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Teachers strike/walkout/protest


Active member
May 26, 2015
How about building in some accountability instead of the drama?
If we are REALLY talking about improving education and the professional environment for teachers, we need to start rewarding the good teachers for what they do above and beyond the norm and stop rewarding those who do the minimum standard and pay them accordingly.

Base the pay on two criteria. General and Specific

General to all teachers
Every July, review the stats across the province, or the board (There's always someone who has a problem with either metric)
-Math Scores
-Reading Scores
-Volunteer hours by students
-transition to trades, to college, to STEM, to medicine

Specific to the teacher
-How many sick days did you take or not take?
-How many students passed ? How many failed? (This will require a transition back to holding students back)
-Did you do an professional development in the summer?
-Did you work in after class work ( sports coach, club advisor, remedial work)

This will give every teacher a unique pay profile based on what they contribute to the development of society and education.

While we're at it, do the same for politicians.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They take unemployment for the summer. So that pay actually gets added on to their yearly pay. Or they take another job for the two months. And that pay gets added on to their yearly total.

So either way the get more pay. But more importantly they go into the career KNOWING THIS. And the pay information is available.
Yes, the problem is that they should know this.
We should post that educational support workers will never be given a living wage ever, so they should just find other employment.
Let the kids rot, there are taxes that need saving.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
And doctors, we should pay them all $39,000 a year as well.
By the larue logic that should be the wage of everyone who works for the government, including Dougie.
Doctors, nurses, cops.
Pay them all as little as possible to save us poor taxpayers.
Ah yes sounds like @JohnLarue is an advocate for the communism approach like Cuba
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The Ford government is really stupid in creating a big war with unions. They are doing it in order to gain support from the neanderthals (many here).
they are rejecting a ridiculous demand which the province simply cannot afford

Bob Rea handed far too much power to public sector unions in the 1990s
the impact on Ont debt burden should be clear even to you

In the end the government will have to make deals with the unions, what they are doing now will just make it more difficult. A stupid approach.
or the unions will have to start becoming reasonable & responsible
responsible to more than their members greed, this includes responsible to all vested parties, the students, their parents and taxpayers

The winning approach is to create a sense of cooperation between management and unions.
you cannot have co-operation when the counterparty's position is irrational and completely ignores the need for financial responsibility
you cannot have co-operation when the counterparty's position is entirely based on threats and extortion

That is why large European companies have union representatives on their board of directors.
Too funny

1. Europe is a financial basket case
2. No company would survive running continuous deficits the way Ontario has
3. No company would survive with the debt burden Ontario has

So your logic would have unelected union representatives managing public sector finance decisions and planning
Do you want to accelerate the inevitable insolvency of the provincial government and the collapse of the heath care and education system?

do not lose sight of the fact parasites also die when they kill the host
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Owner and CEO
Oct 21, 2022
They take unemployment for the summer. So that pay actually gets added on to their yearly pay. Or they take another job for the two months. And that pay gets added on to their yearly total.
EI is capped at 2k per month. Barely a living monthly wage with rent or mtg at today's rates.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Ah yes sounds like @JohnLarue is an advocate for the communism approach like Cuba
you do not seem to follow along too well
if you offer to pay a doctor $39,000 / year, they will laugh at you and take their skill set elsewhere & they cannot be replaced
replacing a janitor with no skill sets ?
Lots of people would be willing to fill those positions with the very generous current compensation package
CUPE has a lot of part-time workers who, according to their contracts, work six hours a day for 194 days a year. Once holidays, PD days and March Break are factored in, that’s a 10 month-a-year part-time job.

This is why hourly wages are the better comparison.

The maintenance staff represented by CUPE in the Toronto District School Board earn between $20.82/hour for a part-time cleaner, up to $42.23/hour for a building automation specialist. Head caretakers earn between $30 and $35/hour

politicians unfortunately set their own compensation - let us know when you have applied your genius thinking to solving that issue


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
they are rejecting a ridiculous demand which the province simply cannot afford

Bob Rea handed far too much power to public sector unions in the 1990s
the impact on Ont debt burden should be clear even to you

or the unions will have to start becoming reasonable & responsible

you cannot have co-operation when the counterparty's position is irrational and completely ignores the need for financial responsibility
you cannot have co-operation when the counterparty's position is entirely based on threats and extortion

Too funny

1. Europe is a financial basket case
2. No company would survive running continuous deficits the way Ontario has
3. No company would survive with the debt burden Ontario has

So your logic would have unelected union representatives managing public sector finance decisions and planning
Do you want to accelerate the inevitable insolvency of the provincial government and the collapse of the heath care and education system?
You obviously have no experience running companies.

Good luck with having a war with your employees.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
you do not seem to follow along too well
if you offer to pay a doctor $39,000 / year, they will laugh at you and take their skill set elsewhere & they cannot be replaced
replacing a janitor with no skill sets ?
Lots of people would be willing to fill those positions with the very generous current compensation package
You're saying you want all the education support workers with skills and training to find other jobs?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You obviously have no experience running companies.

]Good luck with having a war with your employees.
your two juvenile hypothetical statements have conflicting and incompatible logic

if I am not running a company, >>>> I do not have employees

logic is not your strong suit
you obviously have no experience managing anything successful,

employers have to offer competitive compensation to retain employees who provide value or they will seek employment elsewhere
successful companies understand this and reward employees according to ensure they stay
compensation is tied to merit and accomplishment
the financial stability of the organization is ensured for the owners, their customers, suppliers , the employees and future employees

inject a union (particularly a public sector union) into the equation and the financial stability of the organization is ignored
public sector unions do not consider the interests of the other parties>> only their own interests
They are bleeding the province dry


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
EI is capped at 2k per month. Barely a living monthly wage with rent or mtg at today's rates.
best they ungrade their skill set so they can command more compensation
the taxpayer does not owe anyone a specific standard of living


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
So its not that they are anti union.
They exist, occupy time and space and now even gravity to be staunchly anti-union because their one and only constituent is NOT the people of Ontario, but private business and especially property developers.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
your two juvenile hypothetical statements have conflicting and incompatible logic

if I am not running a company, >>>> I do not have employees

logic is not your strong suit
you obviously have no experience managing anything successful,

employers have to offer competitive compensation to retain employees who provide value or they will seek employment elsewhere
successful companies understand this and reward employees according to ensure they stay
compensation is tied to merit and accomplishment
the financial stability of the organization is ensured for the owners, their customers, suppliers , the employees and future employees

inject a union (particularly a public sector union) into the equation and the financial stability of the organization is ignored
public sector unions do not consider the interests of the other parties>> only their own interests
They are bleeding the province dry
You just continue to show that you do not have a clue about how the world works.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Not anymore, not even now, not even at all.!
I think the construction trades are quite happy with efforts to increase housing builds. Have you tried getting contractors out to your house for repairs? I had work done a month ago, they didn't finish it. But I haven't paid a dime out. Still waiting for the finish.
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