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Surprise, surprise - Jordan Manners


New member
Sep 29, 2004
As is so often the case, more information always comes out. I have no doubt the boy's mother feels he was a good kid but it seems there are indications to the contrary.
The article also points out some disturbing, but not suprising, circumstances. Is anyone really surprised that the school board, principle, etc. don't want the police called when a student assaults a teacher?

It's also intersting that Loreen Small has gone into hiding. Sure there's no gang connection. :cool:


Jan 31, 2005
It's all just a racist conspiracy by the police and the media to make blacks around Jane-Finch look bad. They're all good kids. There's no gangs. No-one is connected to any gang. It's normal to show up at school waving around huge wads of "birthday money", especially in a safe area like Jane-Finch. If white kids shot up somebody's house people wouldn't react this way, it's so racist, if white kids shot up a house forest hill people would just chuckle and say "boys will be boys".

Jordan's family is tight. His multiple dad's take great care of him, and aren't in the papers only because they're a little shy. His friends and relatives didn't spend time in jail for being bad people, it was all part of the conspiracy, they're nice wholesome people.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Wonder how much will leek out before the politically correct damage control crowd drop the cone of silence on this one.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
One thing I do have to question is the teacher saying he wont step into the school yet he was present when the assembly took place after Jordan's death.
Nevertheless, the media has told us that Jordan was a straight A student. Why then is the homeroom teacher a special ed teacher???
Alot of questions need to be answered.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

A good friend of mine is a guidance councillor in York Region. Can't remember what brought it on, but the principal of the high school was raked over the coals for remarks he said.

Apparently he said in a staff meeting something to the effect that they had to be extra vigilant in that school because there was a very high percentage of violent behaviour amoung its black students.

It would seem that the entire system has its head up its ass when it comes to dealing with punks.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
fuji said:
It's all just a racist conspiracy by the police and the media to make blacks around Jane-Finch look bad. They're all good kids. There's no gangs. No-one is connected to any gang. It's normal to show up at school waving around huge wads of "birthday money", especially in a safe area like Jane-Finch. If white kids shot up somebody's house people wouldn't react this way, it's so racist, if white kids shot up a house forest hill people would just chuckle and say "boys will be boys".

Jordan's family is tight. His multiple dad's take great care of him, and aren't in the papers only because they're a little shy. His friends and relatives didn't spend time in jail for being bad people, it was all part of the conspiracy, they're nice wholesome people.

Well, I sure don't feel bad.
Seems as though the kid was asking for it, so he got it.
That and that Vice City game, just a small handful of things that influenced this kid - I'm sure.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Schools are no longer allowed to fail anyone except under special circumstances so I'm not surprised someone was given an "A" in special ed.
Maybe the mother mis-spoke and said Jordan's favorite letter in school is "a".



Feb 7, 2007
Like I stated before on the other thread , until young boys have a strong father figure, their father figure is the gang.

There are other factors of course ,but this one is huge.Too often there are good boys that either have to join or get assaulted if they don't.Either way its a bad choice for these young kids.I think that he was a good kid who got mixed up with some older kids that were not so good.

How tragic,


May 27, 2005
marc said:
I think that he was a good kid who got mixed up with some older kids that were not so good.

How tragic,
they're all good kids until they get fucked up


Feb 7, 2007
I agree so the $64,000 question is how do these get boys not get fucked up ?

What does the community, the city etc do ?

How many kids have to fight the struggle that he had to deal with with no where to go.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
marc said:
I agree so the $64,000 question is how do these get boys not get fucked up ?

What does the community, the city etc do ?

How many kids have to fight the struggle that he had to deal with with no where to go.

It starts with the parents, they pop em out I shouldn't have to pay to "entertain " them.


Feb 7, 2007
I agree and thats my point that it starts there. Problem is though is that the single mom does need help for the good of the community because these boys will continue to kill eachother if status quo sticks.


May 27, 2005
marc said:
I agree so the $64,000 question is how do these get boys not get fucked up ?

What does the community, the city etc do ?

How many kids have to fight the struggle that he had to deal with with no where to go.
Well its a combination of a lot of things...but here are a few:

LL said it starts at home... I say it starts with them using their damn brain.

