Teacher who had sex with boy, 15, spared jail after judge says: He touched you first


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I don't think anyone is making light of this 2canchew. In the vast majority of cases, the judge probably would agree with you.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I think the judge looked at the intent of the law. It was to protect minors (under 16) from being sexually exploited.

But in this case, he reasoned that since the 15 year old (but sexually-experienced) boy seduced a drunken adult woman, the full severity of the ordinary punishment shouldn't apply.

In other words, there were mitigating circumstances.

Judges get paid to interpret laws and apply them as best as possible to fact situations. They are attempting to administer justice which means a fair application of the law and not necessarily the letter of the law.
Very well put.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What would happen GPIDAL, if a guy used that same reasoning.........it wouldn't matter, he would end up in jail
I simply can't think of a situation involving a 15 year old girl and a 29 year old guy except perhaps in Bangkok or Cuba where I suppose young women who look older but sexually-experienced hustle to live. So yeah, the guy would end up in jail by most scenarios.

But even in these modern, liberal times, males still instigate sexual conduct in females. Some terbites here felt that the 29 year old woman was not attractive or sexually-appealing, so perhaps she may not have been very experienced or vulnerable (capable of being seduced). Then there's the alcohol factor which affected her judgement. The judge may have looked at it this way, and concluded that while she committed a serious error in judgement, she did not take advantage of the 15 year old boy who is no virgin by any stretch of the imagination and probably has had more tail then either of us at that age & perhaps into our 20s. Think about it.


May 1, 2008
Please let me expain that I was the one who made the off the cuff comment about when I was 15 and wondering where she was. ( see #17 post )The judges ruling makes it sound like it's ok because he made the first move. I will be surprised if there is no appeal on this.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Please let me expain that I was the one who made the off the cuff comment about when I was 15 and wondering where she was. The judges ruling makes it sound like it's ok because he made the first move. I will be surprised if there is no appeal on this.
I don't think so. He didn't say it was okay. He just didn't throw the entire book at her. Her life or reputation is irrevocably damaged.

Don't forget that in changing times, laws get applied to suit the times. Perhaps this is just one case where there's an exception to the general rules.


May 1, 2008
Even so ,it's still gender discrimination, if a male used the same reasoning nobody would listen to him. I think the botton line is the punishment should be the same for both molesters.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Even so ,it's still gender discrimination, if a male used the same reasoning nobody would listen to him. I think the botton line is the punishment should be the same for both molesters.
I don't think there's a double standard. It's just hard to imagine a male in the same fact situation.

However, I can think of one example. A couple of years ago, there was a movie about teenagers who started an escort business. It had something to do with being naughty babysitters. Now I can't recall how old they were, but I think they might have still been in highschool. There were no male pimps involved. All the girls were of equal age, and ran their own agency. The show was fictional, but if one of those girls seduced some inexperienced nerdy, virginal guy of 29 years (there are guys like that in real life, trust me), who she got tipsy with booze as a bet with another girl or some kind of hazing ritual, wouldn't you think that a judge should consider those facts as mitigating circumstances before throwing the entire book at that guy?


May 1, 2008
You stated that the girls were escorts, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE , you go to a escort to get laid and if your a nerd then you would need a few shots of courage.
In this situation, noboby was working at a escort service, but somebody wanted to get laid, and even if she played along she new how old he was. I just think that if everything was reversed and she was 15 and he was 29, or what ever age and he was a nerd , he would have the book throwen at him....Imho.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I think many adult males think back to when they were 15 and think "If only a teacher I thought was hot wanted to have sex with me".
I don't think this woman is hot, but who knows what taste the kid had.

If I at 15 had had the balls to put my hand on a hot teacher's leg and say "Let's do it" and she had gone along with it, i would have been a happy 15 year old lol. I certainly don't think the hot teacher, in this scenario, should have gone to jail for letting me do her.

