to Montreal, I've never once been kept waiting overly long for an appointment and if so, there was a sincere apology and the inconvenience was made up for by the SP in their own creative ways. The SPs (from my experience in Montreal at least) are aware that consistently being late for a client could lose them that client in the future and, like the old saying goes, a bad experience will be shared with many people which would ultimately sink one's reputation.

At the end of it all, I realize that there are unforseen events that may cause a SP to be late with a client, but for it to happen consistently is simply not good business practice. I can't speak for all hobbyists but I'm sure we can all agree that we're very reasonable people when it comes to punctuality or lackthereof. I would think SPs would want more regulars coming in rather then going through randoms like a heard of cattle lol Client loyalty would pay off dividends moreso then one-time clients I would think.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
I am sorry that it has taken so long to respond. I have been busy and wanted to take my time before I started writing this. I would have liked to respond directly to his review but it has been removed so I will use his last post. I would have preferred to have respond to this in private but Falcon hawk lacked the patient to wait for one. I also see how everyone has added their opinions about this situation and so I think its only fair if I present my side.

Falcon Hawk said:
You say that they branded me a problem? As my post indicated I followed their instructions to the letter and did absolutely nothing wrong. I showed up on time, well groomed and clean. And yes with the money in my pocket.
You were branded a problem when you booked your last appointment before Katie. The lady you seen was very upset by the way you treated her. I was told that you got really mad because she wasn't wearing the outfit you request when she answered the door. You continued to be rude to her even after she offered to put the outfit on. You then asked her to preform services that she doesn't provide and when she refuses you had an attitude about that. I was also told that you were rough and aggressive with her. To top it off you write a bad review criticizing her looks and restricted services that she doesn't even provide. I wanted to respond to your post then because I felt she was unfairly treated by you, but she begged me not to get her involved and I respect that. I never ever complained about you to anyone at Terb or anywhere else.

I did put you on my "Do not book list" and I was planning to let you know how I felt the next time you tried to book an appointment. How you were able to book again without my knowledge I have no idea, but your business was not welcomed then and it still isn't now. I hope this explains a little as to why you were branded a problem, and what I am going to add now will be a little more proof.

Was anticipating a positive encounter. Followed the instructions to the letter. I showed up on time. Was told that she was not ready(my first clue) and to show up in another 5 min(my second clue). So I did. She answers the door dressed in a towel and soaking wet. No where near ready obviously. You should know that I had a series of emails regarding attire with the agency in Toronto and was told there would be no problem. I have a copy of the correspondence and if someone tells me how I will produce it for you on this site. Wants me to come in while "she gets dressed". "Only 10 min". Any of you ever have a girlfriend? She is at least 20 min from "ready". I bail.
Falcon Hawks appointment with Katie was the first one of the day, so there was no issue of booking appointments too closely like JoyfulC might think and there was no appointment that took too long to leave. While these things do happen, I do try to give enough space between appointments to avoid potential problems. I do admit that I try my best to make my ladies as much as they can, but I have been in this business for a few years now and I am not in a position where I feel the need to be personally greedy or shady. I don't have to send ladies to Ottawa, I do it because my ladies like to travel.

Katie had called me at about 8:52am to ask me if I can send her appointment up at 9:05am because she was running late. When Falcon called around 8:55am and then I asked him if he can wait and he said no problem. Falcon could have let me know how tight his time was then or he could have even cancelled. I had no idea he had scheduled his business appointments too tightly and was trying to squeeze a little bit of fun before a busy day. I don't blame him but I also can't read his mind.

I then get a call from Katie at 9:03am and she is very upset. She explains to me how Falcon Hawk knocked on the door just as she was getting out of the shower. She told you that she needed a few more minutes and asked if you could come in. You refused saying that there is no way she could be ready in 5 minutes and start complaining to her in the hallway about how she is not ready. She kept asking for you to lower your voice and to come in there was housekeeping in the hallway and you were making a scene. You kept telling her that you weren't coming in because she wasn't ready.

Regardless how you felt at the time it doesn't give you permission to get mad and make a scene. You talk about us being professional but the way you acted was anything but that. You put her security and other clients security at risk because a few minutes of your time was wasted. You could have came into the room and been professional about the situation and I would have been more then willing to compensate you for your time lost.

Now I am not saying that its ok for us to be late, but these things do sometimes happen. When a client is late I do my best to try and reschedule their appointment. I don't cut their time and I don't let it upset me. The ladies and I have wasted alot of time over no shows and clients that aren't on time. It really messes up our schedules and causes alot of stress. This happens everyday and every time a lady tours, but never once have we ever complained or gotten upset. I don't think its unfair that we ask that you try to be understanding once in awhile. I know I am.




