Ashley Madison

State Of The Union Address


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Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
zanner69 said:
papasmerf said:
yes I'm aware of that - but which party currently controls the house and the senate??
One for each of them as I recall


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
zanner69 said:
papasmerf said:
so you don't think Bush can cross over and get some votes to carry out his agenda and his proposals??
With Spitzer running for govenor and hillery's ambition to let bill play in the oval office, again, I dare say politics will be more the factor then the good of the people to them.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Hillary's scream heard 'round the world!!

Bush Jr. "Unfortuntely, my proposals for Social Security were defeated".
Hillary: ***YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** (Clapping)


That was American history at it's finest. She's *in* as the next US President with that one.

Reagan: "I'm paying for these Microphones". In.
Bush Sr.: spoke a little louder with the word "fish" over Dukakis during the debate. In.
Clinton: Saxophone playing on Arsenio. In.
Bush Jr.: Subliminable. Bucherer. "That guy's a real asshole" (shit). Just speak stupid. In. But may be out in 2007 because now he's "confident he had legal authority" for wiretapping. Before, he said he simply "has legal authority". Impeachable. Abramoff? Wait 'til you see the new pictures, probably 1000 of them. He knew him.

Hillary: ****YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!**** against Bush Jr. at a State of the Union address. In.

Gyaos Baltar (Vice President of Caprica)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gyaos said:
Bush Jr. "Unfortuntely, my proposals for Social Security were defeated".
Hillary: ***YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** (Clapping)


That was American history at it's finest. She's *in* as the next US President with that one.

Reagan: "I'm paying for these Microphones". In.
Bush Sr.: spoke a little louder with the word "fish" over Dukakis during the debate. In.
Clinton: Saxophone playing on Arsenio. In.
Bush Jr.: Subliminable. Bucherer. "That guy's a real asshole" (shit). Just speak stupid. In. But may be out in 2007 because now he's "confident he had legal authority" for wiretapping. Before, he said he simply "has legal authority". Impeachable. Abramoff? Wait 'til you see the new pictures, probably 1000 of them. He knew him.

Hillary: ****YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!**** against Bush Jr. at a State of the Union address. In.

Gyaos Baltar (Vice President of Caprica)
And who can forget her joking around at the Presidents Statement on 9-14-01?


DonQuixote said:
papasmerf said:
This R Congress gives Bush everything he wants.
Those that stand in his ways are the American public.
His failed initiatives were the result of the public
displeasure and not the rubber-stamp Congress who
never 'stand in the way of his ideas'. Jeesh, I wish
that were the case.

you are quoting the wrong guy!!!! - that's papa's quote not mine!!!!!

Originally Posted by zanner69 (not so!!!!!) - I'M INNOCENT I TELL YA!!!!!
I agree with you that COngress will stand it the way of his ideas
You must remember this it is Comgress that makes law not the President.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Random thoughts on SOTU

Here we had the Shrub wringing his hands about the sorry state of math and science education in the US. This is a joke, coming from the party that has led the fight AGAINST science in so many ways: cut science funding by over 30% for FY 2006; wants intelligent design to be taught in the schools; has stated that there is “no global warming”; and has blocked stem cell research; among other things.

Let’s just look at what the Union of Concerned Scientists had to say just one year ago:

Scientists: Bush administration distorts research

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's administration distorts scientific findings and seeks to manipulate experts' advice to avoid information that runs counter to its political beliefs, a private organization of scientists asserted on Wednesday.

The Union of Concerned Scientists contended in a report that "the scope and scale of the manipulation, suppression and misrepresentation of science by the Bush administration is unprecedented."

"We're not taking issue with administration policies. We're taking issue with the administration's distortion ... of the science related to some of its policies," said the group's president, Kurt Gottfried.
Then we had him saying that he wanted the “line item veto.” Again, what a joke, from a guy who has yet to veto ONE bill. That’s right, NO vetos in his entire Presidency.

What this village idiot completely neglected to mention is that the line-item veto was passed by Congress in 1996 and found UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court in 1998. THat's less than 10 years ago. Short memory for his speechwriters, I guess.

