Your pedigree is worthless too. Not my problem you can’t read budgets, don’t know what back pay is, can’t read, fact check or listen to experts and more.
In fact you more resemble that cartoon in the corner than anything else Porky. Just flat on your ass and in the corner, and wet farts without substance or deflections as comebacks. That’s typically all team lefty has.
Team lefty is getting pummeled everywhere little piggy.
And do you know? you ripping others work, as you so often do is copyright infringement? And that is why creators and starving artist use watermarks, to protect their rights from being stolen by little piggies like you?
The basics of copyright, copyright infringement and what to do if copyright is infringed
Sharing and republishing online content like articles and images is a common activity. Our tips help you comply with copyright law when doing so.