

I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Actually they don't know where you live, a computer dials. If you want to do business with them you need to tell them your phone number as well for it is not easily available to them. DO NOT try this with door to door people, as that would be dangerous.
when I was a telemarketer.. We KNEW where you lived ...
Jun 11, 2007
Went on the do not call list and the number of calls doubled (WTF), so now I'm as rude as shit. Not my problem that they work for a company that likes to break the rules and ignore the list. I figure that if they don't like it, they won't call. You call me at your own risk.
One time I answered a phone and instead of hello, I said "Someone better be dead!", scared the shit out of the caller.
Get the named of the company they work for, and complain to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs! Thats how Bell got nailed! Be part of the solution!


Active member
Mar 17, 2011
Get the named of the company they work for, and complain to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs! Thats how Bell got nailed! Be part of the solution!
Did you notice how the political parties are exempted from the Do Not Call List? Yet they are the exact people that you do not want calling you.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Actually they don't know where you live, a computer dials. If you want to do business with them you need to tell them your phone number as well for it is not easily available to them. DO NOT try this with door to door people, as that would be dangerous.
Trust me they know where you live. Utility companies sell there client list to data companies its big business.


Jan 31, 2005
If they call my home phone I have a simple but effective strategy. When they start talking I put the phone down nearby, so that I can hear the buzzing sound of their talking, but I can't hear what they're saying. I let them spiel on for awhile until I hear silence on the line. Then I pick up the handset and say "OH, you know what? That's exactly what I wanted. I was just thinking about that. Wait a minute let me find my credit card."

Then I set the handset down again and go out for the evening, watch TV, or whatever it was I was going to do.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Did you notice how the political parties are exempted from the Do Not Call List? Yet they are the exact people that you do not want calling you.
So are charities and companies you have already done business with. You have to tell each one to put you on their DNC list (and they must do it), which is what Ioptout did for you, with one visit to their checklist site.
Jun 11, 2007
Did you notice how the political parties are exempted from the Do Not Call List? Yet they are the exact people that you do not want calling you.
Then inform the caller of the loss of your vote, then inform the party of said transaction.


Jan 31, 2005
Then inform the caller of the loss of your vote, then inform the party of said transaction.
Are you aware of the voter suppression tactics that are employed by parties these days?

The Blue party will identify people they think are supporters of the Red party. They will then call the Red supporters at all kinds of inconvenient times, 4am in the morning, in the middle of the superbowl, at dinner time, and repeatedly. They will adopt a rude tone of voice. They will say, "Hello, I am calling to see if you will be supporting the Red party this election, and whether you have any questions about the Red party platform?"

Their goal is to piss off all the Red party voters so that they will become frustrated with the party and subsequently not show up at the polls to vote.

There were many cases of these sorts of dirty tricks in the most recent election. Some of it amounted to actual criminal fraud (people pretending to be elections canada and confusing people as to where their poll was). A lot of it is much more ambiguous--there is nothing illegal about a Conservative asking you if you will support the Liberals or if you have questions about the Liberal platform, but the person being called will automatically assume that is a call from the Liberal party. One that is designed to piss them off at the Liberal party.

Anyway... before you change your vote based on what you perceive is annoying/irritating behavior by one party, make sure it's not actually a dirty trick by the other party. It's a surprisingly common tactic.
Jun 11, 2007
Are you aware of the voter suppression tactics that are employed by parties these days?

The Blue party will identify people they think are supporters of the Red party. They will then call the Red supporters at all kinds of inconvenient times, 4am in the morning, in the middle of the superbowl, at dinner time, and repeatedly. They will adopt a rude tone of voice. They will say, "Hello, I am calling to see if you will be supporting the Red party this election, and whether you have any questions about the Red party platform?"

Their goal is to piss off all the Red party voters so that they will become frustrated with the party and subsequently not show up at the polls to vote.

There were many cases of these sorts of dirty tricks in the most recent election. Some of it amounted to actual criminal fraud (people pretending to be elections canada and confusing people as to where their poll was). A lot of it is much more ambiguous--there is nothing illegal about a Conservative asking you if you will support the Liberals or if you have questions about the Liberal platform, but the person being called will automatically assume that is a call from the Liberal party. One that is designed to piss them off at the Liberal party.

Anyway... before you change your vote based on what you perceive is annoying/irritating behavior by one party, make sure it's not actually a dirty trick by the other party. It's a surprisingly common tactic.
Time to fix the tinfoil on your hat.


May 24, 2006
Try this, it's pretty funny, when they call you tell them "you're real busy right now and would they mind calling you back when you're not home" You would be surprised how many say OK and hang up. They're so programmed they don't even listen.
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