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Sugar Baby Conversion


New member
Mar 28, 2024
I started on Seeking about 2 weeks ago. Within a few days I made an arrangement to meet someone, she is a 25 year old beauty pageant winner who was a finalist for Ms Canada two years ago who recently moved to Toronto, tall, blonde and beautiful, she's also bisexual. She is into older, rich, successful guys. I take her out for dinner, Canoe, Louis Louis etc., and then we come back to my place and have two plus hours of sex. I'm 55 but look about 40 (and thank you Cialis), it is a good relationship but I started to find it boring, not the sex but there is only so much you can talk about. I have a date tomorrow night with a fitness model, we will see how it goes, but what helps are good photos, looking young and fit, good fashion sense, money and being upfront. I like it because unlike escorts, there is no time limit, but it does start to get like regular dating and I have been stalked by some girls, texting me repeatedly after I have ghosted them.
I'm been curious regarding the whole SB scene and have been using agencies lately. I asked one I really liked at the agency if she was interested and it was super easy to set up and took the plunge. I like long appointments, its way more affordable.and bang for your buck. I calculated it out and it's at least $100 an hour less then seeing an escort

I see her every week since Aug and she has traveled with me for work and I have to say It's way for fun too.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I am beginning to wonder about ALL THESE NEW MEMBERS.

It's like you are having a convo with a friend in the street and some strange over hears and drops a dumb comment. 80% it's a NPC.
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