Then we had the spectacle of him arguing with himself, setting up a man that would kindly be called “straw.” He argues against the “isolationsists.” Again, what a joke. The history of isolationism in the US is packed and stacked with the Republican party. In fact, the Shrub himself ran in 2000 on a platform of being against “nation building.” And what do we call that thing happening in Iraq right now?

The reason that the US is increasingly isolated (the Japanese and Aussies are set to pull out of Iraq, BTW) is because of the policies of the Shrub and the neocons have isolated us. Since he became Pres, the US has retreated from international agreements on missile defense, the environment, and nuclear non-proliferation. Then of course, there is Iraq. He’s the cause of the US being isolated, not his opponents.

And, my favorite: his talk about animal-human hybrids. Oh, God, please spare me from those! They are SUCH a threat to our way of life.

And finally, what about Mars?

This guy is delusional.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
papasmerf said:
And who can forget her joking around at the Presidents Statement on 9-14-01?
What does it matter. She's going to be President, then you'll have 4 years to bitch on TERB. :p

Remember, Bush Jr. did not listen to her husband and then we got attacked on 9-11. Wiretapping Americans without a court warrant.....Nixon.....impeachable in 2007, Conyers will have the majority.

Bush Jr. will be a strong civilian. But who's gonna buy his book, I mean really?



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gyaos said:
What does it matter. She's going to be President, then you'll have 4 years to bitch on TERB. :p

Remember, Bush Jr. did not listen to her husband and then we got attacked on 9-11. Wiretapping Americans without a court warrant.....Nixon.....impeachable in 2007, Conyers will have the majority.

Bush Jr. will be a strong civilian. But who's gonna buy his book, I mean really?

On the afternoon of 9-11 I was unsure of how Bush would handle the actions of 9-11. I was also sure that if Gore were president I would belooking to fortify my home for the next wave. On 9-14-01 Bush won my vote in the past election. Hillery's look of the deer in the headlights, on 9-11, gave way to her displaying disdain for the American public, at Bush speech.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
langeweile said:
For the best line of his speech, may i refer you to my sig line...
I do like you sig


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
DonQuixote said:
If you consider that to be his best line of his speech then
you must relish a divisive, partisan political scene. It's
another version of his 'either you're with us or you're
against us' old saw. This administration plays on
divisive themes. We need a leader that unifies the
country. He does not qualify as a true leader of all
the people. He doesn't reach out; he does coerse and

Why do you consider his divisive tone to be the
best part of his speech?:confused:
Divisive? strange statement coming from a Vietnam vet. Have you forgotten how you guys been treated, when you returned?

Debatting the issue is one thing, showing weakness to your enemy and demoralizing your own troops is a different story.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
papasmerf said:
On the afternoon of 9-11 I was unsure of how Bush would handle the actions of 9-11. I was also sure that if Gore were president I would belooking to fortify my home for the next wave.
All speculation. You don't know how Gore would handle it. But I'm sure how Bush Jr. has handled it. He sat there and let more attacks take place, that day. One building hit. Sits. Two buildings hit. Sits. Pentagon hit. Then gets up and calls Dick Cheney. What? Sorry, if that's your leader, he's all yours.

Impeachment coming in 2007. Resignation soon after.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gyaos said:
All speculation. You don't know how Gore would handle it. But I'm sure how Bush Jr. has handled it. He sat there and let more attacks take place, that day. One building hit. Sits. Two buildings hit. Sits. Pentagon hit. Then gets up and calls Dick Cheney. What? Sorry, if that's your leader, he's all yours.

Impeachment coming in 2007. Resignation soon after.
Not speculation at all. Was me that was glad not you.

Now I ask you what would you have had the President do? Prehaps you would have liked a millitary jet take the doomed flights from the sky? What would you be saying today had that happened? Would you have had him surrender? I am sure you would. I get the impression you are not located in North America.


DonQuixote said:
Taking down the doomed jets was the ethical and just thing to do.
Noone would have questioned that decision once all the facts are
presented to the public. That is an easy ethical and political
decision. They already ran exercises to do such a thing.

My criticism of Bush is that he didn't hit the ground running when he
was sworn in. He was absent from the White House on frequent
vacations. He wasn't minding the store.
how many trips to Crawford?? I think it was twice a month!!!!!:D
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