Asia Studios Massage

SP's -have U ever refused a client & Y?

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005

i once walked out on a rich semi-celebrity after he said this would be the best thing that would ever happen to me.

I'll bet leaving it was by *far* the best thing that was ever going to happen to you in his vicinity!

I think some men simply believe that because they are paying for it, they can act and do whatever they want, and treat the sp however they want. And if the sp doesn't like it, it's her problem.

Mr. Rich and Refined had also, earlier in the evening, followed me into the bathroom - this after the guy had to be within 2 feet of me at all times for the previous 24 hours - after I told him I was going to have a bath, which he insisted he was going to watch. I told him I was just going to be shaving my legs and didn't think that would particularily sexy.

His response? "I paid for it; I get to watch". Actually, sir, you paid for my companionship - not a practicum before your Canada Department of Corrections entrance exam. :rolleyes: Fine - go ahead, watch me have a bloody bath; then listen to the clock tick down the minutes while I decide whether or not to pull the plug on this mess. That was a very *uncomfortable* bath.

If the guy hadn't been such an annoying goof, I'm the type who would have said "Hey...wanna help me have a bath? You can help me with the lather while I shave my whatevers!" It probably would have been totally fun...and ended up a bath for two...


Jan 4, 2005
One time an sp wanted to take a crap. I demanded that I get to watch her since I was paying for her time. Then I ate it. :eek:


New member
Feb 2, 2005
WhaWhaWha said:
15-20 minutes of your time and you refund money if he suddenly doesnt smell right? Now that is unusual. Ive heard of the session ending early for that reason but never followed by refund.
Easier to give a full refund then deal with person. People don't take rejection very well at all. This is off an hour call to, if it was a half hour i'd give back half- 75%. The point is, if you don't work on a client to client basis, you have more options. I don't need to take very call that comes in. Ladies who live client to client,{like living pay check to pay check} will not feel they can do the same thing, cause they feel they need money. For me it is just easier if I go for the CBJ and see some bumps that I don't like, or smell that is not appealing, to give back the moeny and say thanks, but I don't want to continue on with this session.


Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
When times are lean, I always remind myself that needing the money doesn't make escorting any less dangerous; if it doesn't feel right turn it down, no matter what.


Govt Designated Pervert
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
Later, I told him I just didn't think it was working out, and offered him back the money for the second night that hadn't happened yet. "No!" he says, "it's not about the money!" I said , are you sure? "Yes!" he cried, wealthily. So I said, "Fine, bye."
For some reason, I'm picturing him as Ricky from Trailer Park Boys... :D

Lil' Miss Mia

Retiring August 31st
Dec 10, 2004
North York
I remember being in a session with a man who seemed to be polite over the phone and upon initially arriving...a bit caught up in himself, but not quite enough to be nauseating...everything progressed fine until we were in "doggystyle" and he grabbed my hair and starting telling me how easy it would be for someone to have a knife and just cut my throat without me even realizing it...scared the bejeezus out of me!
I laughed it off and told him that's why I keep a shank between the mattresses and flipped over right quick...he seemed pissed off that I wasn't showing fear over what he said. I did complete the session but only after making sure his clothes were on the other side of the room and reminding him that my roommate was in the next room.

Other than that, I have turned people away at the door only for the following reasons;
-underage (I had a kid couldn't be 16 show up one day; didn;t sound young on the phone; threw a handful of bills at me and just started grabbing me! I had to wrestle him and his money out the door)

-rude and explicit or disrespectful (which luckily you can usually tell over the phone)

The only time I have ever ended a session (and returned money for time not spent) was when the client flipped out 15 minutes in the session because I wouldn't provide Greek. He tried to tell me that my "receptionist" told him I did greek...I am the only one answering my phone and I KNOW I never said anything of the kind lol. His temper was flaring and he was getting very agressive so I asked him to leave immediately. He was not happy, but then again, neither was I (slight bruising to the arms from him holding me down and yelling at me).

