Frankly I was surprised that Lisa LaFlamme got that anchor position.
She would be a surprise if you expected Tom Clark to get that anchor position.
Though both Lisa and Tom are seen to be equally qualified, picking Tom instead of Lisa will be totally "politically incorrect" since CTV is scared to death some feminists out there will spread new rumor and create a new media circus that the network is backward and still rely on "white somewhat old man" to be the anchors.
Interesting to see whether Peter Mansbridge is going to get the boot. Probably not since if I could recall he is front man for one of the powerful unions at CBC.
I would have thought that it would go to Sandie Rinaldo, who, IMO, is one of the best news anchors on television. I wonder if it was offered to her and she declined, perferring to continue to the weekend news and weekday coverage on CTV Newsnet.
Doubtful since Sandie is 60, while Lisa is 46. CTV Newsnet probably look for an anchor who could stay for at least 10 years.
BTW, I was surprised Lloyd Robertson is in his 70s since he looks like somebody in his mid-80s!!