1. Our Prime Minister is no leader, completely uninterested in uniting the country.
2. Our media are bought and paid for and, with very few exceptions, perfectly willing follow the party line.
3. The fervent lefty prayers for violence were not answered.
4. O'Toole is no leader and doesn't belong at the head of the future government.
5. Canada and its people are really, really tired of this bullshit- the Covid-19 AND the dog eats dog attitudes of our political and chattering classes.
6. The social media came into its own last week.
Here's what I learned though most was not necessarily in past week.........
1. Our Prime Minister has never been a great leader and has benefitted from incompetent opponents. But he was right not to meet with the joke organizers of this protest, he should have just stated that he would only meet with actual representatives of the trucking industry. Calling this a fringe element was a poor decision, he should have focussed on the organizers and their true motives.
2. Antivaxxer arguments would be much more effective without histrionics about media conspiricies and they need to stop making comparisons to true, actual oppressive governing. The hissy fit aspects of their arguments come across as whining and paranoia.
3. No one wanted violence aside from the true bad actors who hijack all political protests, however the format of this one and especially the views of the organizers made this event a magnet for those bad actors.
4. O'Toole is no leader and doesn't belong at the head of the future government.
5. Canada and its people are really, really tired of this bullshit- the antivaxxers who have always had the freedom to choose whether or not to be vaccinated but don't accept that choices come with consequences, they expect rewards without making any sacrifices. They want to be embraced as community without doing their part to create community. They are the type of people who show up at potlucks without a meal.
6. Anyone who uses social media to decide whether they should or shouldn't have a vaccine injected into them is a buffoon. In fact, social media should be viewed only as entertainment and anyone who uses it as their primary source of information is a moron.