Seduction Spa

SP's giving out personal #'s

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I would say its when the SP's is telling you shes having your baby--and DNA test prove it :p --that might mean the client days are over with.

Depends on how rich you are thou.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Hiding said:
In a quick jump to a friend's defense, having met tboy before on friendly - and never professional - terms I have no doubt he has met with many women here, maintained unpaid friendships, and these may likely have translated into 'civilian' sex with SPs. We're people too and these things happen to most of us.
Well said. On another note, I have become friends with many of the people I do business with as well in my day jobs. It is possible to differentiate between the two, as long as boundaries are set. No doubt more difficult in the world of escorting, but it can still be done.


Feb 5, 2007
I'd love to become "friends" with someone that gives fierce foot massages. lol
Was a long day at work today, I don't think I sat more than twice my whole shift. ugh.
<<Looks around for someone to hand my number to in order to have these tootsies rubbed.

Numbskull Pete

New member
Oct 3, 2008
i dunno man, why does everybody get this "i'm gonna get an escort to be my girlfriend" idea and actually think its gonna work? I mean come on, unless you're gonna pay her as much as she was makin from fuckin 20 guys a week I really doubt any escort's gonna jump you for free. Anything else, you're foolin yourself. I call escorts because I want a hot chick to fuck me without all the drama and stuff. Same with strippers. Why the hell would I want to take somethin perfect like that and turn it into a frikin relationship? That's just dull

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Its not all that we want her as a G.F.

The way I would see it is say the company she works for charges $250 an hour, she gets :confused: heres a guess--$150 of that $250. So if I lived in big T and could see her for $200 an hour, I would save $50 and she make $50 more....a win, win for both of us.
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