So who is the bigger douche?


New member
Apr 21, 2005
So there I was on the Bloor Line tonight. This 15 or 16 year old dude gets on, trying to be All That: Ed Hardy t-shirt, cap canted on a ridiculous angle, gold-plated chains etc. So he starts trying to stare down the other passengers. I stare back, since that's kinda what I do. He breaks our stare first, but having had a couple of bottles of wine I'm not content with winning that round. At my stop I stand up, start to get off the train and "accidentally" bring my full weight (mostly fat, not muscle -- alas!) down on his sprawled out foot. I don't do it hard enough to attract attention or to break anything, but he definitely gets the message. At least I assume he did. I can't think of why else he would swear at me and throw something (ineffectual kick? girlie punch? I didn't justify it by turning around...) at my back as I got off.

I'm not proud of my actions and am not looking for validation, but am curious about others reaction. Who is the bigger douche: me or him?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint

Why do you think you're any better than him?

Just because someone looks at you, you stare him down....get a life.

It makes me think of guys that get shot or stabbed because someone looks at them the wrong way.

You're a punk just like him.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
ducttape said:
So there I was on the Bloor Line tonight. This 15 or 16 year old dude gets on, trying to be All That: Ed Hardy t-shirt, cap canted on a ridiculous angle, gold-plated chains etc. So he starts trying to stare down the other passengers. I stare back, since that's kinda what I do. He breaks our stare first, but having had a couple of bottles of wine I'm not content with winning that round. At my stop I stand up, start to get off the train and "accidentally" bring my full weight (mostly fat, not muscle -- alas!) down on his sprawled out foot. I don't do it hard enough to attract attention or to break anything, but he definitely gets the message. At least I assume he did. I can't think of why else he would swear at me and throw something (ineffectual kick? girlie punch? I didn't justify it by turning around...) at my back as I got off.

I'm not proud of my actions and am not looking for validation, but am curious about others reaction. Who is the bigger douche: me or him?

You stepped on his foot by "accident" obviously it was something you didn't mean to do. How can you be the bigger douche?

Clearly this Kid was the bigger one. Even I at my age, know that anyone who still wears out of fashion ed hardy t-shirts with all those fake bedazzle gem stones and a matching hat cocked to the side, rides the subway wearing gold plated chains while trying to start down people is a way, way bigger douche. Who did this kid think he was, Mr.T?

If I was on the subway I would have applauded you. I might have even give you a standing ovation. I am personally can't stand of all these wannabe tough kids who try to imitate others for no reason. I would still pity the little fool.




Apr 24, 2005
You took a huge risk messing with a minor. A minor has a license to legally kill you because they are protected by the Youth Protection Act.


bored and sleepless again
Are you sure douche is a harsh enough word to describe yourself here?
The kid is 15 or 16 and you are how old??
But given that you were intoxicated at the time ( don't know how bad)
somewhere in the age range of 30 - 40 and guessing that a weight of 250
to 300lbs. Yeah douche ain't harsh enough more like


YOur not content to winning a stare down with a 15 year old.
Kids will be kids and the ones that think they are king shite
generally get knocked down a couple notches by other kids.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
Nicole King said:
You stepped on his foot by "accident" obviously it was something you didn't mean to do. How can you be the bigger douche?

Clearly this Kid was the bigger one. Even I at my age, know that anyone who still wears out of fashion ed hardy t-shirts with all those fake bedazzle gem stones and a matching hat cocked to the side, rides the subway wearing gold plated chains while trying to start down people is a way, way bigger douche. Who did this kid think he was, Mr.T?

If I was on the subway I would have applauded you. I might have even give you a standing ovation. I am personally can't stand of all these wannabe tough kids who try to imitate others for no reason. I would still pity the little fool.


I guess you missed "accidently" in quotes means he meant to do it.

lol, I haven't seen this many terbites in agreement on ANY topic.
maybe you should change your name to DOUCHEtape:D


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You are the bigger one, hands down......


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place


Pop Rock Kid
Short answer is you. The guy sounded like he was looking for trouble and you shouldn't have imposed your own juctice. Next time walk away and go home and watch some of the Death Wish movies. This might make you feel better that something gets done to scumbags.

The ultimate douchbags is the parents of this guy for not teaching him how to behave in public and respect others.


Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
islandman4567 said:
I guess you missed "accidently" in quotes means he meant to do it.

lol, I haven't seen this many terbites in agreement on ANY topic.
maybe you should change your name to DOUCHEtape:D
I was only making a joke and it obviously shows how bad I am at it. I honestly don't care who's the bigger douche.

Bob Loblaw said:
You're both equally douches. You for the reasons everyone pointed out, and him because anyone who wears his cap at an angle is already a douche.
I would have to agree with Bob on this one.



HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Him for trying to stare people down on the subway, probably trying to prove to everyone he's a tough guy.
Him again for his fashion sense, but he's only a kid and will hopefully outgrow that phase.
You for "proving" you're a tough guy for staring down a kid.
You again for not leaving it at that and pushing it further by stepping on his foot.
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