There's my 2 cents :)


we do meet some interesting guys.

i have twice found a large knife under the pillow. Once at a Howard Johnson and once at a residense.

The first time I was alarmed and the guy apologized and said he always has one hidden when he stays at hotels. He was really fun and we ended up spending the whole night together. After that I automatically felt under the pillows where ever I was.

The second time I didn't mention it because the guy seemed strange. I just pretended not to notice and i directed the action out of the bedroom. Everything went fine.

I have also met up with a couple of mentally ill guys but i was usually well into the call by the time i realized the extent of their craziness. I have gone through with those calls also. One guy kept saying he wanted to cut my achilles tendon and kill the cops. He even called the cops from the call to tell them he was going to kill them. I think they were on the way over as I was leaving. He told them his location. :eek:


New member
Oct 20, 2004
feminista said:
hey Mr. LuvR
sorry about the delayed reply. i forgot about this thread.

As a feminist I am an advocate of female autonomy. I think I should be able to enter into any business or activity that I choose. As long as I am old enuf and I am not hurting anyone this choice should be my option.

I am not victimized by men. That is not to say that some sexworkers aren't, but people in all fields can be victimized by clients. try being a female real estate agent(done it). that is dangerous.

Of course there are as many diverse views among feminists as there are feminists. I exist in a time and in a culture where this is one of the areas of employment where a female can make some good cash and still have time to volunteer for a rape crisis line or be a rep for CARAL (abortion rights).

My being a hooker doesn't hurt other women, and it certainly doesn't hurt men.

As a feminist I feel no conflict about being a HO.

I don't know what you look like, but your brain is turning me on.

Is that normal?!


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
...actually, the sticker said...

...honk for Jesus!...(kidding).

Abhor is such a potent word. I bet it's a Federal political party and it's the leader of this party that drives your disdain. Am I right?


New member
May 25, 2005
Feminista you should wright a book. Call it The misadventures of an SP


New member
Jul 1, 2005
feminista said:
When we arrived one of the vehicles had a bumper sticker showing support for a political lobby group that I abhor. I told the other girls that there was no way I was going to do the guy who belonged to that group.

Once inside I asked who's car had the sticker on it. Goof#1 admitted it proudly. 2 & 3 chimed in with their support. It turned out that all the brother-in-laws were politically similar.

I couldn't go thru with the call.
Shit man that is so hot. Bad politics would disappear overnight if all women were like you. I may have to book you sometime for your politics alone -- I love hot feminists.


New member
Sep 6, 2004
Politics and sex

Selina said:
Mind you, I have had great sex with Republicans..........
I know! Me too - although I never discussed politics per se, sometimes it's just.. obvious, isn't it?

And by the way, there are loads of stories and books and anthologies of work written by sex workers - we're a very literate bunch, and for some odd reason, we seem to have a lot to say...

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
feminista said:
they were Xians.....just kidding.

I have now actually done calls where the wife was in the house asleep.
What progress.
I think I can top that one........... I actually did a call once where the wife was asleep in THE BED right beside us!!!
This was in the VERY early days when I worked for an agency.
He woke her up and let her know I was there because I was extremely uncomfortable and she actually offered to go to the other room because she could see that I was freaked out by it.

If I was that woman I would have killed him!

I usually refused clients if they generally just seemed creepy or were plain out jerks.
Of course, if I showed up and the location was disgusting, the client was disgusting, or I just didn't feel comfortable I would leave as well but after a while you get pretty good at screening them without really even knowing much at all. I can't remember the last time (before retirement or course) that I walked away from a call.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
marc200 said:
Shit man that is so hot. Bad politics would disappear overnight if all women were like you. I may have to book you sometime for your politics alone -- I love hot feminists.
Gotta agree with you there.. Feminista is the hottest escort I have never met. And I don't even know what she looks like.

But, she thinks i am a caveman... sigh..


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
First goob then sasha. Who's gonna pop up from the past next?
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