teachers strike?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
i hope you don't teach in our schools or the standards are lower than I thought
No kidding! ^^^

Ever notice teachers are never happy regardless of who's in power. They turned on the NDP with Ray days, they turned on Mike Harris when he was in power, now it the big bad Liberals. They are so out of touch with reality in their fight and like the bullies they are, punish the kids they claim to care about. Never met such a bunch of self centered individuals.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
No kidding! ^^^

Ever notice teachers are never happy regardless of who's in power. They turned on the NDP with Ray days, they turned on Mike Harris when he was in power, now it the big bad Liberals. They are so out of touch with reality in their fight and like the bullies they are, punish the kids they claim to care about. Never met such a bunch of self centered individuals.
there are good teachers but they are in the minority- maybe 1 in ten. the rest are waiting out their time


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
there are good teachers but they are in the minority- maybe 1 in ten. the rest are waiting out their time
I agree, they're not all bad. As for the rest who are waiting out their time, you mean the ones who retire then get hired back as supply teachers making it almost impossible for new teachers to find work?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I agree, they're not all bad. As for the rest who are waiting out their time, you mean the ones who retire then get hired back as supply teachers making it almost impossible for new teachers to find work?

i think thats criminal. really- its just shitty shitty behaviour.


Apr 7, 2005
So does this all mean that the Catholic school teachers (OECTA) who signed a deal and will not strike are better than the public school teachers (ETFO) who are planning the inevitable strike?

So if you have a child who goes to a Catholic school you are OK but a public school? Not so much.


Dec 5, 2001
On the right
Lesson to all politicians. ORGANIZED LABOUR WILL ONLY SUPPORT YOU AS LONG AS YOU ARE HANDING OUT MONEY AND YOU CANNOT HAND OUT MONEY FOREVER. Ask Bob Rae and Dalton McGuinty. I am sure that there are many more examples in other jurisdictions. Apologies for yelling but politicians never listen.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
The trickle effect that will occur in time with this legislature will hurt more people in Ontario than just teachers. The government wants the public to think that these what u say, overpaid and underworked educators are using the kids to deliver thier message. The government like in previous years will show the people of this province how they can royally fuck it up better than any group or individual. What they should have done is told the truth.

"We the government of the province of ontario admit that we have overspent and mismanaged your tax dollars for the past 50 years and we now are open for any suggestions that u great people of this province might be able to share."


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Overpayed and underworked....not seen a teacher cohort like that in many years. It is actually silly how much work they take home and how the work truly is around the clock.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
fire them, fire them all I say!!! just hire anyone off the street to teach our kids, yeah it's not like a hard job, punch in at 8:45, roll out of school at 3:05, you just babysit kids all day and all those sweet vacations, man they got it sooooo good ;)


Apr 7, 2005
Once heard a teacher debate an idiot who said, "why don't I just pay you $10 an hour to babysit my kid?"

Teacher said, OK..........

6 hours/day X 5 days = 30 hours
30 hours/week X 4 weeks = 120 hours/month
120 hours/month X 9 months (minus Christmas, March, and unpaid PD days) = 1080 hours/year
1080 hours/year X $10 = $10800
$10800 X 30 squealing, ungrateful, disrespectful tiny versions of their idiot parents = $324,000

WOW! $324,000 per year? I'll take that.

Average teacher salary in Ontrio is approx. $54,000 per year.

Sounds like a bargain compared to teenager babysitter money.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
INo review by court
15. (1) No term or condition included in an employment contract or collective agreement under or by virtue of this Act, process for consultation prescribed under this Act, or decision, approval, act, advice, direction, regulation or order made by the Minister or Lieutenant Governor in Council under this Act shall be questioned or reviewed in any court.
(2) No steps shall be taken to have a court question, review, prohibit or restrain any consultation, review or approval process prescribed or initiated under this Act at the Minister’s or Lieutenant Governor in Council’s discretion.
Restriction on review by arbitrator, Ontario Labour Relations Board
(3) Terms and conditions included in a collective agreement under or by virtue of this Act shall not be questioned or reviewed by an arbitrator, an arbitration board or the Ontario Labour Relations Board, except as provided by those terms or conditions.

Sort of makes the Government ALL SUPREME. No court is allowed to review or relue any of the Liberal's laws as being unconstitutional. Once this piece of legislation is allowed to stand it will be the precident for all future legislation in this country.
Thomas Walkom had a column in the Toronto Star the other day that made a compelling case for why teachers need to take action.


The real issue for the teachers is what happens when Bill 115 goes to court, presumably all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. If the court finds the bargaining process outlined in the legislation was sufficient and supports the constitutionality of the legislation, it will have long-term ramifications for the teachers.

Thus, the teachers are pretty much obligated to do all they can to convince the courts the bargaining process set up by the Liberals is a sham.

It's a convincing argument, regardless of what anyone thinks of the generosity of the teachers' contracts.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Every morning when I drive to work I pass by what was once my public middle school I get mildly pissed off. It has been razed to the ground and in it's place is a brand new state of the art Catholic school. In fact most of the schools that I knew from childhood have all been replaced by Catholic schools. On top of that I see prime real estate taken over by religious grifters who've turned them into fly by night churches. Were is all this money coming from? The public schools system cannot survive when the Catholic board is government subsidized, gets tax breaks and generous donations from private entities. In return they get to fill impressionable young minds with voodoo.

I have a real problem with this. The labour relations war can never be settled as long as this educational disparity exists. Religious institutions should pay taxes like everyone else and as far as government subsidies goes, this is what the Catholics should get:



Apr 24, 2005
thanks for the teachers perspective
Every TV and radio phone in show is swamped with calls from current teachers, retired teachers, parents of teachers, sons of teachers, spouses of teachers, etc. whinning about what a hard life they have.


