Ashley Madison

Tater Bros. cars seized.


Aug 23, 2001
Regardless of what evidence may or may not exist you seem to already consider them guilty without any trial or any of the so called evidence actually being presented.
The Taters have made numerous statement where they boast about pimping and beating girls. It appears that the prosecution has a strong case.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
LoL...Aside from scams, I don't get how these 2 POS got so famous rich and had a following... they went beyond "red pill"....
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Aug 23, 2001
Sounds like you have some proof to back up these allegations? Or is it just what your tv said? See, here is the problem. You don't know them. You've never met them. You've never even been within 10 feet of them but you know sooo much about them. How? Where are you getting this cutting edge information? Oh, right. The media. The good ole trustworthy media. :rolleyes:
So if the media covers numerous "self snitches" by the Tates, your answer is that the media always lies???

Where is the media proof that the Tates are innocent?.... I'm not seeing any. What I'm seeing is the Tates ranting about how they're being railroaded while offering no proof and the Tates' allies - like Candace - cheering them on.

And their case is scheduled for trial. Now it's possible that the prosecution case will implode and the Tate's will beat the rap. But no smart bettor would lay money on that, given what seems to be out there.


Aug 23, 2001
If they really did it, then they deserve jail far, nothing concrete.
Check what Squeezer posted and bear in mind that the trial hasn't started yet.


Aug 23, 2001
They are innocent until proven guilty!!! Sigh...I'm literally arguing with a fucking baboon🤦‍♂️
And the baboon is beating you.... Which is even sadder.

Sure, they are legally innocent until PROVEN guilty. So were Jeffrey Dahmer and Paul Bernardo. But no one was optimistic that either would get acquitted or called the charges "unfounded", which is what I get from the Tater fan base.
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Connoisseur of life's pleasures
Sep 15, 2019
I'm kind of surprised that all the TERB members who simp for them haven't been crawling out of the woodwork to defend them.

I keep pointing out that it's hilarious that a bunch of grown men are sticking up for someone whose main audience is teenage incels and who would look at them with utter contempt because they see sex workers. Not seeing in the irony in the fact that he's a human trafficker.
And here they come. Well that didn’t take long did it? :rolleyes: Sadly you were too optimistic SexB


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Not my problem. Take him off ignore and man up.
Jimi is another fella who can't handle the truth. Lives in an alternate reality and is a gentleman I take free space in his head and again, lots of space for my enjoyment. He loves to mention my name but claims I'm on ignore. I don't get it. I have an ignore list of 0. I enjoy all the free laughs and entertainment I can get. LOL

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
What exactly are you beating me at? And what do you win when I'm finally defeated? Both of those cases had an abundance of evidence. Where is the evidence in the tate case? It's all speculation. Which is all you need to form an iron clad opinion obviously.
Mandrill is falling back on the obscure legal tactic of saying "I am beating you because I said so"


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Where is the media proof that the Tates are innocent?.... I'm not seeing any.
Well aren't we all lucky the laws aren't how you perceived it to be? Imagine in a court of law where you have to provide evidence you didn't commit a crime... 😂 😂 😂 ...we're talking about the accusations of pimping 15 yr olds...not that the tates scammed people...
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I don't know if that is the case in the Romanian system.
Tate used to state that in Romania he felt safe from the ''Matrix''...This in retrospect was his greatest mistake in judgement. Looks like just the opposite actually.

He's said some egregious stuff in the past in some of his videos he's released. But it seems like a ''work'' that when clipped up comes off even worse. He's acting or playing a role. What I want to see if the prosecution can provide evidence beyond his words that wrong doings occurred...Physical evidence and witnesses...Something to convict them in a criminal trial.

I have no idea how the Romanian court system works but this seems to be really dragging out...Like it's personal. Appears like they're trying to grind the brothers down.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So wait …. Because I just want to get this straight. People (who can afford it) can drag legal proceedings on for years, but investigators can’t? Is that what I hearing? Because people like Trump can have his lawyers drag on at a snails pace. And that is ok but Tates legal proceedings need to happen in what … a month???? What is the time frame allowed here by some of the public????
No. It's better than that.
People who can afford it can drag legal proceedings on for years AND them successfully dragging those proceedings on is "proof" that they aren't being treated fairly.
See how neat and clean that is?

And ( this is a big “and”) people realize this is NOT Canada or the US, right??? Which means laws, rules and regulations are different, right???So you can’t apply Canadian law to their laws????
Most people don't seem to realize this.

That is like people either coming from the states or watching too many videos from the states and thinking that cops here in Canada can legally ID you and ask for your ID and you are legally compelled to do it. Hell, there are some Canadian who are so dumb they actual quote the constitution instead of the charter. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This always cracks me up.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
No. It's better than that.
People who can afford it can drag legal proceedings on for years AND them successfully dragging those proceedings on is "proof" that they aren't being treated fairly.
See how neat and clean that is?

Most people don't seem to realize this.

This always cracks me up.
I invoke the second amendment any time I'm challenged on it.......and the 5th.


Aug 23, 2001
I don't know if that is the case in the Romanian system.
I'm pretty sure that the prosecution has the burden of proof at trial. Just on common sense "How else would it possibly work?" reasoning.


Aug 23, 2001
Tate used to state that in Romania he felt safe from the ''Matrix''...This in retrospect was his greatest mistake in judgement. Looks like just the opposite actually.

He's said some egregious stuff in the past in some of his videos he's released. But it seems like a ''work'' that when clipped up comes off even worse. He's acting or playing a role. What I want to see if the prosecution can provide evidence beyond his words that wrong doings occurred...Physical evidence and witnesses...Something to convict them in a criminal trial.

I have no idea how the Romanian court system works but this seems to be really dragging out...Like it's personal. Appears like they're trying to grind the brothers down.
So when Tate brags about beating, raping and pimping 15 year olds, he's just performing an act and the Romanian government is part of the Deep State and the Globalist Elite when it charges him with raping and beating and pimping minors.

But you have no proof of any of this.......

Of course then. The Tates must be totally innocent.


Aug 23, 2001
I don't know if that is the case in the Romanian system.
In Romania, article 23 of the Constitution states that "any person shall be presumed innocent until found guilty by a final decision of the court".
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