marc said:
I agree so the $64,000 question is how do these get boys not get fucked up ?
What does the community, the city etc do ?
How many kids have to fight the struggle that he had to deal with with no where to go.
Well its a combination of a lot of things...but here are a few:
LL said it starts at home... I say it starts with them using their damn brain.
Dont pop kids out if your not ready for them. Use protection!! I have no idea what they have against using a condom or popping a pill... there are programs available to financially struggling people that provides these resourcese to them. Why they dont take advantage is beyond me...and to make matters worse they go and add more kids to their fucked up ghetto fabulous life.
If its an accident, dont fool yourself into thinking your up to the job when you are not...abort it or give it up for adoption (if you dont agree with abortion); either alternative is better than living as a child to parents who are not up to snuff. case in point. I know a girl who has like 5 kids from 4 different fathers...shes pathetic and sucks as a mother because A) Shes dumb, B) Shes too immature and C) Theres just too many kids for one dullard to keep track of. the oldest child is 9 and stays out past 11pm and doesnt listen to her. My money says that this kid wont see great is that?
Secondly (after having the kid)...
They dont necessarily have to have a father per se but they need parents/guardians that actually have the time to spend with them and teach them values...whether its a mom and a dad (the typical basis of a family unit), a mom and a mom, two dads...whatever. My point is this works best when there are two parents because theres only 24hrs in a day and when you look at the time spent having to work, then come home and handle domestic responsibilities there simply isnt time for the kids if there is just one of you.
Because the parents arent raising these kids right...they end up looking up to entertainers who rap about questionable content and take it as a way of life....violence, guns, "bitches", "Hos", "Bling Bling"...dumb shit. Now I dont blame these rappers, all they are are entertainers. I enjoyed listening to some of their stuff ...but Kids need to have enough sense to know the difference between entertainment and cold hard reality. They also need to know that although these rappers may be rapping about their own past doesnt have to be their reality...they need to be able to see the wrong in certain things.
As a youngster I was able to listen to this stuff solely for listening pleasure and know better than to go and do what they rap these days lack that kind of sense.
those are just a few points but there are many many many more issues at many infact, one could write a very thick book about it...