Toronto Passions

Sp's who rip guys off


Belleville Kink Queen
This is why TERB as it’s own Durham section to advertise in. The Durham guys look there. It would be advantageous for you to advertise here.

Posting in Durham, I never had a guy from the GTA think I’m in Toronto. I had a couple ask if I would tour Toronto but never assumed I worked there.

Just stick to this section, put Durham in your signature and in any ad outside of the Durham section and it will be fine.

Many outside of Toronto say that TERB is expensive. It is basically one hh call or less a month but the ROI is much higher making it worth it. They just haven’t tried to see what clients can get brought in.
That's true. I get a lot calls to Scarborough and Mississauga for some reason. Probably completely unrelated. I only work like 8 days out of the month right now and I'm fine with that. I took the time during the pandemic to focus more on other things that are just as important. I'm just worried about taking on too much too fast and getting burnt out... again. TERB IS ABSOLUTELY worth the price. I'm in a weird area though. I spend most of the time explaining my general location to people that are either not willing to pay a deposit or think it's too far. It's nice though. I have a nice little thing going. Mostly domination with some solid clients and a few tourists and locals. I'm scaling back for my own sanity. I'd rather pass along a client than stress myself out. The problem is... there hasn't been anyone out here really to pass them on to. Not in Peterborough or Belleville. The people I did recommend disappeared. I guess I did too... it's weird. I've been recommending some people for so long it's like I genuinely care how they're doing even though I've never met them. I've just never heard anything but good things about certain people.


That guy
Mar 9, 2012
That's true. I get a lot calls to Scarborough and Mississauga for some reason. Probably completely unrelated. I only work like 8 days out of the month right now and I'm fine with that. I took the time during the pandemic to focus more on other things that are just as important. I'm just worried about taking on too much too fast and getting burnt out... again. TERB IS ABSOLUTELY worth the price. I'm in a weird area though. I spend most of the time explaining my general location to people that are either not willing to pay a deposit or think it's too far. It's nice though. I have a nice little thing going. Mostly domination with some solid clients and a few tourists and locals. I'm scaling back for my own sanity. I'd rather pass along a client than stress myself out. The problem is... there hasn't been anyone out here really to pass them on to. Not in Peterborough or Belleville. The people I did recommend disappeared. I guess I did too... it's weird. I've been recommending some people for so long it's like I genuinely care how they're doing even though I've never met them. I've just never heard anything but good things about certain people.
I miss seeing you FYI, someday our schedule will match.
Toronto Escorts