From a teacher
My parents were teachers, not me. I am proud to say I have many friends who are teachers. I'm not going to front and spin some story about how how my parents toiled for 12 hours a day and came home smelling like the coal mines. But both were department heads, and believe me, they did not work 4.5/hours a day. They got vacation time, sure. But they had to go in a couple weeks ahead of time to prepare and set up their departments, and once school started, they worked hard. They had to manage employees, deal with kids, some troubled, draft curriculum for the entire department, deal with parents 24/7. Not rocket science, but hard work and work they and many of their colleagues cared about. It's insulting to assume otherwise, quite frankly.
As a tax payer it most certainly is
And your opinion can be expressed in the voter's booth. But it is just one opinion. You do not speak for other people. I assume you're in private industry of some sort. Some would say private industry and the wastes associated with it, are the reason Ontario is in debt. Again, that is one opinion
Well, a fool and his money are soon separated
Meh. That's one way to look at it. Another way would be to put my children's education ahead of some arbitary 'worth' figure. Take a look at school systems in the States to see what happens when teachers are underpaid. I'm not saying if teachers salaries were cut by 10 or 20k a year, our school systems would turn into Baltimore's, but personally, I applaud the value Ontario puts on educators, and am sad to see many teachers get dragged through the mud by newspapers, and yes, some greedy union officials
I have met enough up north to disagree
Whatever. This is a stupid argument. My parents didn't have a cottage, many of their friends didn't, some did. It's a petty argument really.
I have said this all along,
The teachers contract just happen to be up right now and education represents approx 1 /3 of the provinces expenditures
Okay fine. But you have to admit, you're dropping an incredible amount of vitirol on teachers. Demostrate your objectivity by talking about other areas that need to be cut. I don't understand why you can't just say 'teachers salaries should be cut' without adding your own personal opinions about how greedy teachers are.
The province has been painted into a financial corner
If the labor laws force the province to deeper debt, then there is something fundamentally wrong with those laws and we need new ones ASAP