However we get back to the equality of the sexes argument again. The idea that 15 year old boys are sex-starved and quite able to handle a roll in the hay with a 20-something female teacher, but 15 year old girls are vulnerable and unable to handle it with an older male teacher. Feminist position on this would be it is unreasonable to assume that teenage boys are mature enough to handle it and teenage girls are not. Teenage boys are known to get into more risky situations than girls in general, so how can one possibly say 15 year old boys are more mature and can have sex with adults if they want but 15 year old girls cannot? The counter argument to that is to say boys like sex and girls not so much, to which feminists will say BS. So then we get to the situation of we have to say either all 15 year olds can have sex with adults if they touch the adult first/come on to the adult teacher, or we have to say no 15 year olds can have sex with adult teachers. Society has picker the later. Then we have the situation of gender bias that results from this blanket policy: we know a 29 year olds male teacher who had sex with a 15 year old girl in the girl's parents living room would get shown to a cell. Should a 29 year old woman be shown to a cell in the same situation? Feminists would say yes, she should as fair is fair and she should get no special treatment because she is a woman. In a practical sense, many males (including judges) will say "the 15 year boy wanted sex, should we jail the woman for giving it to him?".

If a male was accused of this and his defense was

A) She touched me first/she wanted it
B) I was drunk/we were drunk
C) Her mother shouldn't have left her alone with me
D) Hey, she wasn't a virgin

He would get the slammer.

A woman adult though and we men (myself included) think "well, she was a woman, the kid wanted sex as all 15 year old guys do, should we really be jailing her for this? I guess she is lucky she didn't get a feminist judge or she would be in jail.
Good post.

Bottom line - there are lots of double standards in this world, especially between men and women.

I've learned to accept that and I sleep better at night.

For example - you get a woman pregnant. As a man, you have no say in whether she keeps the child or has an abortion. You are simply on the hook financially and that is that. If she decides to have an abortion and you are 100% dead set against it - too bad, that's the way it goes. (And by the way - I totally accept this rationalization.)

It's the same thing when it comes to 15 year old boys and sex and 15 year old girls and sex. It's a double standard.

Sometimes I think those who protest so vehemently against 15 year old boys have sex with 30 year old women are saying one law for both boys and girls not because they really believe in one law for boys and girls, but because deep down they are protecting young 15 year old girls and they don't want to give the slippery slope argument to the vast number of men who would then want to have sex with 15 year old girls (using the same rationalization).

Bottom line, a 15 year old boy is not going to be forever scarred by having consensual sex with a 30 year old woman. (I would have been thrilled.)

Mind you, it doesn't happen very often anyway and a 15 year old boy would have lasted about 2 seconds.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
I said my peace .. she is no better than if she were a man. a man would be put in jail in a blink of a eye.. thats were she should go, a child molester is a child molester
Oh come on. There's a difference between a pedophile and someone who has sex with a teenager; teens are not little kids, and teens are often sexually active by their own choice. They are no doubt more vulnerable than adults to being taken advantage of in various ways, and lines need to be drawn somewhere, but it's absurd to treat a teenager like a child who's incapable of making any meaningful decisions at all. A teen's enthusiastic consent is something that it makes perfect sense for the court to take into account as a mitigating factor.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I will be surprised if there is no appeal on this.
Remember what you would be appealing here is not the verdict (and although it would not apply in this case, remember it is a unique part of Canadian law that acquittals can be appealed), but rather the sentence and that would entirely hang upon whether the judge had acted within his discretion. I am not particualrly familiar with the English Appeals process, however, from what I know in the U.K. under all three of the legal systems judges have a significant amount of discretion.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Are you really this stupid?
You only ended up with an infinitesimally small number because you continued to divide the final number back into the variables which generated it.
Translation for Dummies: of males who rape women, 60-80% report being assaulted by women when minors. No need to keep dividing, as the only sub-group in question is the males raping women.
Your either are an idiot or clinging desperately to a few strands of stretched out logic to maintain your snub-nosed intellectual persona in this thread with your flamboyant if not condescending ill conceived conclusions. You are proof that Google and statistics are a bad mix for paranoid alarmists.

Take your myopic idiot statistic and show the relevance to this and the topic of active 15 year old sexual encounters (i.e. the topic of this thread). I will try to make it as simple as possible: Less than 1% of the male population are rapists (if it were 1% Toronto would have 20,000 active rapists) even though ~ 53% of males are sexually active in high school. If there was any correlation - logically - the number of rapists would be staggering.

Are you with me ? The sample set that you are painting the general population is actually very small. Also - to anybody with intuitive logic - look at the number of those who had a traumatic sexual encounter that turned them into a rapist - how many were sexually active 15 year olds ? If it is not significant or you don't know - don't quote it !!!!!

It is irrelevant - phoo-phoo dust - misinformation and dumb to cite as a real threat to teens.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
That a law could do with revision by legislatures or courts is not an argument that one can violate it if one feels like it.

Tell that to the Libyan freedom fighters , MLK, Gandhi, ...

