Well what did you guys think of Dubya's speech last night??
Once again he focused on Iraq and forcefully defended his Iraq policy, telling Congress that even those who oppose the war have no choice now but to support efforts toward victory.
As for dosmetic issues: Bush this year offered a series of somewhat narrower goals, including:
• An "Advanced Energy Initiative" that includes research into ethanol- and hydrogen-powered automobiles. Bush proposed to cut oil imports from the Middle East by more than 75% over the next two decades.
• A new bipartisan commission to address the rising costs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to cope with the ballooning costs from impending baby boomer retirements.
• Renewal of enhanced federal investigative powers in the Patriot Act, currently stalled in the Senate over civil liberties concerns.
• An "American Competitiveness Initiative" that includes training 70,000 high school teachers to teach advanced-placement courses in math and science, as well as extending tax credits for research and development.
• A health care package giving individuals and small businesses the same tax advantages big companies get when they buy health insurance. Bush also proposed tax deductions for insurance costs associated with health savings accounts.
Once again he focused on Iraq and forcefully defended his Iraq policy, telling Congress that even those who oppose the war have no choice now but to support efforts toward victory.
As for dosmetic issues: Bush this year offered a series of somewhat narrower goals, including:
• An "Advanced Energy Initiative" that includes research into ethanol- and hydrogen-powered automobiles. Bush proposed to cut oil imports from the Middle East by more than 75% over the next two decades.
• A new bipartisan commission to address the rising costs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to cope with the ballooning costs from impending baby boomer retirements.
• Renewal of enhanced federal investigative powers in the Patriot Act, currently stalled in the Senate over civil liberties concerns.
• An "American Competitiveness Initiative" that includes training 70,000 high school teachers to teach advanced-placement courses in math and science, as well as extending tax credits for research and development.
• A health care package giving individuals and small businesses the same tax advantages big companies get when they buy health insurance. Bush also proposed tax deductions for insurance costs associated with health savings accounts.