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Sweden says its coronavirus approach has worked. The numbers show a different story


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
You really overthink this shit so much DS99.

I simply took the title from the first article I found. That's all.

Your opinion is it's wrong/false information. I'll wait to see who else agrees with you as clearly seen in many threads you put out your narrative and yet there is little agreement with you rather multiple members argue with you. But do carry on.

You bold and large font my statement of 'what we learned when we look back' - and that we will - in time, when we get to that point, we can properly look back. Still too early to truly understand all that has happened, what we did right and what we did wrong - but carry on as the world expert on what is right or wrong to do, posting here on an escort review board.
Her words are in direct response to the Academic foundation of closing schools, and even with that she is using words "could", "perhaps", and "with infection control measures" it certainly is not a definite the same would be achieved from not locking down schools, which is in complete opposition of your article.

What the sensationalized article claims she said and what you repeated here numerous times are simply false and misleading.
Here are her exact words.

In an interview with NRK, she says this about the academic basis for closing schools and kindergartens, among other things.
"It does not mean that we do not stand by the advice we gave then, given the knowledge base we had at the time. Our assessment now, and I find that there is a broad consensus in connection with the reopening, was that one could achieve perhaps the same effect and avoid some of the unfortunate effects of the ring by not closing, but by keeping open with infection control measures."

It absolutely does not make a difference if people agree with me or not because certain words out of her statement were purposely selected and leaving out the important parts to fit the narrative that the article you linked was trying to spin which makes the article you posted again false.

As for me I do not put narratives out, I repeat facts and data from reliable sources, if people disagree with facts and data it shows their lack of knowledge on the subject.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
What's really ominous is that if one thought Sweden's testing couldn't get any worse well it has, Sweden's testing has actually gotten a lot worse over the last few weeks.
I believe this has to do with them getting a lot of negative criticism from Norway and Denmark and the 2 countries not opening their borders to them, and the Swedish government thinks they can attempt to supress the number of positive cases so it doesn't look as bad.

Current test numbers
Sweden 38,000+/Mln tests------3.8% Pop
Finland 40,000+/Mln tests-------4.1% Pop
Norway 56,000+/Mln tests-------5.6% Pop

Denmark 151,000+/Mln tests---15.1% Popl

Some days the Swedish government goes on for days at a time without reporting any new addition to the number of tests administered. Their current test number of 385,659 has been the same for the last two days.

What's really interesting in Sweden of the number of confirmed cases, women account for 50% higher # ofe cases, meanwhile the men account for roughly 25% higher # of deaths than the women even with a lower # of confirmed cases which is a significant difference.
The men are also more likely to end up in intensive care nurse watch by 280% more than the women. Which is an unbelievable disparity.

Also roughly 50% of the people who are in intensive care nurse watch are under 60 years of age which has been consistent, as of today that # is just over 46%.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Sweden’s reporting of the number of daily cases, number of new daily deaths, critical cases as well as administered tests has become untrustworthy.

They haven’t reported any new tests administered in the last 4 days including today, The number of total tests is still at 385,659.
Because of no new tests administered they also haven’t reported any new daily cases since June 18th.
And haven’t reported any new deaths for the same duration this is the 3rd day in a row.

Everything is pointing to the Swedish government attempting to preventing the real numbers show as they would indicate the government hasn’t been able to limit the spread of the virus like they had claimed would happen.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Sweden’s reporting of the number of daily cases, number of new daily deaths, critical cases as well as administered tests has become untrustworthy.

They haven’t reported any new tests administered in the last 4 days and the # is still at 385,659 total tests.
Because of no new tests administered they also haven’t reported any new daily cases since June 18th.
And haven’t reported any new deaths for the 3rd day in a row.
Everything is pointing to the Swedish government attempting to preventing the real numbers show as they would indicate the government hasn’t been able to limit the spread of the virus like they had claimed would happen.
This is what Trumpfart is wishing he can do. Slow down testing and manipulate the numbers. No test means COVID is not real.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
This is what Trumpfart is wishing he can do. Slow down testing and manipulate the numbers. No test means COVID is not real.
Even if countries slow down their testing and attempt to manipulate the numbers like Sweden or Brazil have it will be evident in the numbers. Because it will show the number of testing will very slowly increase yet the number of new confirmed cases will show to be increasing exponentially in comparison to the tests administered.
Unless they outright stop reporting the # of deaths and # of confirmed new cases too, which even then will show they are lying because there is no country that can go from 100's of new daily cases to 0 new daily cases, it just does not and can not happen with the Coronavirus.
Again this is why the data and the facts regarding the Coronavirus are so important and personal opinions or made up beliefs are not.

Countries such as Norway, Denmark and Finland who are border neighbours of Sweden have no choice but to keep their borders closed with them and be very cautious about re-opening with them as to not have the spread of the virus back into their country again by the reckless actions of another. Which will further have a decline and isolate the Swedish economy more after those countries have re-opened.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Even if countries slow down their testing and attempt to manipulate the numbers...
As I said since the start, the numbers that matter are deaths and hospitalisations and unless you follow the lead of China (making whistle-blowers disappear) or Russia (doctors who keep falling out of windows) there is no way to hide that.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Sweden without hardcore lockdown
Seems to have flattened the curve without the trainwreck to their economy and people commiting mass suicide as happened in other countries (not to mention the long term pending crisis in places like Canada of psych issues and poverty issues which will effect millions in debt for next decade)

But some dogs think the curve is not flat since April when pandemic peaked




Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Sweden without hardcore lockdown
Seems to have flattened the curve without the trainwreck to their economy...
Maybe you should actually look at some facts because it's already been posted that on top of the much higher death rate, Sweden's economy has suffered about the same as everyone else.

