The One Spa

Tamil community protesters say they will not stop blocking the Gardiner Expressway...

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
dreamblade said:
You know, I've read this entire thread, and I'm sort of disappointed.

I'm disappointed in the police and the government who failed to do nothing to break up this demonstration.
Because we as Canadians are a bunch of candy asses

I say its time for the water-cannons!!
And use sewage water, please


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
The blocking of our highways is going to become the norm for people with some cause, whatever cause, now that people have seen the lack of police action, the amount of publicity, and the government agreeing to discuss their demands.

Sad stuff that our infrastructure can be interfered with and there is no response from the government. The Indians blocking the rail lines, CAW blocking roads, this stuff is going to get worse.

What kind of mother takes her kids onto the highway during a protest. Child services should be involved.

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
KBear said:
The blocking of our highways is going to become the norm for people with some cause, whatever cause, now that people have seen the lack of police action, the amount of publicity, and the government agreeing to discuss their demands.

Sad stuff that our infrastructure can be interfered with and there is no response from the government. The Indians blocking the rail lines, CAW blocking roads, this stuff is going to get worse.

What kind of mother takes her kids onto the highway during a protest. Child services should be involved.
The Americans would never stand for all this bullshit


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I totally understand and support the angst directed at the protesters who are creating confusion and inconvenience to Torontonians. There seems to be a total disconnect between the protesters and Canadians. The protesters are not protesting against Canada, all they want to do is highligt their cause. Unfortunately, the way they are protesting is back-firing on them.

The man on the street, sees no difference between the protesters and a terrorist group and is appalled that so many people are openly supporting a terrorist group. This is both a failure of the tamil community to communicate as well as a reflection of some historical blunders.

The Tamil minority and the Sinhala majority lived in relative peace till 1948, when Sri Lanka was a British colony. When the British left, the SL government, stripped Tamils of their citizenship. This was followed by several other brutal laws, aimed at reducing opportunities for Tamil in job and education. The Tamils protested peacefull against this, but were time and again met with forceful retaliation by the army. Several decades of peaceful protest did nothing to solve the issue but Tamils got getting killed in various military operation. This caused disillisionment with the younger generation of Tamils who started subscribing to violent means of achieving their goal. Several gangs started targetting SL assets. This was met with opposition by both the SL government as well as Tamil political parties who wanted to pursue non-violent means. Here is the fuck up !. The tamil gangs started targetting tamil political parites. One such group called LTTE, mercilessly eliminated all other groups to become the sole voice of Tamils. Over the years, LTTE ran a tight gtroup, mindlessly targetting anyone who seemed to oppose them - they assassinated ex-PM of India, targetted US warship, skilled their own ehtnnic members. In doing so, they lost all the moral highground of being the underdog/victim. Today, when they are close to being eliminated, pretty much everyone wants them gone. They have been a nuisance to everyone. However, with LTTE out of picture, there is no one to represent the Tamil issue. If the LTTE had allowed peaceful political parties to represent them as well, this would not have been the case. Today, LTTE and Tamil movement have become synonymous. The protesters are acting like headless chicken, .. they are merely respondng to an anguish, without any strategy or plan. They are waving LTTE flag without realizing that this is undermining their cause. Completely disorganized and in complete disarray - that is their state of being today. How we (not just Canadians) handle the issue today will determine the future course of action - will Tamil movement morph into a peaceful movement with LTTE out of the picture, or will the anger grow and lead to the birth of a deadlier and more violent successor to LTTE.

If you say - who gives a fuck, please dont give any fuck to holocoast, or Tibetans being persecuted in China, or any other Talibans killing ordinary Afghans. Just open a can of beer and gulp it down.

Links -


New member
Feb 28, 2007
dreamblade said:
You know, I've read this entire thread, and I'm sort of disappointed.

I'm disappointed in the police and the government who failed to do nothing to break up this demonstration.

I'm disappointed in the Tamil people protesting illegally, when Canada welcomed them with open arms.

Finally, I'm disappointed in those of you who were inconvenienced by this. Instead of ranting so eloquently on an escort site, why did you not rally your own group of concerned citizens, march up to the protesters and force them to disband. If the system that is here to protect us from such occurence fails us, it's our responsability to make things right.

Talk is cheap. Only actions matter.
Unfortunatley that kind of action would be guarenteed to bring an overly muscular approach from the police in order to stop teh riot that would ensue. This is also the action that the organizers are looking for. They don't mreally want the govt of Ontario? to make international noise, they want something to get on CNN and Fox in order to show how poorly done by they are.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
raj_sekar_100 said:
The protesters are not protesting against Canada, all they want to do is highligt their cause.
I beg to differ. Demanding that Canadian politicians appear at their beck and call or they’ll keep occupying a highway is more than highlighting a cause. That would be holding a city hostage.

raj_sekar_100 said:
If the LTTE had allowed peaceful political parties to represent them as well, this would not have been the case. Today, LTTE and Tamil movement have become synonymous. The protesters are acting like headless chicken, .. they are merely respondng to an anguish, without any strategy or plan. They are waving LTTE flag without realizing that this is undermining their cause.
I beg to differ on that. Look at the footage of the highway occupation. Not only was the crowd (using teenagers and children as their front line) brandishing LTTE flags, and wearing LTTE shirts, the common chant was “LTTE Freedom Fighters”. They are totally aware of the group they are publically supporting, and the fact that be aligning themselves with.

