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Teacher who had sex with boy, 15, spared jail after judge says: He touched you first


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Teacher who had sex with schoolboy, 15, is spared jail after judge says: 'He touched you first'

By Daily Mail Reporter
7th March 2011

A young schoolmistress who had a fling with a boy nearly half her age went free today after a judge ruled the boy made the first move and had not been ‘corrupted’ by their illicit affair.

Teaching assistant Leah Davies, 29, slept with the 15-year-old after they watched a DVD together and drank vodka during a sleepover party.

Miss Davies, of Fallowfield, Manchester, had been earlier invited over to his family home by the boy's mother after the two women struck up a close friendship.

But at the end of the evening the boy's mother went to bed leaving Miss Davies alone with the teenager.

Miss Davies chatted to the youngster - who was the leader singer of a teenage rock group - about his favourite music and films before betraying her friend to have sex with the boy on the sofa in the living room.

He later confided to his aunt about the fling and police were called in.

At Manchester Crown Court, mother-of-one Davies who taught at several primary schools was convicted of four counts of sexual activity with a child.

But she was spared a jail term and was given 12 months suspended for two years plus a 24-month supervision order after Judge Martin Rudland said she was an ‘ordinary, decent, hard-working woman who made a tragic and foolish mistake’.

The judge added: ‘There have been cases in which the power in a relationship has been imbalanced, with the younger person having less. But that's not this case here.

‘The complainant, if he can be described as such, was a gregarious young man who played in a band and was sexually experienced

‘The experience was short-lived and required no coercion and resulted in a degree of sexual satisfaction for both parties. He touched you first.

‘He was not seduced or corrupted by the experience. In the whole experience he says he has been mostly upset at the effect on his mum's friendship with the defendant. He did not want to tell anyone when it happened.

‘It only came to light when he told his aunt, with whom he was close, while they discussed sexual matters, as they tended to do. She told others and the matter came to light.

Read more:


New member
Dec 27, 2004
‘The experience was short-lived and required no coercion and resulted in a degree of sexual satisfaction for both parties. He touched you first.

OK, when I was 15 there was a female teacher in her 20's I'd have liked to have done the deed with.

I wonder if Judge Rudland would have been as agreeable if it had been a 15 year old girl student and a male teacher though?


Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
I wonder if Judge Rudland would have been as agreeable if it had been a 15 year old girl student and a male teacher though?
Common now we have a good idea if it was a 15 year old girl and a male teacher that the male teacher would have been going to jail. I don't know how the judgae came to the conlusion but as you noted the table would probaly be different if it was a male teacher.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
‘The experience was short-lived and required no coercion and resulted in a degree of sexual satisfaction for both parties. He touched you first.

OK, when I was 15 there was a female teacher in her 20's I'd have liked to have done the deed with.

I wonder if Judge Rudland would have been as agreeable if it had been a 15 year old girl student and a male teacher though?
this boy must be popular at his high school


New member
Jan 19, 2006
At least Judge Rudland used his brain rather than merely "locking the door and throwing away the key."

Further the Teacher involved was not aquitted, she was found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child, and sentenced to a year suspended, and a two year supervision order (probation). She has lost her job and is working as a cleaning woman.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
The woman wasn't his teacher (the article only mentions that she's a teacher at all to be more sensationalistic, I suppose). It sounds like that was a factor in the judge's reasoning.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
She is suppose to be a adult.. and as in being such a adult should know that a 15 year old is still a Child!!!! does not matteer if he "touched" her first.. as a adult it is up to her to say .. oh woahhh there fella.. I am not interested in you .. its wrong. its not proper .. your 15 . laff it off and walk away.. ANYTHING BUT SLEEP WITH HIM.. come on now.. where the hel,l is her common sence..
she should be put in jail just the same as if it were a man and a 15 year old girl..


