Teachers to Boycott After School Programs


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Just heard teachers at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in Vaughan to boycott student's after school programs. I guess the unions were right when they said the new contract the Liberals forced on the teachers would hurt the students.

Over the last 10 years the teachers have enjoyed a 25% pay increase. Now they don't get their way so what do they do, punish the students. That speaks volumes!


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Come on, how many teachers actually care about the kids? Some do, but just like any other business, it's all about the cash. What are teachers pulling in nowadays? 80K? 90K? Not bad when you have 3 months or more of vacation a year.


Mar 12, 2004
Don't you know,...their doing it for the students !!!



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I read about 1 elementary union doing this. On the other hand, I was on the phone today with a couple of my basketball contacts and both of their impressions were business as usual for school sports.

As I understand it, union leadership can get in a lot of shit for counseling an illegal strike action (of which work to rule would count) so I doubt there has been any real official call but I'm sure many teachers are considering how much they want to volunteer this year.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Teachers take out their frustration on the backs of the students. Well done teachers!

BTW, if what the government was offering was sooooo bad, why did the Catholic and French school boards sign a deal?

The teachers who are doing this are nothing more than little whiny spoiled brats.


Well-known member
I'm glad I don't have kids in school anymore.Shitty parents complaining about spoiled kids who tell their teachers to go fuck their hands every other day.A teacher making 83,000.00$ to teach children?..just awful.i mean it's not they are trying to teach them life skills, or the ability to make it in the world right?..oh wait....that's exactly what their fucking doing.

You wouldn't hear such a fuss if they were manager's making 83,000.00$.Know why?...because then they'd be making money.....successful.....no these poor slubs are just trying to prepare kids for the world ahead of them.What kind of job is that!?!?..Pussys!!.Parent's(with exceptions of course) are just FUCKING, and have fucked the last few generations of kids.

I do volunteer work, and work with a variety of teachers , students and parents and most of the parents are absolutely fucking clueless what kind of an asshole Jr. or little miss is like 3 quarters of the time in school.
CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked the human race is?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked the human race is?
Perhaps you are viewing this problem from the wrong angle.
Perhaps the question should be:
"CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked Teachers are?"

They would garner a lot more respect if they took notice of the economic conditions and accept the reality that the province can no longer afford to pay $83K for 9 1/2 months work.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
My suspicion, after talking to many teachers, is most teachers are ok with the government proposal, but unlike any other union some members are more extreme and have different view. Ultimately I think the union leaders are the real problem.


Well-known member
Perhaps you are viewing this problem from the wrong angle.
Perhaps the question should be:
"CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked Teachers are?"

They would garner a lot more respect if they took notice of the economic conditions and accept the reality that the province can no longer afford to pay $83K for 9 1/2 months work.
I have seen many more parents try and emulate the above subcultures then any of the teachers i have ever met...in appearance...in mentality...in responsibility..in respect...in role modeling etc etc..etc.Many intelligent, hardworking teachers have gotten jobs in other industries simply because they are tired of the bullshit they deal with daily.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
My suspicion, after talking to many teachers, is most teachers are ok with the government proposal, but unlike any other union some members are more extreme and have different view. Ultimately I think the union leaders are the real problem.
I don't think this is true at all. I think an overwhelming number of teachers are dispirited that their right to collective bargaining has been taken away from them by McGuinty. He's rewritten the playbook, quite possibly/most likely illegally, which will likely cost the province (read taxpayers) hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and payments to teachers in the end. All to win a stupid by-election in Kitchener-Waterloo. He's a moron.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Perhaps you are viewing this problem from the wrong angle.
Perhaps the question should be:
"CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked Teachers are?"
Considering they likely get far more respect than you too, what does that say?


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Perhaps you are viewing this problem from the wrong angle.
Perhaps the question should be:
"CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked Teachers are?"