As for responding with no plan, this has been a organized from the get go, don’t be ignorant to make the actions of last night. This was planned from the get go.

If the local Tamils really want to highlight the issues of the plight of their homeland maybe they should not be ensconced in the colours of the group that is causing this to happen.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
landscaper said:
Unfortunatley that kind of action would be guarenteed to bring an overly muscular approach from the police in order to stop teh riot that would ensue. This is also the action that the organizers are looking for. They don't mreally want the govt of Ontario? to make international noise, they want something to get on CNN and Fox in order to show how poorly done by they are.
Unfortunately, as Kbear mentioned, this sets a precedent for other groups to do the same. If people don't visibly protest this behaviour, engage in not necessarily violent but definitely voice a strong social sanction, this will repeat itself. The point is we, as Canadians, as respectful as we are of all the ethnicities that come here, must have respect in return.

I was at Oka. This doesn't not compare. I was in the reserves at the time, and actually resigned from the army over it, as I supported the Natives' claim to sacred burial land not be turned into a golf course. This is different. This is not an internal matter, but international, and this is not the way to fight the injustice they perceive they suffer. When I was a kid, I took part in the Solidarity march in Montreal against what the Soviets were doing to my country of birth. We marched on the Russian consulate and protested there. Why can't these people do the same?

Something we seem to have forgotten:

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If one wants to live in peace, one must also prepare for war.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
KBear said:
United Steel Workers have now shown up at the Tamil protest to show their solidarity and support.
Are you serious?


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Cobster said:
Are you serious?
Was reported on CFRB, sure I heard it right.

Also they have reported that the protesters that blocked the Gardener had women and children in front of them to block the police, others were sitting on the railings. Puts the government and police in a really bad spot. The reality is that the police could not do much once the protesters where in place. Hopefully the police learned some lessons that can be applied to prevent the next protest.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
It's not just reports. Look at any on the pictures of the occupation in the local papers and you'll see young teenagers and women in the front line of the protest blocking the police. Plus there was lot of footage of baby strollers and infants in the crowd too.

This was nothing more than a coordinated plan, putting women and children in the front to block any attempts at police to employ normal riot control tactics. Can you imagine the field day the tamils wouldhave in the media if the police had sent in the horses and riot officers to dispurse the crowd.

The orgainizers should be held accountable and any parent who was out there with a minor should be charged.

curious newbee

Active member
Oct 23, 2002
West End
KBear said:
United Steel Workers have now shown up at the Tamil protest to show their solidarity and support.
Unions support any/all causes just to show unity. That's unions for ya!!!

As for this protest, isn't there an Indian consulate they can protest in front of??? Using women and children as your front line of defense from the police shows that you are the same type of cowards that you are trying to protect in your know...the Tamil Tigers. By flying their colours, you are losing any support from the public and by blocking major highways, all you're doing is pissing people off and losing even more support. Instead of that try doing this:

1) Distance yourselves from the Tamil Tigers completely...don't fly their flags, or wear anything referring to them.

2) If you're not a Canadian Citizen, especially if you've been here longer than the required minimum to become a Canadian Citizen, then leave if you feel so strongly about what's happening in Sri Lanka and go protest there as you obviously don't consider yourself Canadian and therefore shouldn't have the rights and priviledges of any form of legal protest extended to you.

3) If you are a Canadian Citizen, protest in front of the embassy and don't block major roadways and highways.....and as per point 1, don't have any reference to the Tamil Tigers.

4) Get a proper spokesperson who can speak to the media, ensure that you disassociate yourselves from the Tamil Tigers and get an organizer who will organize these protests at Queenspark or in front of the Indian embassy.

5) Canada is a great country and you are abusing the freedoms afforded to you. If you tried to do this in your home country, you know that this would have been stopped, with force if necessary. Remember that when you repeatedly abuse this freedom.

Now....please go and try some of the above mentioned and maybe, just maybe, people will start listening to you. You need the public to side with your cause....instead, you are just driving a wedge into the support you need.


New member
Aug 6, 2007
"As terrorist groups go, it has quite a résumé:

* Perfected the use of suicide bombers;

* Invented the suicide belt;

* Pioneered the use of women in suicide attacks;

* Murdered some 4,000 people in the past two years alone; and

* Assassinated two world leaders—the only terrorist organization to do so.

No, it’s not al Qaeda or Hezbollah or even HAMAS. The group is called the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) or the Tamil Tigers for short."
Toronto Escorts