New member
Sep 23, 2004
If the client was early, that's another matter. I have had clients show up as much as half an hour early -- I don't accept that.

I do understand if clients are 10-15 minutes late, or if they're later than that with a good reason, but they call to let me know.

What I was referring to was escorts being an hour or more late. That's just plain overbooking -- I've worked for agencies that put me in that position too many times, and it's not fair to anybody except the agent who collects their cut for slipshod work.

I don't know what the truth of this matter is, but for sure I wouldn't put up with a client who makes a scene out in the hall. Nor one who had a bad attitude, even if he felt it was justified. There's no reason for that. He has an option -- he can leave without doing business. A little of his time might be wasted, but no more so than the escort's. Sometimes things just don't work out.



New member
Nov 13, 2007
Moral of the Story ....

Once again, never book an early morning appt for a first time encounter with a SP you never met like I have mentioned in another thread before. Don't know how many times I have been burnt by it again and again myself but it's only an hour to three hours of your life anyway. No need to be too upset if things don't work out as planned.

Katie, sorry to hear about your first o-town visit did not go well. You know what - never say never in life :) . There are many gentlemen here that can show you a good time and some live Jazz music and nice wine to go along too (insider comment - LOL). I think Falconhawk's expectation from you might just have been too high which might explain why he lost control on the hallway ... Don't judge him too hard as he might not have realized that he was making a scene at all. We all made mistakes in life sometimes.


New member
Jun 9, 2007
Sweet-Katie said:
. Ottawa was my fist tour and I would never visit Ottawa again. I was nervous enough to begin with and did not go through with my next appointment.

xoxo katie
Look what you did Falcon...and all over 10 fucking minutes. Unbelievable...

I had the pleasure of dealing with Nicole in the past and I have to say both she and Summer whom I saw were very professional. I had only intended to spend an hour but end up with two. Give a little respect and you will get some yourself...


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
Not to pick anyones side but Falcon said she was at least 20 minutes from being ready. That does NOT mean he waited 20 minutes.

And NO we should NOT accept that its ok for them to be late.

If I am late with my clients guess what???? They are no longer my clients.

if you go to a restaurant and order food and 1 hour later you dont have it do you accept it? No you dont.

If i schedule a 1PM appointment I expect it to be at 1PM (give or take a few minutes) and if I cannot get that time then I expect to be notified.

To scream in the hallway because she is not ready??? WTF is your problem? That is disrespectful.

Also since Falcon was your first appointment then you should have been ready. I do not understand why you were not. But I am sorry for how you were treated. Hey if you opened the door in a towel and all wet I would have been WOW yeah baby.

So maybe both sides on this are wrong. who knows.

Lets all hug now LOL


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I think the nature of this industry, though, makes missed timings inevitable. These ladies are not serving food or putting band-aids on our injuries or doing our taxes - they are giving us their bodies. Their job is very personal. Some of them will therefore be young and desperate and inexperienced and, understandably, anxious or amateurish and at times late for their appointments. Others, who are more experienced or simply more in control of themselves (ie. Sweet Katie) have a lot more of themselves on the line than a waitress or accountant, and as has been said before they want all their clients to have an enjoyable experience. I don't envy the lady who has to gently shove a guy out of the room in order to prepare for the next client, all the while keeping the first guy feeling like a king. That has to be understood by us guys. So, cut some slack if things occasionally don't run as smoothly as they do in other professions.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
and 3 minutes is nothing to embarass her about. But I still think that appointments should be honored no matter what industry you are in.But she probably would have made him forget those 3 minutes ;-)

Well I hope she is not hurt from this experience.


New member
Aug 29, 2004
I'm sorry. You make a 9AM appointment and then try to call the client with less than 5 minutes before the appointment is scheduled to start asking to reschedule?

I don't care how long or short it is. Either you call well enough in advance to rebook, or you honour your original booking.

The "scene" in the hallway aside, Ms. Katie dropped the ball. She had a 9AM appointment, the first of the day, and didn't do what it took to be ready and waiting at 9.

Given this was her first visit to Ottawa, she should have been even more aware of the need to have outstanding customer service in order to guarantee good reviews for future visits.

I think a alot of providers forget the S in SP stands for SERVICE.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
Is it possible to get the post where I respond to bigdaddy put back? I think the mods removed it by mistake.



Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
Sheik said:
post #32 is still there

That was my response to Falcon Hawk. The post I am talking about might have gotten delete with the posts about Luv4lust.


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