Dont pop kids out if your not ready for them. Use protection!! I have no idea what they have against using a condom or popping a pill... there are programs available to financially struggling people that provides these resourcese to them. Why they dont take advantage is beyond me...and to make matters worse they go and add more kids to their fucked up ghetto fabulous life.
If its an accident, dont fool yourself into thinking your up to the job when you are not...abort it or give it up for adoption (if you dont agree with abortion); either alternative is better than living as a child to parents who are not up to snuff. case in point. I know a girl who has like 5 kids from 4 different fathers...shes pathetic and sucks as a mother because A) Shes dumb, B) Shes too immature and C) Theres just too many kids for one dullard to keep track of. the oldest child is 9 and stays out past 11pm and doesnt listen to her. My money says that this kid wont see great is that?

Secondly (after having the kid)...

They dont necessarily have to have a father per se but they need parents/guardians that actually have the time to spend with them and teach them values...whether its a mom and a dad (the typical basis of a family unit), a mom and a mom, two dads...whatever. My point is this works best when there are two parents because theres only 24hrs in a day and when you look at the time spent having to work, then come home and handle domestic responsibilities there simply isnt time for the kids if there is just one of you.


Because the parents arent raising these kids right...they end up looking up to entertainers who rap about questionable content and take it as a way of life....violence, guns, "bitches", "Hos", "Bling Bling"...dumb shit. Now I dont blame these rappers, all they are are entertainers. I enjoyed listening to some of their stuff ...but Kids need to have enough sense to know the difference between entertainment and cold hard reality. They also need to know that although these rappers may be rapping about their own past doesnt have to be their reality...they need to be able to see the wrong in certain things.
As a youngster I was able to listen to this stuff solely for listening pleasure and know better than to go and do what they rap these days lack that kind of sense.

those are just a few points but there are many many many more issues at many infact, one could write a very thick book about it...


Feb 7, 2007
I grew up in a very bad part of the States and you either joined a gang or you had an equally bad problem.You points are right I would say but I don't go for the rap/video game/matrix movie point because I think it is not too valid.

Rap like you , I like some and don't like some but I do not think it helps the kids with hearing those words etc but it is their art, their expression, their choice.

I believe that until the community steps up and seeks change , change will not happen.It is too bad.


Jan 31, 2005
Mongrel4u said:
I dont blame these rappers, all they are are entertainers.
Someone on the radio the other day made an interesting point. If "all they are are entertainers", etc., if television, radio, and music, really are just for entertainment and don't really have any influence on people, then why do advertisers pay so much to be a part of it?

Plainly they do have an influence. I don't know what you do about that, because freedom of expression is pretty fucking important, but I sure wish there was less of this media glorification of criminals.


Feb 7, 2007
They do have influence but I do not buy for 1 second that any rapper can turn a good kid into a killer, more than John Wayne could have turned me into a killer.

Do we censor art is the question and I say NO !

Ho's ,bitches , bling etc are these kids art-plain and simple and its a hip hop culture with 16 year old wanna be gangsters running around acting like a wangster.


May 27, 2005
marc said:
They do have influence but I do not buy for 1 second that any rapper can turn a good kid into a killer, more than John Wayne could have turned me into a killer.

Do we censor art is the question and I say NO !

Ho's ,bitches , bling etc are these kids art-plain and simple and its a hip hop culture with 16 year old wanna be gangsters running around acting like a wangster.


these kids dont have sense like we did in our day...they really are that fool hardy these should talk to some of them...its sad.

They relate to them because they feel that they are exactly like them...These punks have convinced themselves that they cant go to school, run a business, make an honest whats left? they associate with these guys


May 27, 2005
fuji said:
Plainly they do have an influence. I don't know what you do about that, because freedom of expression is pretty fucking important, but I sure wish there was less of this media glorification of criminals.

What do you do about it? spend time with your kid (not YOU lol) teach the damn kids some sense and reasoning.

I'm not for censoring...just raising kids rights. In life theres going to be all kinds of options, some will be good, some will be bad and others will be worse. They need to be able to access a situation and make proper decisions

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
marc said:
I agree so the $64,000 question is how do these get boys not get fucked up ?

What does the community, the city etc do ?
The city simply cannot deliver the social services these kids need. IMNSHO, the mother's need to learn to use birth control until married. The fathers need to take responsibility for their actions.

Yes, the city should have drop in centres and sports areas, but the government cannot be all things to all people.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Make both parents responsible for their children. Ensure fathers are at least providing money to ensure that children are taken care of. There should be limits on length of social assistance and public housing. It turns into a vicious circle where kids grow up on assistance having children who go on assistance. If these people are immigrants, make sure that sponsors are economically responsible for them.

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