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Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring


Scent of a Woman = Life
May 20, 2004
The investigations are triggered based on a minimal percentage of assets. Baldwin is right in concept but needs to look at the details and explain what levels trigger an investigation. He makes good points, but they are general and not specific. (I've tried too many cases to accept generalities...)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
This may just blow over like Cheney's Affair below

Anyone recall how Cheney's past scandal was covered up?

Headlined on 3/11/08:
United States of Amnesia: What about Cheney's DC Madam Problem

by Gustav Wynn

How soon we forget the blockbuster ABC News scoop that was - and then wasn't - much bigger and more explosive then Governor Spitzer's, because it alleged Dick Cheney was a client.

In fact, when the news broke, Bush's "AIDS Czar" Randall Tobias, a former Eli Lilly top exec, resigned in shame. He should have stalled a bit like Louisiana Senator David Vitter did - the story was going to be killed, according to Wayne Madsen who named the ABC employee that pulled the plug after White House pressure.

Madsen expanded on the story after ABC dropped it, to allege that convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff was a client, as well as a lawyer in Rudy Giuliani's firm.

Senator Vitter has admitted and apologized for his part in he scandal, but is still in office, likely to be subpoenaed in the Spring 2008 trial of Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey.

Perhaps more sinister then the prostitution allegations are the questions of complicity in a media wash-out by ABC, whose in-house staff was originally given call records directly by Madam Palfrey.

Also according to Madsen, the probe of the DC Madam reveals much more troubling questions, including the unsolved murder of a US attorney and another fired in Bush's DOJ purge, both of whom were investigating the DC Madam case.

This network cover-up mirrors similar allegations made in Dan Rather's lawsuit against CBS News/Viacom. Hopeful his $70 million suit will go forward, Rather claims his controversial Texas Air Guard story was killed not because of the infamous disputed memo, but because of a call made from the White House.

Rather too, will likely name who in the Bush Administration made the call, and who at Viacom took it, also claiming CBS News quashed the Abu Ghraib detainee abuse scandal to curry White House favor, until it was reported by Australian news.

Read about the Vice President's prostitution scandal here: Cheney Scandal Widens, reported on OpEd News last May, and be sure to follow the trial this April, because network news may not!

GW is a proud American from NY State, concerned about ethics issues, media manipulation and overconsumption. He has recently changed careers to become an inner city schoolteacher. A firm proponent of curbing overpopulation and international adoption, he hopes to adopt a third child and enjoys history, outsider art, garage rock music and rare/unusual vinyl records.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
What about Cheney's DC Madam Problem.
Although I know you won't acknowledge the point. First, we don't know if Governor Spitzer will be charged he may not be.

Then there are two major differences in the cases. To the best of my knowledge no one is alleging that the Vice President broke banking laws. Nor is anyone alleging that the Vice President may have violated USC 18 § 2421.


New member
Mar 9, 2006

How come our neighbours to the south become so vocal and excited when silly sex is involved (Clinton also comes to mind) and keep mum when they start a war based on lies, see prisoners tortured or witness their freedoms taken away by the Patriot Act?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
aster said:
How come our neighbours to the south become so vocal and excited when silly sex is involved (Clinton also comes to mind) and keep mum when they start a war based on lies, see prisoners tortured or witness their freedoms taken away by the Patriot Act?
Canada has changed a lot over the past sixty years. Toronto and Ontario generaly used to act in very much the same way.


Scent of a Woman = Life
May 20, 2004
Woody - my point exactly. This is not a chance discovery by the govt. Really believe someone had to tip off IRS or another group to investigate Spitzer. Politics can be the toughest game played.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
He spent $80,000 according to cnn. That's more than Charlie Sheen tried to claim as a tax deduction.


Scent of a Woman = Life
May 20, 2004
aster said:
How come our neighbours to the south become so vocal and excited when silly sex is involved (Clinton also comes to mind) and keep mum when they start a war based on lies, see prisoners tortured or witness their freedoms taken away by the Patriot Act?
No argument here. Sex is fun but war is deadly. Never loose that perspective.


New member
Mar 9, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
Canada has changed a lot over the past sixty years. Toronto and Ontario generaly used to act in very much the same way.
I agree. They are at least sixty years behind in this matter.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
BaldEagke said:
Woody - my point exactly. This is not a chance discovery by the govt. Really believe someone had to tip off IRS or another group to investigate Spitzer. Politics can be the toughest game played.
I don't believe so, but even if so Woody must be about the only friend Govenor Spitzer has left in New York State - and there is a reason for that.

Real Clear Politics - Tom Bevan

"Spitzer was a hard charging, holier than thou prosecutor who was in many respects a world class jerk. He made tons of enemies in his short tenure in office, and he preferred bullying and bluster to nuance and negotiation. The story of Spitzer's (apparent) demise is a mixture of hypocrisy, hubris, schadenfreude and, of course, personal shame and family tragedy."

Time - Nathan Thornburgh

"If these accusations do spell the end of Spitzer as an individual in political life, his ideas - of reform and clean governance in Albany - had already stalled because of a different cardinal sin: not Luxuria (Lust), as in Monday's scandal, but Superbia (Pride). Spitzer's Superbia had rankled old and new in Albany, certainly the Republican majority in the statehouse, but also many Democrats who were astounded at his prickly partisanship and how it cut off all lines of communication between the executive mansion and the state assembly."

Politico - Ben Smith

"He [Spitzer] rubbed politicians the wrong way, in particular, with his insistence that every fight be a matter of personal principle - a bruising style that takes on bitter irony given his current predicament. "

The New York Times Michael Powell and Michael McIntyre

"So often the governor seemed to accumulate enemies for sport, to threaten rivals with destruction when an artful compromise and a disingenuous slap on the back might do just as well."


New member
Jan 19, 2006
aster said:
I agree. They are at least sixty years behind in this matter.
But remember in U.S. terms ours are in no way, shape, or form anything but distinctly minority opinions. I wish they weren't, but they are. :(


Nov 16, 2005
Seriosly...what do you get from a $1000 an hour session? Any trust fund babies out there that can enlighten me as to how much more or better the $1000 session is than a $200 session.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
It seems that the lady he saw, Kristen, was only a 3-4 diamond. There are ladies on that site with a 7-diamond rating that would cost clients $31 K for a dawn-to-dawn rendez-vous.


Mar 8, 2006
Other then the ovuious questions and issues (For Some)

The Real question I TRULY Have is as some have mentioned in this thread Earlier....

HOW!!!! Can a man pay between 1000 - 4000 or 5500 PER HOUR for ANY SP... The pics didnt look and different then our famed Toronto Sp's

I think I also read in "the Complaint/Indictkment" That most of the girls were pros on how to avoid the actual FS SEX Part of the deal....

Like C'MON... Just Crazy... $1000-$5500 Per hour... LUDICROUS..


New member
Mar 9, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
Hypocritical dimwits like Spitzer prove that the arguments against prostitution are vacuous at best. This guy was pontificating against this practice only to get political advantages. In the end his dick proved more powerful than his devious brain. Personally I am against prostitution only if the girl is coerced into it. If not, I love it.
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