Mar 12, 2004
Part time job...full time pay ++++

Every TV and radio phone in show is swamped with calls from current teachers, retired teachers, parents of teachers, sons of teachers, spouses of teachers, etc. whinning about what a hard life they have.
Well,...they do have a lot of free time on their hands !!!



New member
Mar 2, 2004
Kawarthas & GTA
Say YES to Bill 115.

It’s about time.

Students will have some sort of education.

Things I would like to see happen.

- Schools should be semester into 2 parts.
- Christmas / New Year Break = 3 weeks.
- Freeze forever the current number of PD (Professional Development) days. (Never had any PD days when I went to school in Toronto).
- March Break = 3 weeks and move to overlap March April.
- No Summer School for making up grades. Carry over to next term.
- Teachers assigned for 3 years for one subject only.
- Teachers assigned for one period without students for follow-up, preparation and completion of days classes.
- Teachers hired for 3 year term. If they have excellent abilities, re-hire.
- Supervising / Assisting Teachers run programs after regular class schedules.
- No Principal or Vice-principal can be rehired after retirement anywhere in Ontario regardless of public, separate, private or any other type of educational institute.
- Increase the number of Guidance Councillors.
- Maintain class size to 25 to 30 students.
- Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten same start time and end time as the other bigger students.
- Assign two or three teachers for Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten.
- All schools have music, drama credited classes. Including all Olympic type training credited.
- End Busing of students. Parents Pay, not taxpayers or school boards.

This just might improve the quality of the educators currently in Ontario teaching our poorly cultured students for future employment or achievements.

Although this might mean older students wanting the extra money, or money for education will no longer be entering either the service provider or message provider line of part-time work.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think the implication of Bill 115 is pretty huge.

What is says is "go ahead make a promise to provide a salary and benefits, then don't bother budgeting to pay for it because later on you can just legislate that it never happened."
It's not like the salaries, pensions, gratuity, sick days etc were a secret. When I hire people to work for me I make sure I set aside enough money to pay them.

Don't get me wrong teachers have a good gig.... good pay, good benefits, good lifestyle. But then again so do firefighters, cops and doctors. To me they all have value.

Now sure there are those that say "we need to cut back to save money due to the deficit."

Here's what I suggest.....

1) have an audit of each school board and sell off real estate that is not being used or other assets.... I think the TDSB has an art collection.
2) have an audit of how school budgets are spent..... why are geography classes still buying atlases?!!!??? Isn't there a thing called a computer?
3) work out a deal with a tablet manufacturer to put one in each student's hands, give parents a tax break on it. then buy licences for e-textbooks. probably much cheaper than buying $100+ dollar math and science textbooks that need replacement due to wear and tear or changes in curriculum (which seems to happen every so many years)
4) speaking of curriculum changes..... people get paid to do that shit. Do we really need to revamp math every so many years?!??? Sure something like computers which changes math is pretty constant.
5) speaking of people paid to do not a whole lot.... how many superintendents, directors of education and trustees do we need? Look on the sunshine list they do better than principals who make 100 to 120 K
6) freeze salaries
7) make it longer for teachers to max out their salary
8) sell advertising space inside of schools
9) sell uniforms...... at a reasonable price with tax break for parents but still make a small profit from them
10) give teachers more flexiblity to take unpaid days if they want time off
11) increase class sizes.... therefore needing less teachers
12) offer early retirement packages (ONLY if it works out to be cheaper than keeping the older teacher)
13) decrease what is offered...... maybe we don't need art, dance, music others might argue history, geography, math..... point is schools offer quite a bit in terms of electives
14) require less electives for students to graduate.... therefore high school is shorter for the student
15) drop the drop out age from 18 back down to 16...... why spend money on kids who don't want to be there..... they can come back if they change their mind
16) have you noticed how many catholic schools recently built nice rubber tracks? Those are probably 1 million a piece
17) get rid of the catholic system..... everyone else has to pay for religious education.... not to mention the duplication..... TDSB will have supers, trusteees etc and then the catholic board will have their counterparts

Oh and not a cost saving measure but make it easier to FIRE DEADWOOD

18) make kids pay if they have graduated but wnat to come back for more courses.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Teachers will have you believe they are the only ones who work hard. We all know a lot of people who work hard, answer emails etc. while at home in the evening and when they first get up in the morning and also when on vacation because they have to if they want to keep their jobs. Lots of people don't even get a vacation, let alone the summer off. I'm not saying they don't do a good job but quit the fucking whining. When it comes to the real world, their sense of reality is really skewed.

As a side note, we wanted to get in touch with a couple of our kid's teachers last year. We were told that they don't communicate by email so our only option is to talk to them between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm M to F. How handy since we both work during the day. I mean seriously, they don't "do email"? Probably too busy on Facebook. What a fucking joke!!!!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Teachers will have you believe they are the only ones who work hard. We all know a lot of people who work hard, answer emails etc. while at home in the evening and when they first get up in the morning and also when on vacation because they have to if they want to keep their jobs. Lots of people don't even get a vacation, let alone the summer off. I'm not saying they don't do a good job but quit the fucking whining. When it comes to the real world, their sense of reality is really skewed.

As a side note, we wanted to get in touch with a couple of our kid's teachers last year. We were told that they don't communicate by email so our only option is to talk to them between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm M to F. How handy since we both work during the day. I mean seriously, they don't "do email"? Probably too busy on Facebook. What a fucking joke!!!!
Pick a profession and we can find people who have had a bad experience. That non emailing teacher should be fired. Let the rest do their job.
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