As for the studies, well I provided a link to the Canadian Children's Rights Council, which in the text - if you read it - cites four separate studies all concluding that male rapists in 60-80% of cases reported having been abused by females. What is your grounds for unilaterally dismissing the cited, peer reviewed studies of a reputable agency?
I thank you for the link

I was not aware of the rapist association with female predators and it gives me reason to pause

However, their use of abstract words such as "many" as in " many ( male victims) suffer from low self-esteem, antisocial behavior, poor social and anger management skills, fear of rejection" rings hollow

WTF is " MANY " .005 % ???? 80% ???????????

Also they lump all ages together. We need to discuss 15 year old only .

But this doesn't mean we should remove protections for minors cart blanche. Especially when researchers note high rates of male rapists having been assaulted by females when they were minors. That should give anyone pause in their macho speak.

So what percentage of 15 year olds suffer from abuse when they initiated the affair and the female was as sensitive as LadyRaven (SIC) ???????????? ( that is what we are discussing here)

Also the Canadian Children's Rights Council are witch hunters. That is established by their total unwillingness to confirm that a % of the " victims " were not victims and benefited from the affair and those children have a right to have their affair !

We need to differentiate between predators and non predators.

Or perhaps that is like saying we should legalize all drugs because only a few would abuse them

I am unsure

But to not realize some teens would benefit from the affair is to ignore the truth in order to burn witches

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Yoga Face, Libyan freedom fighters had zero say in the construction of the laws they now dissent from, unlike the UK population. Apples and oranges, so spurious argument..

The people who engage in beneficial teen affairs have zero say in the predator law as politicians would never touch such a controversial topic
A better analogy is the unfair persecution of gays a few decades ago who had no real say in the anti-gay laws because of cowardly politicians

If being made aware that 60-80% of male rapists report being sexually assaulted as minors gives you pause in your macho 'ah, the young lads like it' talk, then I don't know why you go on to babble about burning witches. I don't think the Children's Rights Council is burning witches, it seems they're trying to protect children from sexual predators..
To never acknowledge that a certain % of teens benefit is a biased witch hunt as you are burning those who have done good to weed out the bad

For all we know it could be that 100 % of 15 year olds who initiate the affair benefit

As for drawing a line between predators and non-predators, you are right, a line is needed. But do we draw it in an after-the-fact way, for instance asking a minor 'so, did you like it'?
I do not know

I am not that wise

But the topic is never discussed and it should be but it is a cultural taboo

I suspect in some cultures such an affair is accepted if not encouraged because they realize the benefit so that would be a good place to start such a study

It would require a social paradigm shift and such shifts are very difficult to do

Just ask the gays

All I have said is that some teens benefit greatly from such an affair and stand by my original statement
Last edited:


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Hence the common claim being made in the thread that boys getting laid by an older woman has no effect other than getting the kid off is factually wrong, as there is evidence saying it is a statistically significant shared experience in the small set of males who go on to rape.
Oh, I get it - you just didn't read what the thread was about when you quote your irrelevant little gem of trite garbage. We weren't talking about children being molested. Lady Raven was holding that an sexually active 15 year old is a 'child'. We (the guys who lived through this stage) totally disagree.

Unless you have any statistic that addresses a serious developmental problem with an active 15 year engaging in sex with older partners - you have nothing to offer other than your opinion.

Done - End of Story - Close the Chapter


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Oh, I get it - you just didn't read what the thread was about when you quote your irrelevant little gem of trite garbage. We weren't talking about children being molested. Lady Raven was holding that an sexually active 15 year old is a 'child'. We (the guys who lived through this stage) totally disagree.

Unless you have any statistic that addresses a serious developmental problem with an active 15 year engaging in sex with older partners - you have nothing to offer other than your opinion.

Done - End of Story - Close the Chapter
just because you are sexually active in no way makes one a adult at 15..


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You stated that the girls were escorts, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE , you go to a escort to get laid and if your a nerd then you would need a few shots of courage.
In this situation, noboby was working at a escort service, but somebody wanted to get laid, and even if she played along she new how old he was. I just think that if everything was reversed and she was 15 and he was 29, or what ever age and he was a nerd , he would have the book throwen at him....Imho.
Yes, but my point is that each situation must be judged on their own facts. My example was to demonstrate that there can be mitigating circumstances even when a minor is involved, that must be considered before applying a law solely based on an age test. The INTENT is to protect minors from exploitation, but age may not be the only determining factor.
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