They would garner a lot more respect if they took notice of the economic conditions and accept the reality that the province can no longer afford to pay $83K for 9 1/2 months work.
That's an offensive statement dude. I know you have a vendetta against teachers and while you take it to a ridiculous extreme, you do have a point. But that's still no reason to display the blatant disrespect you show educators. The majority of teachers have more positive impact on more people than you ever will. Say they're overpaid, fine. Rail against sickdays all you want, but to compare them to gangbangers, Kim Kardashian, and CEOs who are far more responsible for the current crisis than teachers is the height of idiocy


New member
Jan 26, 2004
I don't think this is true at all. I think an overwhelming number of teachers are dispirited that their right to collective bargaining has been taken away from them by McGuinty. He's rewritten the playbook, quite possibly/most likely illegally, which will likely cost the province (read taxpayers) hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and payments to teachers in the end. All to win a stupid by-election in Kitchener-Waterloo. He's a moron.
I don't agree and I agree with Fun-guy. For some strange reason, I happen to have a lot of friends that are teachers. They are all of the mindset that fun-guy described. They were also very unhappy with the strikes that took place in the past. They complain about the handful of militants that speak on their behalf and give all teachers a bad rep with the public.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I don't think this is true at all. I think an overwhelming number of teachers are dispirited that their right to collective bargaining has been taken away from them by McGuinty. He's rewritten the playbook, quite possibly/most likely illegally, which will likely cost the province (read taxpayers) hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and payments to teachers in the end. All to win a stupid by-election in Kitchener-Waterloo. He's a moron.
Honestly, I think that's what the majority of teachers are more pissed about. Whatever you may think of their pay and benefits package, they earned those terms through collective bargaining. Not only is McGuinty stripping those away, he's also taking their right to collective bargain away and he expects teachers to simply roll out and accept it


New member
May 28, 2011
What disgusts me is when a teacher tells his students their won't be a volleyball season "because of the government". Then you have the teachers wearing black shirts for a day, and abusing another teacher who didn't wear black that day. That is crap. I'm a union member, and I hate how the provincial and federal governments have injected themselves into the negotiations between unions and the organizations they work for (teachers work for school boards, not the province, as well as Air Canada and Canada Post from the feds point of view).


The teachers unions couldn't wait to get rid of Mike Harris and the PC government. They have done very well under Mcguinty over the last 8 years. If you had told the teachers back then that they would have got 25% more (and I heard it was closer to 30% they have gained under McGuinty) over the next 10 years they would have been happier than pigs in shit. So, they got all that over 8 and take a freeze for 2, it's still a ton better than they were looking at under the prior government. Shame on them for bringing this into the schools.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
That's an offensive statement dude. I know you have a vendetta against teachers and while you take it to a ridiculous extreme, you do have a point. But that's still no reason to display the blatant disrespect you show educators. The majority of teachers have more positive impact on more people than you ever will. Say they're overpaid, fine. Rail against sickdays all you want, but to compare them to gangbangers, Kim Kardashian, and CEOs who are far more responsible for the current crisis than teachers is the height of idiocy
I feel for JohnLarue for injecting logic and humor (ie. his tongue-in-cheek qoute) into a discussion full of imbeciles.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Just heard teachers at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in Vaughan to boycott student's after school programs. I guess the unions were right when they said the new contract the Liberals forced on the teachers would hurt the students.

Over the last 10 years the teachers have enjoyed a 25% pay increase. Now they don't get their way so what do they do, punish the students. That speaks volumes!
Maybe if some of you guys actually listened to some of the teacher in school you'd realize that the average inflation in canada is 2.5% per year. So they're actually making the exact same amount.

Now over the next 2 years the're taking a 5% pay cut.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
All the unions would have agreed to a 2 year wage freeze. They wanted to negotiate on some of the other issues. McGuinty wouldn't budge on a single item. When the teachers unions walked away from the provincial table at that point to focus their negotiations with their respective school boards, he decided to legislate their contracts (probably illegally). That's not how the system works. He purposely, to gain the publics's support i guess, created this conflict. On the bright side, i'd wager some serious cash that mcguinty's finally done. As are the lib's.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Just heard teachers at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in Vaughan to boycott student's after school programs. I guess the unions were right when they said the new contract the Liberals forced on the teachers would hurt the students.

Over the last 10 years the teachers have enjoyed a 25% pay increase. Now they don't get their way so what do they do, punish the students. That speaks volumes!

No, actually they didn't get a 25% pay increase. They got about 1% a year for about 7 yrs total. That is well below the cost of living increase.

Teachers are unsung heros and grossly underpaid. They would love to be put on an hourly clock believe me.

If you are jealous of their pension (which is about to be cut) perhaps you better get in a better union that fights for you. After 30 yrs of teaching your screaming brats, inept and absent parents I think they have earned a pension. Most of them die 5 yrs after retirement though.

If you can read, thank a teacher. Don't be a ill informed douche. Not like our current Mayor who cuts social programs with one hand and then supports his pet project - football for kids (which is just a photo op for a few months and nothing more) with the other hand. Oh and yes he uses company time for it.
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