All the negatives and none of the positives hardly seems like a strategy for success.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Sweden without hardcore lockdown
Seems to have flattened the curve without the trainwreck to their economy and people commiting mass suicide as happened in other countries (not to mention the long term pending crisis in places like Canada of psych issues and poverty issues which will effect millions in debt for next decade)

But some dogs think the curve is not flat since April when pandemic peaked

Sweden has not flattened any curve regarding the Coronavirus. Sweden yesterday had 1,610 new daily confirmed cases along with 48 new deaths which in comparison to their immediate border neighbours Denmark (54 cases, 0 deaths yesterday), Finland (16 cases, 0 deaths yesterday), Norway (12 cases, 0 deaths yesterday) is significantly a higher number which all those countries saw the spread of the Coronavirus in the same timeline.

Although I've explained this to you numerous times, you still haven't understood when health professionals talk about flattening the curve it's in regards to the number of new daily confirmed cases yet you still try to quote the number of new deaths in regards to flattening the curve which even then you still can't get it right because your definition of rising and flattening the curve is incorrect.
You've kept asserting that Norway's number of deaths going from 0-1, or from 0-5 on a few days is a significant increase and rising numbers of deaths meanwhile at the same time not comprehending that in Sweden numbers of deaths have risen from 0-17, or 0-69 and 48-102 just in the last 10 days is a bigger rise and more significant increase, all of this shows your irrational and ignorance on the subject of flattening the curve and rising numbers.

So question is how does a logical thinking person consider a rise from 0-1, 0-5 a significant increase meanwhile claim a rise from 0-17, 0-69 and 48-102 a flattening of a curve or decline in numbers. Now this is even if flatenning the curve was in regards to the number of deaths which it's not, it's always been about the number of new daily confirmed cases.

As for your nonsense about lockdowns having a bigger effect again this is incorrect as Sweden's economy shrank even more than Denmark although at the beginning they claimed this would be a side benefit to their strategy now they are attempting to say they had expected this to happen.
I've explained to numerous people including you that in today's world where economies are highly dependent on one another the benefits that could have been by Sweden would be minimal if any.
I love the fact that you are very consistent you never let facts get in the way of your non factual opinion.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Sweden's approach to handing covid-19 may have not been the best approach.

What’s really troubling in Sweden is that about 50% of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus are under 50 years of age, unlike what some people have tried to claim that the main issue in Sweden is transmission of the Coronavirus in LTCH’s.

They still haven’t been able to limit the spread of the virus like they claimed their strategy would have done, on June 30th they had 1445 new daily cases, we are in July and Sweden is nowhere near herd immunity which they claimed they would have by the end of May.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Sweden’s testing and reporting has become a lot worse than it was previously.
They had originally reported the number of new daily cases from June 30th and re reported and adjusted it once to 1445, now that number has changed to 909 new daily cases and they’ve spread out the number of missing cases to new days which they’ve been doing often.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Sweden's failure continues.
Sweden is currently 18th overall in cases/1 Million population but in comparison to countries with the same amount of population or higher is actually 5th in total cases/1 Million population behind some of the countries with the highest number of cases Brazil, Peru, USA, and Chile.

Sweden is currently 7th overall in deaths/1 Million population but in comparison to countries with the same amount of popuation or higher is actually 5th in deaths/1 Million population only behind some of countries with the highest death counts from the Coronavirus Italy, Spain, U.K, and Belgium who all acted way too late to stop the spread of the virus

They have even surpassed some of the countries right wing nutbars were comparing Sweden's death/1 Million population to at the beginning Ireland, Netherlands, France which are also some of the worst affected countries.

The worst is sweden is doing much worse than every other border neighbouring countries who saw the Coronavirus in the same timeframe, and who all share so many sociological similarities.

Deaths/1Mln population
Sweden-----543---------5X more then Denmark, 9X more then Finland, 11.5X more then Norway

Cases/1 Mln population

Sweden-----7312------3.5X more then Denmark, 4.5X more then Norway, 5.5X more than Finland

Taking into account that Nordic people in general are extremely obedient and trusting of their governments, the Swedish numbers are ridicolously high and the governments inactions have costs thousands of unnecessary lives as well as tens of thousands of unnecessary cases.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Cases and deaths continue to rise in Sweden meanwhile they haven't had any significant increase in Norway, Finland or Denmark.

Deaths/1Mln population
Sweden-----564---------5.5X more then Denmark, 9.5X more then Finland, 12X more then Norway

Cases/1 Mln population

Sweden-----7868------3.5X more then Denmark, 4.5X more then Norway, 5.5X more than Finland

Clearly we can see that having no shutdowns like they did in Sweden is the proper way to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The Swedish failure continues.
In the month of July the Nordic bordering neighbour countries number of deaths/cases and per million

Sweden------------------265----------------26.2/Mln population
Denmark----------------10------------------1.7/Mln population
Norway-------------------5-------------------0.9/Mln population
Finland-------------------1--------------------0.2/Mln population


Sweden--------------10,905---------------1079/Mln population
Denmark------------1,021-----------------176/Mln population
Norway--------------361--------------------67/Mln population
Finland---------------218--------------------39/Mln population
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Love how you suddenly jump to another thread after being shown how unsuccessful Sweden was.

The Swedish failure continues


Cases Yesterday------173-------------------------------------123-------------------------------------55------------------------------21

In the month of July the Nordic bordering neighbour countries number of deaths/cases and per million


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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
In the last week August 13 - August 20th Sweden has had 1762 confirmed cases, far higher than what all their Nordic bordering neighbours Denmark, Norway, and Finland had combined of
1412 total confrimed cases.
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