Dec 20, 2010
This story sounds like a great screen play for a porno! Very lucky 15 year old to have his mother get her friend loaded with vodka and them leave the two of them on the couch alone. Classic!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
She is suppose to be a adult.. and as in being such a adult should know that a 15 year old is still a Child!!!! does not matteer if he "touched" her first.. as a adult it is up to her to say .. oh woahhh there fella.. I am not interested in you .. its wrong. its not proper .. your 15 . laff it off and walk away.. ANYTHING BUT SLEEP WITH HIM.. come on now.. where the hel,l is her common sence..
she should be put in jail just the same as if it were a man and a 15 year old girl..
See the article and my post #6, the Judge certainly didn't disagree you that she as the adult had the responsiblity hence the four convictions, the issue was an appropriate sentence.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
See the article and my post #6, the Judge certainly didn't disagree you that she as the adult had the responsiblity hence the four convictions, the issue was an appropriate sentence.
I said my peace .. she is no better than if she were a man. a man would be put in jail in a blink of a eye.. thats were she should go, a child molester is a child molester


New member
Oct 17, 2010
I said my peace .. she is no better than if she were a man. a man would be put in jail in a blink of a eye.. thats were she should go, a child molester is a child molester
I agree totally with you Lady Raven.


May 1, 2008
All these stories we hear about female teachers having sex with there male students I have one thing to say and that is..........WHERE THE HELL WERE THESE TEACHERS WHEN I WAS 15.........DAMIT lol.
But I do agree, if it was a male and he did that, he would have is dance card punched at the prision sock- hop ....and so he should!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
AGREED! Most especially the fact that she was a teaching assistant, a person in a position of authority of children.
Yes, but not in this instance.

For instance in Canada the "person in a position of trust and authority" provision does not apply unless the defendant is in a position of trust and authority over the victim. Yes, she was a teachers assistant, yes he was a student, but he was not her student and she was not his teacher.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Yes, but not in this instance.

For instance in Canada the "person in a position of trust and authority" provision does not apply unless the defendant is in a position of trust and authority over the victim. Yes, she was a teachers assistant, yes he was a student, but he was not her student and she was not his teacher.

Article is clearly sensationalist


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I think many adult males think back to when they were 15 and think "If only a teacher I thought was hot wanted to have sex with me".
I don't think this woman is hot, but who knows what taste the kid had.

If I at 15 had had the balls to put my hand on a hot teacher's leg and say "Let's do it" and she had gone along with it, i would have been a happy 15 year old lol. I certainly don't think the hot teacher, in this scenario, should have gone to jail for letting me do her.

However we get back to the equality of the sexes argument again. The idea that 15 year old boys are sex-starved and quite able to handle a roll in the hay with a 20-something female teacher, but 15 year old girls are vulnerable and unable to handle it with an older male teacher. Feminist position on this would be it is unreasonable to assume that teenage boys are mature enough to handle it and teenage girls are not. Teenage boys are known to get into more risky situations than girls in general, so how can one possibly say 15 year old boys are more mature and can have sex with adults if they want but 15 year old girls cannot? The counter argument to that is to say boys like sex and girls not so much, to which feminists will say BS. So then we get to the situation of we have to say either all 15 year olds can have sex with adults if they touch the adult first/come on to the adult teacher, or we have to say no 15 year olds can have sex with adult teachers. Society has picker the later. Then we have the situation of gender bias that results from this blanket policy: we know a 29 year olds male teacher who had sex with a 15 year old girl in the girl's parents living room would get shown to a cell. Should a 29 year old woman be shown to a cell in the same situation? Feminists would say yes, she should as fair is fair and she should get no special treatment because she is a woman. In a practical sense, many males (including judges) will say "the 15 year boy wanted sex, should we jail the woman for giving it to him?".

If a male was accused of this and his defense was

A) She touched me first/she wanted it
B) I was drunk/we were drunk
C) Her mother shouldn't have left her alone with me
D) Hey, she wasn't a virgin

He would get the slammer.

A woman adult though and we men (myself included) think "well, she was a woman, the kid wanted sex as all 15 year old guys do, should we really be jailing her for this? I guess she is lucky she didn't get a feminist judge or she would be in jail.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Yes, but not in this instance.

For instance in Canada the "person in a position of trust and authority" provision does not apply unless the defendant is in a position of trust and authority over the victim. Yes, she was a teachers assistant, yes he was a student, but he was not her student and she was not his teacher.

she is a adult( to a child a adult is a person of trust and authority) and he is a child.. thats all that matters.. she was very very wrong and should be put in jail..
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