Hush Companions

Some &*$###basterd shot a cat with a crossbow

Ulan Bator

Nov 5, 2004
Last night, in the 427 and Finch area, some crumb shot somebody's cat through the shoulder with a cross bow.

The wounded cat managed to crawl up to the door of a nearby house and luckily someone heard its cries of pain and took it to a vet. The vet isn't sure if the cat will make it.

To the stupid, cowardly fuck who did this, I hope someone does the same to you someday. :mad:

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
It not uncommon for people to do this type harm to cat. Most people think of them as annoyance like skunk or racoon and dont think twice and try to get rid of them. I hope this guy get caught. They dont think of them as someone cat. Just a stupid animal who they think is bother them.

My neighbor once threat me and say he want to hurt my cat and that he would take him if he saw him near his house again. what did the cat do? walk along his car and across stretch of grass. I told him he want to steal my property then I am going to police and then told him to go f*** himself. I went and file report on this guy in case he did take cat one day. According to by-law cat are allow to be outside as long as they dont destroy other people property. I still let him out. I know other neighbor tell him i go and file police report and he maybe this worry him. I think he just talking out of his ass.


Addicted To Woman
Aug 18, 2001
Ulan Bator said:
Last night, in the 427 and Finch area, some crumb shot somebody's cat through the shoulder with a cross bow.

The wounded cat managed to crawl up to the door of a nearby house and luckily someone heard its cries of pain and took it to a vet. The vet isn't sure if the cat will make it.

To the stupid, cowardly fuck who did this, I hope someone does the same to you someday. :mad:

A slow drip of nitric acid to this SCUMBAG"S balls (or lack of) would be in order


New member
Dec 29, 2007
What the f#$% is wrong with these people? I say we shove the guys dick in a glass jar, break the jar so the guys dick is covered in broken glass and proceed to feed him water by the gallon!:mad:


Registered User
Sep 6, 2001
I'm confused.
I thought the whole raison d"etre of this board was to discuss hard arrows shooting into pussies?


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Sure, people get shot and killed with guns every day and nobody seems to mind, but when somebody's pet gets hurt, there's an instant uproar.

Ulan Bator

Nov 5, 2004
sleazure said:
Sure, people get shot and killed with guns every day and nobody seems to mind, but when somebody's pet gets hurt, there's an instant uproar.
Such a stupid, assinine comment...........Take your head out of your asshole for once.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
That is despicable. :(

I also had a mean next-door neighbour when I was a teenager who complained that my family's cat was pooping in her garden. We offered to help find a solution such as putting a certain type of soil or plants in it that keeps animals away (because they don't like the smell?) Or building a fence around it and we were offering to pay for these things. She instead told me she was going to "poison the little bastard." I said if she did that she would meet a similar fate. (I wouldn't have really done that of course!) A few days later there was a For Sale sign on their lawn....


New member
Nov 17, 2001
Ulan Bator said:
Last night, in the 427 and Finch area, some crumb shot somebody's cat through the shoulder with a cross bow.

The wounded cat managed to crawl up to the door of a nearby house and luckily someone heard its cries of pain and took it to a vet. The vet isn't sure if the cat will make it.

To the stupid, cowardly fuck who did this, I hope someone does the same to you someday. :mad:

He must have missed the crack dealer on the street. It could be an accident, although, afterall, it IS Toronto North.


Mar 6, 2005
sleazure said:
Sure, people get shot and killed with guns every day and nobody seems to mind, but when somebody's pet gets hurt, there's an instant uproar.

So true! It's almost laughable how society as a whole considers animal cruelty so much more offensive than cruelty to humans. I'm not advocating animal cruelty, but get a grip. It's only a damn cat!


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
sleazure said:
Sure, people get shot and killed with guns every day and nobody seems to mind, but when somebody's pet gets hurt, there's an instant uproar.
I wholeheartedly agree. Even though I am an animal lover, they have their place in the hierarchy of things...

not taking light away from the tragedy for the poor cat, but really... absolutely NO mention here on terb... no uproar about the latest victim of a driveby shooting... no mention about feeling sorry for the victim's family or what not... absolutely none.

even still - on the other hand- I would act in revenge should anyone ever hurt one of my beloved pets. but, the same goes for a family member. I'm just that way.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Here is an interesting read.

Here is an important part. If a cat is on someone's private property, they have every right to trap and remove the cat. It does not state however, that the cat MUST be brought to the pound. (Perhaps a lawyer can correct me here), but that would allow a person to trap a cat on private property, take a drive far to the country and free the cat there.

Just saying.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
Fatume said:
So true! It's almost laughable how society as a whole considers animal cruelty so much more offensive than cruelty to humans. I'm not advocating animal cruelty, but get a grip. It's only a damn cat!

I heard the cat shot first,

(disclaimer: I have a cat, i love the little shit. whats done is done, karma will strike the asshole down, but cats should not be roaming free outside)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fatume said:
So true! It's almost laughable how society as a whole considers animal cruelty so much more offensive than cruelty to humans. I'm not advocating animal cruelty, but get a grip. It's only a damn cat!
The thing is, which you and the other poster don't see is a society is judged on how it treats creatures beneath them.

For one thing, most animals cannot defend themselves, people can. As also stated: just because we care about animals doesn't mean we DON'T care about innocent victims.

BOTh perps should be strung up by the balls.......

As for Miss Croft's neighbour, if my cat had been poisoned after that threat then the neighbour would be in for a world of hurt. But frankly, cat's shouldn't be allowed outside unattended period. Dogs have to be on a lease and so should cats.

No bullshit about them being predatory and needing to be outside. Mine has never been outside (other than to go to the vets or on vacation) and he's fine........


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
tboy said:
For one thing, most animals cannot defend themselves, people can.
not all people can defend themselves. in fact most victims can NOT.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
I know some people that want to take the guy for a ride!

JohnFK said:
Commenting on how despicable it was for someone to shoot an innocent/defenceless cat with a crossbow doesn't mean we don't care about the Jane Crebas of the world.
Once again you have said what I was thinking JFK!

My first reaction was to say, as despicable as this act of cruelty was, it does not compare to the injustice of such instances as what was done to the Jane Creba's and Tori Stafford's of the world! (Amongst all the others of course) :(

But I didn't want to compare the act of cruelty of a small defenseless cat to that of a small defenseless human child.

The fact is... An act of cruelty against a defenseless being is just that. A cowardly act of cruelty which SHOULD be punished to the highest level. Unfortunately in the (Rockslinger term insertion warning) Looney Lefty Liberal society, that we have created for ourselves, the perpetrator has FAR too many rights under the letter of the law. Rights of which, (in my way of thinking at least) should be automatically forfeited. We should NOT be discussing "rights" for people such as the perpetrators of such acts of cruelty, but for taking responsibility for ones actions!

What about the rights of the victims and their loved ones?!

Just my nickels worth...
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