Some &*$###basterd shot a cat with a crossbow

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Cycleguy007 said:
Once again you have said what I was thinking JFK!

My first reaction was to say, as despicable as this act of cruelty was, it does not compare to the injustice of such instances as what was done to the Jane Creba's and Tori Stafford's of the world! (Amongst all the others of course) :(

But I didn't want to compare the act of cruelty of a small defenseless cat to that of a small defenseless human child.

The fact is... An act of cruelty against a defenseless being is just that. A cowardly act of cruelty which SHOULD be punished to the highest level. Unfortunately in the (Rockslinger term insertion warning) Looney Lefty Liberal society, that we have created for ourselves, the perpetrator has FAR too many rights under the letter of the law. Rights of which, (in my way of thinking at least) should be automatically forfeited. We should NOT be discussing "rights" for people such as the perpetrators of such acts of cruelty, but for taking responsibility for ones actions!

What about the rights of the victims and their loved ones?!

Just my nickels worth...
What he said.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
west of the city
Fatume said:
So true! It's almost laughable how society as a whole considers animal cruelty so much more offensive than cruelty to humans. I'm not advocating animal cruelty, but get a grip. It's only a damn cat![/QUOTE

We as as society should condemn cruelty to any living and feeling being whether it be human or animal.The point is here that cat was suffering just as you would had someone shot you with a crossbow
There might be plenty of laws to penalise someone who harms a human but there are way not enough to protect animals-which is possibly why they are the first in line to get abused.
It has been proven that those who abuse animals will often then abuse a human so we should all find this worrying and concerning
I dont see anything that proves your statement that society as a whole considers animal cruelty more offensive than cruelty to to humans-what the f**k are you talking about? In many countries and societies animals-especially cats and dogs are seen as vermin and disposed of in the most inhumane ways,with little or few laws to protect them.
To say its 'only a damn cat' just shows the sort of person you are.very sad indeed


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
this stuff is just sickening. I'm hoping that they track this sicko down somehow and he faces whatever he has coming to him.:mad:

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
We are people too! You know.



Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
coolcat said:
What the f#$% is wrong with these people? I say we shove the guys dick in a glass jar, break the jar so the guys dick is covered in broken glass and proceed to feed him water by the gallon!
I got one better, why don't we reciprocate and crossbow him and shoot the arrow through his cock and balls.:mad:


Mar 7, 2004
The 'it's only a damn cat' line is pretty predictable, there is always someone who wants to set up that straw man. There was a thread a while ago about the guy who shot up a bunch of women at a health club - one could have replied "How can you be so upset about one guy killing a few girls - do you realize how many people are killed by drunks in cars every year? why aren't you outraged about that?" Decent people care about both. Just to reinforce the points well expressed above. The 'get a grip' faction probably really don't care about murdered humans either. They just particuarly don't like animals.

I do have a sensitivity to these animal stories, particularly the one about Phoenix the chow chow who was found wandering in such a horrifying condition. When I first saw that picture in the paper, I really couldn't process it. The combination of the awful suffering apparent there (the saliva dripping from his terribly damaged face simply shocked me to my core) and the incredible dignity that he somehow also projected (he was still here, trying to live even in what would be hell to any sentient being), it was just so so real. My heart grew, because I knew that his heart and mine were the same. This is why we have pets, and why we react to sensless cruelty to them.

With domesticated animals I really feel we owe them care beyond what we might feel for all the creatures, because they have given up their wild capacities to survive in order to live with us. They trust us, even when they shouldn't. This is, to me, a great gift.

I'm a little sensitive because I had to put my dear cat down a week ago, and I felt that the moment of his death was a moment of opening to all suffering.

Tomorrow I get a new kitten! Such is the true grace of life on this often sorry world.

I wish both the cat and the chow chow the best, and hope that even if they do not survive the cruelty of humans, their last days will be touched by the care that humans can also provide.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
staggerspool said:
I do have a sensitivity to these animal stories, particularly the one about Phoenix the chow chow who was found wandering in such a horrifying condition. When I saw that picture in the paper, I really couldn't process it. The combination of the terrible suffering apparent there (the saliva dripping from his terribly damaged face simply shocked me to my core) and the incredible dignity that he somehow also projected (he was still here, trying to live even in what would be hell to any sentient being), it was just so so real. My heart grew, because I knew that his heart and mine were the same.
That was so disturbing, brutal, horrific!!! It really shook me to see that helpless creature that went through a slow, painful torture. I got a bit of a boost tonight when they said it looks like Pheonix will be ok and hopefully can be adopted by a loving family soon.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
tboy said:
As for Miss Croft's neighbour, if my cat had been poisoned after that threat then the neighbour would be in for a world of hurt. But frankly, cat's shouldn't be allowed outside unattended period. Dogs have to be on a lease and so should cats.

Yes, but the ridiculous thing is that my neighbour also had an outdoor cat.:mad:


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Who gives a fuck.

Another thing - now that we're living in the 21st century it's high time to abandon the idea of co-habiting with animals.

It's like religion, a vestige of the past but sadly too many believers still exist. In fact, both religion and the animals rights nonsense is actually growing.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
GotGusto said:
Who gives a fuck.

Another thing - now that we're living in the 21st century it's high time to abandon the idea of co-habiting with animals.

It's like religion, a vestige of the past but sadly too many believers still exist. In fact, both religion and the animals rights nonsense is actually growing.
LOL spoken like a true azz.......


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Fatume said:
.... It's only a damn cat!

So just where on the evolutionary ladder should we become upset about cruelty ?

When you get an arrow through your shoulder?

Some might say...."It's only damn Fatume."
GotGusto said:
Who gives a fuck.

Another thing - now that we're living in the 21st century it's high time to abandon the idea of co-habiting with animals.

It's like religion, a vestige of the past but sadly too many believers still exist. In fact, both religion and the animals rights nonsense is actually growing.
Did you forget to take your happy pills again GG? :p

Sounds like someone needs to get laid! Hee hee


New member
Jan 18, 2009
The pathology of animal lovers is frightening. You know, people in my family who own pets have told me point blank that if their pet was in need of help and a human child was in need of help, they would rather save their pet.

I've heard this from other pet owners but I assumed that members of my own direct flesh and blood would have a little more humanity.

I pray that my views are still those of the majority, but I cannot say with any certainty.

The outcry over the Michael Vick case is outrageous and only makes sense in a warped decaying civilization.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
pencilneckgeek2 said:
Godwin's law.

gotgusto, you lose!
I lose? How so?

"Godwin's Law does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that the likelihood of such a reference or comparison arising increases as the discussion progresses." -'s_law


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I lose? How so?

"Godwin's Law does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that the likelihood of such a reference or comparison arising increases as the discussion progresses." -'s_law


New member
Jan 18, 2009
arthurfonzerelli said:
This would apply if I were making an argument based on Reductio ad Hitlerum, but I was not.

I wasn't making the argument that if Hilter supported X then supporting X is wrong.

My argument is that a society or civilization which puts behaves as though animals are equal to or above humans is one that is undesirable (this was regarding the post I made about my own family members earlier in the thread). The reference to Nazi Germany and its animal protection laws is merely a stark illustration of such backwardness.
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